
Violent Ex-Con Christian White Lectures White Teachers At Framingham High School On Why They Can’t Tell Black Students Not To Use The N Word


There is an epidemic of young people, both black and white, who see nothing wrong with using the n word casually online and in conversation. It’s something that adults should be working to eliminate, but at Framingham High School the woke patrol is trying to bring it back.

Students, teachers and other community members gathered at the Greater Framingham Church Thursday to discuss use of the N-word. The forum was hosted by the Framingham High School Black Student Union, which recently launched a movement to educate and “create boundaries for use of the N-Word.” 

The Black Student Union? Imagine for a second there was a group called the “White Student Union.” We all know how that would go. Yet in 2019 we allow groups to form in public schools that exclude on the basis of race. Makes sense.

The push comes after a mid-October incident at the high school, in which a social media post with the racist slur circulated among students. The post depicted a high school student using the epithet, but later school officials said the student’s account had been hacked. But club President Mira Donaldson, 18, said she and other students of color are tired of the word being used in hallways. The “Not in Our Classroom” initiative aims to give students, teachers and others the tools on how to respond when hearing the word.

“People will say it but not really know the history behind it,” said Donaldson, a senior. “We find it very important to educate our students about what they’re saying because often they don’t know.”

Vice President Angela Kalissa, 18, said the club hopes to promote “restorative justice” as a way to address future situations, saying members hope teachers can have productive conversations with students in cases where the word has been used. It makes the process more educational than punitive, she said.

I agree with all of this so far, and I’m glad to see kids working to rid their school of racial slurs. Then the adults began talking.

Others at the forum were uneasy by the idea of eliminating use of the word, saying it could penalize black students who use it as an endearing or empowering word.

“Even the history of the word is different for everybody,” said attendee Christian White, who identifies as biracial with Irish, French, German, Native American, African American and Dutch heritage. “To say, let me school you on what this means – if you’re coming from the BSU or the faculty, you’re coming from a power dynamic. So you’re telling them that they’re wrong in their understanding of history. That’s where I think it becomes tricky, especially if you’re a white teacher.”

If the name Christian White sounds familiar it’s because we blogged about him last year. Christian is a violent ex-con who somehow got a job working on Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins’ transition team and was let go shortly after we published the blog on him.

Why is this man lecturing qualified, professional teachers, about why they can’t tell kids to stop using racial slurs in the hallways? Why is he even being given this forum? Why are the Framingham Public Schools taking any input from a career criminal?

A better question might be to ask why Metro West Daily News Reporter Zane Razzaq failed to do a simple background search on Christian White before publishing. How is that not relevant to the story? If you recall, Zane Razzaq was the same reporter who stole our story about the Framingham youth football coaches racist group text messages and passed it off as her own.

So I guess this is standard “journalism” for her. But please, tell me more about how the press is a vital aspect of our democracy.

The teachers who run the BSU (and are white) are trying very hard to prove that they’re one of the “good ones.”

Teacher Glenda Cohen, a club adviser for the Student Immigration Movement, said she and teacher Christopher Finan, who advises the Black Student Union, said they’ve had many conversations about their place in the initiative. Both teachers are white.

“To have white teachers be making nuanced judgments about the word is difficult,” said Cohen. “That’s why there’s some school of thought that it would be easier to have a zero-tolerance policy at the school. And yet there’s some faculty members who feel uncomfortable with that in terms of feeling who are we to take the ownership of that word away from young African Americans? That’s why I think this conversation is so crucial.”

No. There’s no “nuanced judgment.” You can’t say the n word in school because it’s a racial slur. Period. End of story.

Just because the Huffington Post put out a story written by a white chick from Brooklyn saying that some people can use a racial slur in professional settings because they’re “taking ownership of that word,” doesn’t mean it’s true. These people try so hard to prove that they’re not racist, and they end up proving that they’re the most racist amongst us.


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  1. This areticle, written buy a white person, tries to tell black people what they can say, and who they may become…. But they’re not racist…. Sure!

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