Law and Order

Warrant Issued For Dedham Drowning Victim’s Brother For Viciously Beating Former State Trooper On Courthouse Steps After Taking Plea Deal


Two years ago we published a story about the tragic drowning death of 17 year old Alonzo Polk in Dedham, who was celebrating graduation with friends when he fell into a pool. What was not reported at the time was that the home belonged to retired State Trooper and former Norfolk County Sheriff candidate James Coughlin, who along with his wife Leslie were later charged with reckless endangerment of a child and procuring alcohol to a minor.

It is beyond stupid for any parents to allow underage drinking at their house. But James Coughlin especially should have known better, considering his background in law enforcement. If anyone at that party drove drunk and killed someone he and his wife would be responsible for that.

I also said last night, without apology, that everyone should teach their kids how to swim. The earth is 70% water and swimming is as important of a life skill as brushing your teeth. This isn’t victim blaming, as some suggested. It wouldn’t be considered victim blaming to say that you should teach your kids to run in the other direction if they heard gunshots. Swimming is a survival skill that could’ve saved Alonzo Polk’s life.

I’ve heard reports that Alonzo was pushed into the pool by friends who were messing around and didn’t realize he couldn’t swim. If that’s the case then I’m wondering why only the Coughlin parents are being prosecuted. It was clear that the Coughlins did not intend for Alonzo to die, and were as grief stricken as anyone about the tragedy. Yesterday Leslie and James Coughlin took a plea deal that put them both on probation for 2 years and ordered them to complete community service.

A lot of people have been commenting about how this is a slap on the wrist, and suggesting that Coughlin received favoritism because he is former MSP. I get why people would feel that way in light of the massive corruption we’ve seen from the MSP and their cozy relationship with the Norfolk County DA’s Office (who was prosecuting this case).

But the fact of the matter is that Alonzo Polk had no alcohol in his system according to a toxicology report. However, he was pictured holing or near alcohol at the party, which the defense did not want presented at trial, since alcohol consumption was not the reason he died.

This case is also interesting because it involves a lot of familiar names. The Commonwealth’s “expert” in cell phone data analysis this time was Lt. Brian Tully, who worked in conjunction with Trooper Nicholas Guarino. They used the same software that Richard Green used to extract data from Jen McCabe’s cell phone – Cellebrite.

But I guess Cellebrite is only reliable when it doesn’t inculpate Jen McCabe for her involvement in a murder.

The State Police appoint random troopers to be “experts,” despite lacking any sort of expertise. Also on the list were Trooper Matthew Dunne, who handled the missing Canton Library surveillance video, and conflicted detective Michael Proctor.

I don’t know what their role was in this case, but they were all listed as witnesses for the Commonwealth, which means they were not there to defend the former state trooper defendant. In the Karen Read case they used their power to do the opposite – protect and provide cover for law enforcement.

Outside of court yesterday Coughlin was assaulted by at least 3 supporters of “justice” for Alonzo Polk who were not identified or arrested. These “supporters” made numerous threats that “this isn’t over” and “this is the beginning,” and the Coughlins have reportedly had to flee their home. Coughlin’s 90 year old mother was also reportedly threatened by “protesters.”

There was no media present, and I have yet to see a video of the assault. Many people in the comments are posting about how Coughlin deserved that, which is a notion I completely reject. We’re supposed to be living in a civilized country with law and order. We aren’t allowed to assault people when we’re not happy with the sentencing in a trial.

My question is, where was the Dedham Police and the Norfolk County DA’s Office? How did they not realize there would be tension outside of court? Morrissey’s Office released a statement about the verdict, but only mentioned the “altercation” briefly at the end.

Why didn’t Morrissey’s Office ensure there would be court officers to protect the defendants on their way out? They had dozens of white shirts at our peaceful protest in July at the Norfolk Superior Courthouse, who worked with me to make sure that nothing bad happened. We never threatened or assaulted anyone involved in this case. The “supporters” of Alonzo Polk have. The Dedham Police had undercover cops taking pictures of us from across the street at our July 25 protest, but didn’t have anyone there to witness or prevent this vicious assault.

This is negligence on the part of DPD and the Norfolk County DA’s Office. It is yet another screwup by a completely incompetent administration, and one that they should have seen coming. Polk’s friends and family have been threatening witnesses and the defendants for the last two years. In one case they confronted a witness and tried to intimidate them into changing their story about how Alonzo Polk died. When he refused he was punched in the face twice.

On the one year anniversary of Polk’s death dozens of supporters showed up at the Coughlin’s house at 4 AM, blaring music with gunshots in it, and kicked the Coughlin’s cars.

Nothing was done about it.

I accurately predicted in my original article that it would result in racial tensions since Coughlin was a police officer, and Alonzo Polk was a black kid living in a predominantly white town. Every hearing has been like this.

There was nothing to protest here. There was no coverup for favoritism given to the Coughlins. Unlike Karen Read, the justice system was working for Alonzo Polk, and not covering up what happened. They have every right to peacefully protest outside of the courthouse or people’s homes, but clearly they were doing more than that.

At the center of protests has been Roshawn Drane, the brother of Alonzo.

Roshawn isn’t some grieving brother looking for justice, because justice wasn’t being obstructed in this case. He’s just a career criminal looking to incite racial tensions.

Roshawn has a long and documented history of criminality, including multiple gun charges. He’s been charged in several Boston district courts with unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, assault to murder, A&B with a dangerous weapon, carrying a firearm without a license, discharging a firearm within 500 feet of a building, A&B on a police officer, possession of burglary tools, felony breaking and entering in the nighttime, and more.

He has been released on cheap bail several times, and clearly is a dangerous person with no intention of obeying the law. Yet he’s upset that the Coughlins received this same treatment from the courts.

Roshawn’s 2016 assault to murder charge out of Brighton District Court was moved to Suffolk Superior Court, where he was found guilty of carrying a loaded firearm without a license, but acquitted on on the A&B with a firearm charge. He was sentenced to 2.5 years in jail, which he didn’t serve in its entirety. One of the judges involved in the process at Suffolk Superior was Beverly Cannone.

He got off probation last year.

It has been confirmed that Drane was one of the assailants who attacked Coughlin outside of court yesterday, and he has been charged with A&B with a dangerous weapon. There is a warrant out for his arrest.

There is no excuse for this to happen. Last year I had to go to Worcester District Court when some ratchet DCF Moms applied for a ridiculous order against me for reporting on their fraudulent nonprofit. The order was denied, and since the people I was dealing with were clearly miscreants the court officers made me wait 10 minutes before leaving, so we didn’t run into each other outside. Unfortunately they were waiting for me, and one of them threatened to come to my house.

It’s really unacceptable for our courts to turn into places of lawlessness like this. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like how a court proceeding turned out. You’re welcome to peacefully protest and make your voice heard, but you can’t assault witnesses, damage their property, or try to coerce people to change their testimony. We’re not doing any of those things, yet we’ve been lectured by the Police Chief and DA about how we must stop peacefully protesting “witnesses” who conspired to murder John O’Keefe. No such lecture was ever given t Roshawn Drane, despite his criminal history, threatening statements, witness intimidation, and vows to provoke violence outside of court.

Morrissey’s Office isn’t just corrupt, they’re also incompetent.


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  1. Nice.

    Anyone going to point out the race of the “activist?” Is anyone going to point out a pattern of behavior that is impossible to ignore?

    A black Patriot’s player was in possession of two guns that weren’t registered. The DA dropped the charges on the grounds they didn’t believe they could get a conviction on the claim of reasonable doubt.

    Look up: Bronx Jury. Black people are much more likely to have in group preference than whites and much more likely to be murderers, rapists and assault perpetrators. The criminal justice system does not care about Normie law abiding citizens (more often than not White people) and the days of Jim Snow are upon us.

    FWIW- Scott Adams was right.

    Keep voting harder though. AK was onto something in his last Livestream. The system CAN’T be reformed, it needs to be demolished.

    1. The Patriots player (Jack Jones) benefitted from his financial status, not his racial identity. Did you see who he hired as his lawyer? No, I didn’t think so, you’re too preoccupied with with his skin color.

      1. That does NOT make any sense. On what planet did you overlook his prior arrests, and the fact that I mentioned the DAs own statements regarding the inability to procure a conviction?

        “Imagine saying Karen Read benefitted from her financial status not the fact that she is a biological women.”

        It doesn’t change the FACT that based on the proclivity of evidence the answer given by the DA was wrong (in the Jack Jones case), just as the lack of security and the previous behavior of the victims brother were tolerated (as indicated by TB) by the Norfolk DA and law enforcement agencies.

        Logic, evidence based cognition and critical thinking are not your strong suits. Stop calling people names like “racist” and try observing objective reality Mrs. Kravitz.

      2. I’m curious why it seems ok to lump white people into one large, unified group and judge all of them by their skin color but it’s complete heresy and extremely racist to do the exact same thing with any other race?

        1. It’s not in a sane world. But it isn’t convenient politically due to power. What’s truly insane is that the majority of us in the comments section probably treat their fellow man as they would like to be treated.

          It doesn’t mean we overlook patterns of behavior and throw probability to the wayside. Most of us won’t win the lottery, but someone has to win. It’s almost a guarantee. The idiots like “Here Come the Racists” say- that someone will be me. The more reasonable people who observe patterns (you and I?) simply say; maybe but not likely.

          As an individual you do the best you can for your personal best. But you DONT dismiss patterns of objective and observable behavior. Nobody would do this with their children’s lives on the line, now would they?

          1. Suppose I said: “All made members of the Mafia are Italian, but not ALL Italians are members of the Mafia.”

            Then someone called you “racist,” “bigoted,” “immoral,” etc. Why would you take that person seriously for pointing out an objective truth?

            Nobody uses critical thinking or considers probability anymore. Just name calling and disdain for truth.

    1. “Democrats.” Really? Are we still doing this?

      How many Democrats in Canton, Quincy, Holden, Westwood, Mansfield, Brookline, or Natick do this?

      Are you the same kind of person who subscribed to the: “Random white Northeastern student raped while walking back from Dudley station alone at night?” There is literally NOTHING random about the act, it fits any number of observable PATTERNS.

      1. Democrats, really. BLM is another Democrat Institution funded by soros, clinton’s, Obama , democrats. Guaranteed 99% of that BLM mob does not reside anywhere that you mentioned. Lighten up, Francis.

        1. BLM is the reason for differences in murder, assault and rape charges across demographic data sets, huh?

          Please. Show me the evidence.

          1. Your Democrat is showing. No one said any of that, drop your agenda, democrat. You a proof in point of what my post was about, well played, Snowflake.

          2. No logic. No facts.


            1) Black guy commits assault against white victim. Your answer = BLM

            2) DAs office knew of the proclivity for violence prior to due to facts and patterns. Your answer = Soros/BLM

            3) Unified Crime Report and Crime Victimization Survey point to Black on White murder, rape AND assault as significantly more higher in EVERY recorded year compared to the converse. Your answer = BLM/Soros.

            Tell me genius. If George Soros wasn’t alive would that in ALL probability change the crime rates in Detroit, Gary Indiana, Memphis or New Orleans? Was Mattapan crime rate ever LOWER than South Boston or West Roxbury?

            Go ahead show me I’m wrong without calling me names, I’ll wait.

          3. Lmao@you. You are so upset you are arguing with yourself. The point went right over your head. You cannot deny that BLM is not Democrat by nature. Those people protesting an accident, nobody planned to kill him, his own cousin pushed him in the pool, yet they protest? You’re acting just like them, getting all mad and stompy-footed about the truth, those are some facts for you. BLM is a Democrat institution, to deny that shows you have not been paying attention. You are a clown. Or better, a butt hurt Democrat ashamed of your own party.

          4. BLACK lives matter. It’s the first word in the organizational title.

            Joe Colombo started the Italian American Civil Rights League. Joe Colombo was head of a Mafia Family. The Mafia was distinctly Italian.

            If Raymond Patriarch was a registered Democrat and I pointed out that he was part of an ethnic criminal conspiracy made up of Italians- would you still tell me I’m wrong because he’s first and foremost a Democratic Party operative??

            People like you shouldn’t be allowed to vote for Dog Catcher nevermind the President of the United States.

          5. Look what you did. I see you doing the same thing all over this page. Get a grip, get some control, you’re the only one here bringing out racism and crime rates and certain areas and all this irrelevant stuff. Did you forget to take your meds today? My comment simply and purely stated BLM is a bunch of democrats, sponsored, funded, and enrolled. Go back in mommy’s basement.

          6. (Parody)

            Me: Karen Read is accused of murder. Official story claims the evidence said she did it. Upon examination of evidence it’s actually more likely than not she DIDN’T commit the murder.

            You: I see what you did. I see you writing all these blog posts. Get a grip, get some control. You’re the only one out here suggesting their is a coverup underway and an innocent women is going to be the patsy. You are trying to suggest that since she’s innocent OTHER people are the more likely perpetrators. Did you forget YOU have mental health issues? I’m just saying that 98% of people charged with a crime are convicted of something, Duh!!! Go back to writing opinion pieces you loser.

            BLM is just looking for a reason to riot. Would you like me to provide examples where a certain racial/ethnic group rioted before the existence of BLM in 2013 or are you done being a low IQ shit lord?

          7. Flemmi not sure about your political affiliation nor do I care, I am middle of the road / leaning right and agree 100% with what you have stated. All very well put as well.

          8. It’s an Internet thread and I understand that inflection and nuance are absent. Which is why I think calling people names isn’t the best foot to lead with but when you take the time to form a cogent thought and some boob gets on here and accuses you of the very thing they’re doing; it doesn’t make much sense now does it?

          9. Flemmi, BLM is indeed DEMOCRAT. You wasted all your energy going into all different avenues, because BLM is affiliated with the Democrat party.

          10. The only avenue was biological race and probability. Are you dense? Is reading/comprehension not your strong suit?

  2. Why no mention of Alonzo’s own cousin pushing him in the pool?? I believe this would be the same “confronted witness” who was punched in the face for not changing their story??

    1. Pointing out facts is considered “racists” according to a few commenters on here.

      None of which send there kids to BPS or would live in Roxbury, Codman Square, Uphams Corner or Mattapan. Cowardly virtue signalers who think objective reality are just “random” events.

    2. It was his own cousin who pushed him in the pool at that party? Do you have proof of this? What’s the name of the cousin?

  3. So he could/should have gotten the mandatory felony-with-a-firearm charge with a 5 year sentence but they threw out the assault and battery part. Isn’t that just like a Democrat judge!

  4. Why would the witness need to be coerced to change their testimony?

    The warrant is out for the self proclaimed spokesperson for the family who made a victim impact statement in court declaring he and the family sought Justice for Alonzo.

    Immediately after the please the court took a recess and The court officers (I’ve never seen so many in a courtroom for a plea colloquy) made all the Coughlin supporters immediately leave the courthouse. Then made them leave the court property. Leslie and Jimmy, having been subjected to numerous incidents of harassment, asked to leave by the back door and were denied. So they were left to walk out alone. When he was unlocking his car -so his back was turned to the attackers – they rushed him and he he was jumped.

    Btw, my mother in law is NOT 90.

    1. Because of the perpetrators race. As long as the DAs office has qualified immunity the fact that they DON’T have to provide security and uphold the law (inspite of ALL the evidence to the contrary), NONE of them are im danger of losing their jobs.

      Can someone provide me and example (evidence) where the races were reversed and an event like this took place? Name one instance in Commonwealth history where this took place in the last 30 years? “Here Come the racist” and “BLM just looking for a reason to riot” might ignore the fact that Dedham is NOT a “diverse” place the way Randolph, Brockton or Worcester are. But they don’t won’t to acknowledge that the likelihood of a role reversal of victim and perpetrator (in this instance) are SO unlikely (probability) that they can comment anonymously on a comment thread and virtue signal by name calling and uttering stupid phrases like “Democrats.”

      Newton Mass is a VERY democratic voting municipality, so isn’t Randolph – tell me again WHY there are logical/probable differences in murder, rape and assault incidents per Capita?

    2. Wait, they asked to leave through the back door so they could avoid being confronted and got denied?? Who told them they could not leave that way? That is sad, I’m sorry. If they already had previous threats, which they clearly did, they should have been protected on the way out or at the very least made to leave at different times.

  5. Morrissey is having himself one heck of a summer! He’s lucky the gun loving brother didn’t kill the retired trooper and his wife. Morrissey could have arrested the brother for felony witness intimidation and instead did nothing, not even provide basic crowd control. Meanwhile he treats you and the other peaceful KR supporters like Al Capone, even making a video telling us all off. What a piece of work. We can only hope he’s going to be on the receiving end of a federal Indictment. He’s earned it.

  6. Much of Boston has been destroyed by Gangstaz and their so called culture. It’s sad to see the cancer spreading to places like Dedham and Milton. Perception is everything, and neighborhoods can change quickly if normal people don’t feel safe. It may seem like a long time ago, but for the Jews who were run out of Mattapan in the 60’s and 70’s it seems like yesterday. Same for the evil white europeople who were terrorized out of Uphams Corner and Meetinghouse Hill. DPD should seriously talk to their peers in Milton.

  7. How does this happen? Was it a soft covered pool cover? How large was the pool? How deep was the pool? Was no one around to fish the boy out? This story doesn’t add up. If someone pushed him why didn’t they help him out? Pools are what maybe 5-6 feet deep. Kid couldn’t push off the bottom to get to an edge that he could grab onto?

  8. Photos exist of Alonzo Polk holding alcohol at the party in a which a former Mass State Trooper procured alcohol to minors, yet Polks toxicology report showed no alcohol in his system, and conflicted Mass State Trooper Michael Proctor was on the case.

    Yup, seems legit. Everything checks out

      1. Not sure if he was, just the idea that he was involved at all, makes me wonder if he did a solid for a former co-worker. Perhaps I’m reaching. Perhaps Proctor didn’t know him any better than he knew Brian Albert before questioning him about John O’Keefe’s homicide.

        Having read how Proctor went about “investigating” John O’Keefe’s murder I believe every case Proctor has ever been involved in needs to be revisited by a private unbiased source

  9. All this violence and treating this situation as something it is not certainly makes the Coughlins look much better. They need to be protected from the animal Mob

  10. If a monkey shows up at the house, it should be curb stomped and then chained to the truck bumper and taken for a ride and dropped back off in da hood

  11. My tatas still look pretty good. I wish John had played with them like I begged him to Brian’s. I pushed him against the wall whispered in his ear, “please John, I can rock your world better than that bitch Karen.”
    When he shoved me off, the dog attacked and Colin got in his face, which started the fight.

    Why wouldn’t he just play with them?

  12. WTF is with all these current or former law enforcement officers providing alcohol to minors. Do they just conveniently forget what happens to the kids with the “cool parents” once they clock out or what.

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