Sturbridge Teens Film Themselves Badly Beating 13 Year Old Autistic Boy After Luring Him Into Woods


Editor’s Note: We originally reported that the 17 year old boy was 18. The Sturbridge Police have responded to our reporting, which you can read about by clicking here.

A 13 year old autistic boy from Sturbridge was badly beaten on video after being lured into the woods by a classmate and the classmate’s 17 year old brother. Due to the victim being on the spectrum, he is unfamiliar with certain social norms and wants to fit in. Since his 13 year old classmate is Latino and uses the n word as a term of endearment the victim thought he could use it as well in a bid to impress him. But since the victim is white he was unaware of the unwritten rules that prevent him from using that word due to the color of his skin. This was his punishment:


I unfortunately do not have the name of the 17 year old who repeatedly beat and kicked this poor kid in the head as he lay motionless, refusing to fight back. But I’d certainly like to find out. I do have the name of the 13 year old, which normally I wouldn’t print, but this kid is a complete waste of space who’s gonna end up in jail anyway so we might as well mention that his name is Matteo Valentine. He and his brother live in the Heritage Green Section 8 apartments off Route 20 and were clearly raised by horrible parent(s) who didn’t teach them any values.

My sources tell me that the victim’s parents are pressing charges, but I have been unable to reach them for comment. If you know the name of this maggot on the left:

Please email [email protected], message Clarence Woods Emerson on Facebook, or DM @DoctorTurtleboy on Twitter. He deserves to be named and shamed.

I hate even mentioning why they did this to them because there are many people out there who will rationalize violence if people use the n word. The underlying problem here is that a serious civilization does not allow one group of people to use a word constantly in friendly dialogue, and then make it an unforgivable sin for people of another race to use the same word. The n word is a horrible word, which is why no one should say it. But the fact of the matter is that it’s one of the most common words used by teenagers of all races because they hear it everywhere. Either the word is a horribly offensive word that no one can say, or it’s not. During that beating they said it dozens of times, so obviously they’re not offended by it. They were just looking for an excuse to beat the shit out of an autistic white kid and film it on video, because our society has excused anti-white violence when the victim uses that word.



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