The Scary White Supremacists Who Marched The Freedom Trail On Saturday Are The Same Morons From Idaho 3 Weeks Ago

Over the weekend a bunch of people claiming to be from the white supremacist group “Patriot Front” marched through the streets of Boston.
White supremacist group Patriot Front marches in Boston to demonstrate their love for right-wing fascism without showing their faces because they're cowards
— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) July 2, 2022
A large crowd of people wearing “Reclaim America” shirts gathering outside of Tasty Burger by Back Bay Station. #wcvb
— Danae Bucci (@DanaeBucci) July 2, 2022
Patriot Front, a masked neo-Nazi & white supremacist gang, marches out of an @MBTA Orange Line station using the @TheCityofMalden as their staging ground. They almost smashed my phone, but I got it back and kept up the chant:
— James Meickle (@jmeickle) July 2, 2022
i was there, it was terrifying. i walked my daughter straight to the holocaust memorial
— jodiblumstein (@jodiblumstein) July 2, 2022
If your immediate reaction to stuff like this isn’t to immediately assume that the Feds are playing dress up again, then there’s pretty much nothing you won’t believe.
Getting our outfits ready for the function at the Lincoln Memorial
— Vinny Thomas (@vinn_ayy) December 5, 2021
Three weeks ago men dressed in the same exact outfits were arrested in a UHaul truck headed to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
A large group of people were detained in Coeur d’Alene today. Info is coming in now. Members of the group Patriot Front have posted videos of their group being detained. These pictures are from @kxly4news journalists on the scene.
— Melissa Luck ☘ (@MelissaKXLY4) June 11, 2022
31 members of white supremacist group, Patriot Front have been arrested and charged with conspiracy to riot near a Pride event in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
A citizen spotted the group traveling to the event in a U-Haul.
Police found shields, shin guards, & one smoke grenade.
— Pop Crave (@PopCrave) June 12, 2022
And wouldn’t you know it? It appears but those same gentleman turned out to be the ones who visited Boston over the weekend. They even used the UHaul truck again.
You know white nationalism is a HUGE problem when they have to fly the same 30 morons and their FBI friends across the country to make it seem like this is some sort of movement with widespread acceptance.
You know why I’ve never heard of any of these people before? Because none of them matter. They’re some of the most insignificant people in the country, they have no political power, their views on race aren’t accepted by any major political parties, and their message isn’t catching on with anyone.
For all the talk about how white nationalists are the biggest domestic terrorist threat to our country all they seemed to do was walk the Freedom Trail while carrying their cute little flags and cosplaying. A couple liberal hardos like Rod Webber (a 48 year old unemployed man who lives in his mother’s house in Needham) and something called James Meickle tried really hard to get some Twitter applause by heroically filming themselves yelling at these unemployable virgins and their fed friends.
Here's video of Rousseau and pals getting into their getaway car: a grey Ford Expedition XLT with clearly legible Texas plates
BONUS: Patriot Front dance moves to block the plate after I'd already been rolling footage. too late, bud!
— James Meickle (@jmeickle) July 3, 2022
*BREAKING* Patriot Front Members are confronted the moment they got off of a train at the Orange Line in Cambridge Massachusetts. The police can be seen protecting Patriot Front members. Media Credit Rod Webber#Cambridge #PatriotFront #AltRight #Boston
— TheFamily'sSoup TV (@FamilysSoupTV) July 2, 2022
Imagine thinking that someone who Rod Webber isn’t afraid of is the biggest terrorist threat in the country today.
Regardless, their presence gave useless politicians like Ed Markey and Michelle Wu the perfect opportunity to virtue signal about how they condemn white supremacists and are committed to love and equity.
The white supremacists who marched in Boston today represent only cowardice and bigotry. Across the Commonwealth, we condemn these disgusting acts and remain firm in our commitment to true equality and justice for all. Hate is not welcome here.
— Ed Markey (@SenMarkey) July 3, 2022
Mayor Wu’s response to The Patriot Front group marching in Boston.
“To the white supremacists who ran through downtown today: When we march, we don’t hide our faces. Your hate is as cowardly as it is disgusting, and it goes against all that Boston stands for.”#7News
— Juliana Mazza (@julianamazzatv) July 2, 2022
To the white supremacists who ran through downtown today:
When we march, we don’t hide our faces. Your hate is as cowardly as it is disgusting, and it goes against all that Boston stands for.
— Michelle Wu 吳弭 (@wutrain) July 2, 2022
The disgusting hate of white supremacists has no place here. Esp when so many of our rights are under attack, we will not normalize intimidation by bigots.
As we mark Boston’s legacy as the cradle of liberty, we celebrate the continued fight to expand those liberties for all.
— Mayor Michelle Wu 吳弭 (@MayorWu) July 2, 2022
Thank you for clarifying. I was totally wondering where they stood on white supremacy. Very, very bold of them to take a stand against such a popular and well liked movement.
Today they went one step further and held a press conference outside Boston Police headquarters.
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu briefs the community after dozens of masked white supremacists marched through the city's streets this weekend:
“We know these threats are continuing to escalate across the country, and that Boston must be the leading light.”
— The Recount (@therecount) July 5, 2022
If you’re looking for racists in Boston you need only look at the people standing behind Michelle Wu. Elected officials like City Councillor Tania Fernandes Anderson, State Rep Liz Miranda, and US Attorney Rachael “Road Rage” Rollins.
The media is reporting that the very scary white supremacists attacked a black man named Charles Murrell, and they keep posting these pictures:
Yesterday, a group of masked White Nationalists wielding flags and shields, marched along the freedom trail in Boston.
— Office of Black Male Advancement (@OfficeofBMA) July 3, 2022
But as you can see, it just shows him flailing his arms and putting his hand in one guy’s face, so it’s hard to tell what’s even happening there. If they attacked him then they’ll be arrested. But I have a feeling there’s more to that picture considering the dress wearing, flue playing activist somehow found himself in the middle of these goons.
The Cincinnati Feds took the train from Malden, which the City of Malden and the Malden Police Department posted about on Facebook. Of course legal geniuses who don’t understand how the First Amendment works were upset that they weren’t arrested for wrong think.
Yea, they should be arrested for…..something. Ya know, because they’re the “correct” people to arrest, and they/them Sunni Kreuger doesn’t agree with their views on race.
Greg Slawson wants them to go to jail because he feels unsafe walking the streets of Malden after a bunch of losers from Oklahoma showed up in his city to park their cars for a couple hours.
Don’t worry Greg, you’re white, you got your commie cold jab, and those socks will prevent you from getting blisters in your boat shoes, so I think you’re pretty safe.
Not everyone can be as brave as Rod Webber.
On Sunday, "Super Happy Fun America" held a rally titled "Peaceful Protest Against Democrat Violence."
Antifa protesters set fire to Trump gear, and @RodWebber popped a water balloon full of "blood" onto his head.
Rod calls it "The Sacred Heart of Antifa Soros Chaos Magick."
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) October 19, 2020