WBZ’s Jon Keller Defends Former BAA President Who Threw American Flag On The Ground At Boston Marathon Awards Ceremony
This is WBZ’s Jon Keller:
He’s the news station’s hard hitting political analyst, who presents himself as unbiased but really he’s just a hack for the establishment. So it wasn’t exactly surprising to see this headline from him today:
This was in reference to our blog about Joann Flaminio, AKA Granny McTreason, a left wing activist who threw the American flag on the ground during the award’s ceremony for the first American to win the Boston Marathon wheelchair race in 26 years. During the National Anthem nonetheless.
A cursory look at her Facebook page shows that she’s an active “resister” who likely believes that any display of nationalism or patriotism is a bad thing, because she’s been brainwashed by the media into believing this is the same thing as white nationalism. For instance:
“I fucking hate the President.”
Nuff said.
According to Deputy Nerdlinger though, she’s a great person and the people who are criticizing her are “bitter, creepy trolls.”
If you’ve been living here for any length of time, you know that Bostonians can be a tough crowd – skeptical, cynical, quick to express displeasure. We’re not quite as bad as Philadelphia sports fans. But we’re close. And sometimes, it gets ridiculous. Like yesterday, when men’s wheelchair marathon winner Daniel Romanchuk draped an American flag over his shoulders as they played the national anthem at his award ceremony. This has become a common practice by US athletes at their moment of triumph in international competition. And even though it’s a violation of the US Flag Code, objections are rarely if ever heard.
Wait….what? He’s really comparing throwing the American flag on the ground to an athlete draping themselves with the American flag? He went that far out of his way to attempt to justify this? Bruh, draping yourself in the flag is what every Olympic athlete in the history of time has done after winning a medal.
Plus, the flag wasn’t even draped on Romanchuk. There was a woman behind him holding it, and Granny McTreason took it out of her hands and intentionally threw it on the ground. But according to Deputy Nerdlinger the flag was accidentally dropped on the floor in the process of handing Romanchuk his trophy:
But as the anthem played for Romanchuk yesterday, a race official stepped forward to hand him his trophy and place the victor’s wreath on his head, and in the process, the flag was removed and dropped on the floor, another flag code violation.
Except that’s not what happened at all. See the video above.
He continued….
In a normal world populated by normal people, this protocol breach would also be ignored. But we don’t live in that world. Instead, we include in our midst a significant number of knee-jerk whiners and folks with just too much time on their hands, many of whom seized the opportunity to accuse the marathon organizers of being unpatriotic. There’s an old saying that “no good deed goes unpunished.” The folks who run the marathon, many of them volunteers, shouldn’t have to suffer abuse from bitter, creepy trolls, but I guess that’s the pathetic world we live in today.
- You’re whining about people whining.
- Throwing the American flag on the ground isn’t a “good deed.”
- Being a volunteer doesn’t excuse it.
- Valid criticism isn’t “abuse.”
- You are a troll, and your face is the definition of creepy.
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