Poor Behavior

Sturbridge Teens Film Themselves Badly Beating 13 Year Old Autistic Boy After Luring Him Into Woods


Editor’s Note: We originally reported that the 17 year old boy was 18. The Sturbridge Police have responded to our reporting, which you can read about by clicking here.

A 13 year old autistic boy from Sturbridge was badly beaten on video after being lured into the woods by a classmate and the classmate’s 17 year old brother. Due to the victim being on the spectrum, he is unfamiliar with certain social norms and wants to fit in. Since his 13 year old classmate is Latino and uses the n word as a term of endearment the victim thought he could use it as well in a bid to impress him. But since the victim is white he was unaware of the unwritten rules that prevent him from using that word due to the color of his skin. This was his punishment:


I unfortunately do not have the name of the 17 year old who repeatedly beat and kicked this poor kid in the head as he lay motionless, refusing to fight back. But I’d certainly like to find out. I do have the name of the 13 year old, which normally I wouldn’t print, but this kid is a complete waste of space who’s gonna end up in jail anyway so we might as well mention that his name is Matteo Valentine. He and his brother live in the Heritage Green Section 8 apartments off Route 20 and were clearly raised by horrible parent(s) who didn’t teach them any values.

My sources tell me that the victim’s parents are pressing charges, but I have been unable to reach them for comment. If you know the name of this maggot on the left:

Please email [email protected], message Clarence Woods Emerson on Facebook, or DM @DoctorTurtleboy on Twitter. He deserves to be named and shamed.

I hate even mentioning why they did this to them because there are many people out there who will rationalize violence if people use the n word. The underlying problem here is that a serious civilization does not allow one group of people to use a word constantly in friendly dialogue, and then make it an unforgivable sin for people of another race to use the same word. The n word is a horrible word, which is why no one should say it. But the fact of the matter is that it’s one of the most common words used by teenagers of all races because they hear it everywhere. Either the word is a horribly offensive word that no one can say, or it’s not. During that beating they said it dozens of times, so obviously they’re not offended by it. They were just looking for an excuse to beat the shit out of an autistic white kid and film it on video, because our society has excused anti-white violence when the victim uses that word.



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  1. I’d also like to know who was filming. This looks like a cut and dry premeditated attack. As the parent of an autistic child, this makes my blood boil.

    1. I would like to say that I go to this middle school and it is not “a school for morons” and Gavin Roy is not in any way autistic. Yes it was a horrible thing to happen but Gavin being autistic is 100%false information and leaking his address? That is truly messed up he is still a child. A child that now has death threats from many grown people. Children screw up a lot big and little it doesn’t always mean violence is the answer. Matteo should feel bad about this. But you all should feel bad too when you don’t even know the whole story and you are making comments like this. Did you ever think that it’s not always the kids fault? It could be the parents who raised him. You should all feel ashamed honestly it’s so immature for grown adults to act like this.

      1. I agree though. I also go to this middle school and Gavin is 100% not autistic. I’ve known him for about 2 years now. And yeah, children screw up a bunch but that doesn’t mean violence can solve every little or big problem and situation.

      2. Not a school for morons but the kids don’t know beating on someone is wrong? That’s passing the blame. Some people can be rotten without blaming the parents but these people aren’t little kids. Grow up

        1. That may be the case… but that still doesn’t make it right for this child to have death threats from grown ass adults. Which is causing him to be escorted around the school at all times. If anything all this is just making it worse.

  2. If I had done that as a kid, my father (and uncles) would have beaten me black and blue. If my kids did this, they would be beaten within an inch of their lives. I am not (Normally) a violent man, but sometimes violences needs to be met with violence.
    Unfortunately, nothing will happen to these hoodboogers.

    1. Same here. My father always told me you’re more of a coward picking on people you know won’t fight back.

  3. What a pussy the little brother is that lured him into the woods. He didn’t even do anything but push him n kick him while he was already on the ground defenseless from his older brother doin all the dirty work. Pure scum, I hope they identify the 18 year old asap and charge him as an adult.

  4. If there was ever a case from permanently removing plague from our society, it would be these 2 morons. The court system will not do it. In 2 years, most of us will forget this attack, these idiots will get CWOF pleas and they’re back on the street.

  5. They are from Southbridge.. but go to tantasqua, the younger ones anyway. It’s 2 brothers and a cousin.

    1. Where the fuck is southbridge? Tantasqua? Sounds like some last chance school for morons. Tough guys

  6. See you lil fucks think your tough, wait until someone bashes your head in, section 8 scum. “He knew he was going to get jumped”, you’re a coward. Lil section 8 foreskins😂

  7. I go to this school everyone knew about what happened a few days after, the kid came back to school and was fine. matteo is back in school, nothing happened and everybody has forgotten about it. They already know who is older brother is so you don’t need to be looking for name because he’s already identified

    1. The idea here, you half-wit, is to name these pussies publicly so they aren’t so comfortable going out in public.

    2. That’s what everyone says about a schoolmate while they’re at his funeral because he committed suicide from the abuse. “He’s fine, like he’s not even bruised that bad.” This is your thought process? Tell you what, let’s see how you come out of getting beaten in the woods, kicked in the head and filmed cowering. “Fine” wouldn’t be the word you’d be using. When this kid tried to get ahold of a gun or something, would you be shocked?

  8. If you go to the same school then why don’t you and your friends take care of these little pussy ass bitches! If this happened when I went to school we would have taken care of it ourselfes. Sickening, What a generation of pussies!

    1. These kids commenting on here are THE kids I’m pretty sure. They have no shame because they constantly get away with crap.

    Contact: Chief Earl Dessert [email protected]
    RE: Turtle Boy Daily News Article
    Date: 06/08/23
    Greeting Sturbridge,
    Yesterday Turtle Boy Daily News released an article titled “Sturbridge Teens Film Themselves Badly Beating 13 Year Old Autistic Boy After Luring Him Into Woods”. I am writing this press release to clear up some information from the article and provide the facts of this incident.
    Three major points that I want to make in this release is that (1) Both suspects were JUVENILES (2) the Sturbridge Police responded to this call. We investigated it thoroughly and charged the juveniles that committed this unconscionable act with 17 different charges between the two. Nine charges were Felonies and eight charges were Misdemeanors. (3) The victim was NOT lured into the woods. The two 13 year olds (juvenile victim and juvenile 1 suspect) mutually agreed to meet in the woods to fight.
    On April 19, 2023 there were in fact, TWO brutal attacks that took place involving the same two juveniles depicted in the TB article.
    Brief Summary of Events:
    At approximately 5pm on April 19, 2023 the Sturbridge Police Communication Center received a 911 call from an adult male party reporting that he was just jumped by two males at the corner of Arnold Rd. and Main St. The Male party further reported that the two males were now walking westbound.
    The Sturbridge Police responded to Main St. and Arnold Rd. and located the adult male. This male party informed officers that on his way home from work when he received a call from his juvenile step-son who reported to him that he was assaulted in the woods near Old Sturbridge Village by two males (this being the brutal attack that is on TB News). The adult male then left to locate the two males. He subsequently located them at Main St. and Arnold Rd. and confronted the two males. An argument began followed by the juveniles assaulting the adult male. The juveniles then fled and the adult male call 911.
    Within a short time, Officers located the two males near Heritage Green. The Sturbridge Police conducted a thorough investigation into this matter. During the investigation, it was discovered that the juvenile victim (13YO) and juvenile 1 (13YO) had both made a mutual arraignment to meet in the woods to fight. During the fight, juvenile 2 (17 YO) jumped into the fight. The investigation also revealed that in addition to the brutal Assault and Battery that took place, juvenile 2 also threatened to use a machete on the juvenile victim if they had another encounter.
    The two juveniles were charged with the following crimes:
    Juvenile 1 (13YO) is charged with the following:
    1. Assault and Battery MISDEMEANOR
    2. Assault and Battery MISDEMEANOR
    3. Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon, to wit shod foot FELONY
    4. Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon, to wit shod foot FELONY
    5. Disorderly Conduct MISDEMEANOR
    6. Disturbing the Peace MISDEMEANOR
    Juvenile 2 (17YO) is charged with the following:
    1. Assault and Battery on a Child with Injury FELONY
    2. Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon on child under 14, to wit shod foot FELONY
    3. Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon on child under 14, to wit shod foot FELONY
    4. Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon on child under 14, to wit shod foot FELONY
    5. Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon on child under 14, to wit shod foot FELONY
    6. Threat to Commit a Crime (Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon on child under 14,
    to wit Machete) MISDEMEANOR
    7. Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon, to wit shod foot FELONY
    8. Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon, to wit shod foot FELONY
    9. Assault and Battery MISDEMEANOR
    10. Disorderly Conduct MISDEMEANOR
    11. Disturbing the Peace MISDEMEANOR
    This matter is now in the hands of the Juvenile Court system. I hope this press release clarifies some of the false information circling social media. This was a horrible crime committed and I certainly hope the juvenile courts levy the appropriate punishments. Lastly, so you are aware when crimes involve victims and juveniles we are very limited on information that we share and that is why no names are mentioned here.
    Chief Dessert

  10. I’m lost… if they’re Latin why are they offended by the n word? They have no right saying it just as much as white people or any other race. Quite frankly no one should be saying it anymore it’s immature language. This makes me glad that I’m out of school because I know that tantasqua won’t do anything and never has done anything about bullying or being assaulted. No one ever gets properly punished in that school and I really hope the 17 year old is charged as an adult for assault and battery.

  11. These two remind m of the Tsarnaev brothers. 2 punks, who hated anything good and pure about The United Stares of America.
    LEAVE! Go find some shithole Country you can fit in to

  12. there is two ways when comes to the word ni**a or Ni**er. ia is used as homeboy, bro im puertorican and its how we use it as term when it comes to friends . but if the word ni**er its too damaging or so horrible to a certain race why use it in songs or to each other dam if you do dam if you dont. and to do this to a person really lock these mfrs in jail.

  13. Maybe it’s just the quality of the audio, but the only ones I hear using ANY bad language of the two punks doing the beating. Did anyone besides these two hear the victim say the n word, or are we just going by the punks” word? Because literally every time black people get recorded assaulting a non black person, that’s the first claim made. Like it’s an excuse and a get-out-jail pass to be violent.

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