Turtleboy Was Cited By FBI As Source In Indictment Against Fall River Grocer Who Posted Anti-Turtleboy Message On Store After We Exposed Him Throwing Smoke Grenade Into Capitol


Three years ago we published a story about a Fall River grocery store owner named Mike St. Pierre, who posted a video of himself throwing a smoke bomb into the Capitol building on January 6, and bragging about how he wanted to rush inside and twirl Nancy Pelosi around by her hair.

Although I do think many of the J6 prosecutions are politically motivated kangaroo courts, I was amazed at the idiocy of a man filming himself committing a crime and posting it to social media. These poor idiots were led to believe that if they rioted enough that it would force Congress to do something they’ve never done before – overturn the results of a Presidential election.

I was against it when Democrats tried doing it to Donald Trump for four years, and I was against it when Trump supporters did the same. Although I agree that mail in balloting, government pressure tech companies to censor legitimate reporting on Hunter Biden, and the intentional tanking of a perfectly healthy economy over a virus that never presented a threat to the vast majority of the population was unfair and problematic, it wasn’t going to get fixed by protesting or rioting. Mike St. Pierre is an easily duped moron who represents everything that is wrong with partisan politics today.

St. Pierre responded to the blog by putting a sign up about me outside his store, urging people to block Turtleboy, and accusing me of being a “fake news, punk.”

Those are certainly words, but not quite a coherent sentence or thought. He has since gone out of business, which is not fake news.

I was surprised nothing happened to him initially, because they’re indicting grandmothers for simply walking through the Capitol, while St. Pierre did something much more egregious on video. But apparently they were just busy, because a few weeks ago St. Pierre was indicted in federal court on felony and misdemeanor charges for his role in the riot. The primary source cited in the indictment was Turtleboy Daily News.



He has been charged with destruction of government property; knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds; committing an act of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or buildings; and a misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct in a Capitol building.

But please, tell me more about how Turtleboy isn’t “real news.” It took them almost three years to indict this local idiot, but the FBI used our publication as a primary source to charge him. They did this without me contacting them, and I never once communicated with an agent about this. My reporting alone was sufficient. If you don’t think they’re not doing the same in regards to information I’ve published about the murder of John O’Keefe, then you drastically underestimate the influence and reach we have. If they’re not letting this idiot go, there’s no way they’re gonna let a bunch of mediocre pizza pie wannabe gangstas kill a cop and frame an innocent woman for murder.



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