Taunton Woman Arrested For Assaulting 2 Year Old Stepson Is Admin For Facebook Mommy’s Group, Recently Bragged About Getting Custody From DCF

Yesterday the Brockton Enterprise reported on a very disturbing story involving child abuse in Taunton.
A Taunton woman is being held without bail after being arrested this week for what police say was a brutal assault on the 2-year-old son of her boyfriend. Alanna Taylor, 27, was arrested on a warrant five days after the incident at her Somerset Avenue apartment. She’s charged with one count of assault and battery on a child resulting in serious bodily injury. Police say the child underwent a five-hour operation last Wednesday at Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence to treat a brain bleed and reduce pressure on the brain. The boy initially was listed in critical condition after being flown by medical helicopter from Taunton’s Morton Hospital, police said.
Police say Taylor told them in an interview at police headquarters that the child injured himself when he fell off the toilet and hit his head on the bathtub. She allegedly told police that he “loves to eat and got excited” when he heard her say the word “lunch.” But a written assessment from the hospital included in court documents tells a different story. The head injury, in particular, it states, is not consistent with a simple, accidental fall and instead “is consistent with greater blunt-force trauma directly to his head.” Other injuries, including bruising to the child’s buttocks and ear, “are consistent with inflicted injuries and a diagnosis of child physical abuse,” according to the hospital assessment.
“This evaluation is consistent with life-threatening inflicted injury and child physical abuse,” it further states.
Taylor allegedly told police that shortly after the child apparently banged his head on the bathtub, he “didn’t seem right … his eyes rolled back in his head and he became quiet.” The hospital assessment states that when the boy arrived in the emergency department he had “significantly altered mental status requiring immediate neurological intervention.” By the next night, the assessment states, the child was conscious and allegedly told a medical student in his room that “she hit me” but that his father had not. Other areas of bruising included his jaw, right cheek; under his left eye; his neck; thigh; knee; and abdomen, the assessment states.
Police said officers, along with ambulance and fire department personnel, responded at 1:15 p.m. on Dec. 11 to Taylor’s apartment at 78 Somerset Ave. in response to a child who was unresponsive. The following day, police said, they interviewed a woman, previously identified by Taylor as a friend, who said she had stopped by the day before to visit and drop off a nebulizer. The friend allegedly told police she saw the young boy sitting on the toilet and that the child appeared “fine.” She also allegedly said that during the half hour she was visiting Taylor, the boy was in the bathroom and on the toilet the entire time.
Less than 10 minutes after leaving, she allegedly told police, she received a call from a “hysterical” Taylor via Facebook Messenger telling her to come quickly back to the apartment. The friend told police when she arrived just a couple minutes later that the child appeared to be “lifeless.” She also allegedly told police Taylor told her not to call 911 for help.
Police say they concluded that Taylor had lied to them and also that she had been alone with the boy for the 10 to 15 minutes when the incident occurred. During her interview with police, Taylor allegedly stated that she and the boy’s father have one child together, identified as a 14-month-old girl, and that she has a 5-year-old daughter from a previous relationship. A DCF spokesperson issued the following statement regarding the incident: “The Department of Children and Families took custody of the children and is collaborating with law enforcement on the investigations.”
Her oldest daughter was also previously confiscated by the DCF Fairy, but was returned to her because she got clean for at least 3 consecutive weeks.
The twist to this story that no one saw coming was the fact that she is an admin for a Mommy’s group on Facebook.
Generally speaking, anyone who refers to themselves as “mamas” on Facebook, which this woman does all the while begging for handouts on random Facebook pages, is a person you should avoid at all costs.
This isn’t your average mommy’s group though. Usually those groups are mainly comprised of judgmental PC suburban women looking to relive their glory years of high school drama. But this appears to be some sort of hybrid ghetto mommy’s groups based on the rules.
If you have to tell women not to sell their food stamp baby formula and you refer to the sperm donors as “baby daddy’s,” then most likely you are in a group where at least 90% of the members were impregnated by a man wearing a flat brimmed Chicago Bulls hat who owes substantial amounts of money in child support.
She went through a really rigorous vetting process to get the gig there. And by that I mean, a woman asked if anyone wanted to be an admin and since she’s a “stay at home mom” with nothing to do, she volunteered.
The worst part about this is that three months ago she bragged about getting custody of the boy (who is not actually her son) that she beat.
Dad looks like a real prize pig himself.
Definitely seems like a prime candidate for insemination.
Last month in the group she complained that she was fantasizing about abandoning the poor children because she had to yell at them so much.
Shocking that someone like this would be abusive.
Her Facebook bio says she used to work at a daycare too.
In a just world this woman would not only never see her children again, she would also have her tubes tied by Ben Carson himself. But this is Taunton, so all she has to do is avoid relapsing for at least 3 months and she should be good to go.
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She’s got those “Heckle and Jeckle” eyes, and one of those “Children Of The Corn” smiles that even a drunken douchebag Dougie could see through… I’m gonna have nightmares about this POS! SMFH
I personally know the dad the is a good guy just some good old profiling going on here
Running a Facebook group with 900 people by yourself isn’t that difficult….
Can you please take the picture of my son off of this ? It’s the cover photo and I would not like people to see this please and thank you’
Fucking disgusting. I hope she gets severely beaten and someone cuts out her uterus so that mutant can’t fucking reproduce
My daughter’s mother and I know this prostitute she gets her money from old dudes just like my daughter mom I got away from these kind of people funny she almost killed a kid and now she’s free