
WEEI’s First Ratings Book Without Kirk Minihane Was A Complete Disaster


The ratings book for sports talk radio are in for the first quarter of 2019, the first official quarter without Kirk Minihane at WEEI, and it’s a Goddamn bloodbath:

OVERALL: 98.5 the Sports Hub 11.8 (1st overall), WEEI-FM 5.3 (5th)

AM Drive: Toucher & Rich 12.2 (1st), Mut & Callahan 6.9 (4th)

Middays: Zo & Beetle 13.7 (1st), Dale & Keefe 6.1 (3rd)

PM Drive: Felger & Mazz 14.8, OMF on WEEI 5.7 (4th)

Evenings: Jones/Arcand 8.5 (1st), WEEI’s Amalgam of Suck 2.8 (t-14th)

Weekends: WBZ-FM 6.6 (2nd), WEEI-FM 2.6 (t-14th).

Last winter Toucher and Rich had a 12.4 share, while Kirk and Callahan had a 12.6 share. The latter’s share was almost cut in half. That’s insane. Literally HALF the audience stopped tuning in because Kirk Minihane left. This might be the single worst business decision in the history of capitalism. It’s what happens when you put politics over revenue. And it’s all because the gutless hacks at Entercom and WEEI gave into these two fascist wastes of space:

Read all of Bob Murchison’s INSANE emails to WEEI advertisers here.

Dennis and Callahan routinely lost to Toucher and Rich. Then Kirk Minihane came along and made the show more interesting by saying things that regular people were thinking:

  • Erin Andrews is a completely moron who has her job because she’s hot
  • The Boston Globe is run by hypocritical, virtue signaling frauds
  • It’s not fair for biological boys to compete against girls in high school sports
  • Red Sox ownership is full of pandering fools

More importantly he was entertaining and unpredictable.

Next thing you know they had the most interesting morning show in Boston and they passed the milquetoast Toucher and Rich.

Then a millionaire from Sherborn named Bob Murchison decided that he didn’t like the things they were saying, so he began to relentlessly harass advertisers and meet with WEEI executives in bad faith. He teamed up with Shirley Leung and used her platform as editor at the Globe to shame WEEI advertisers into leaving the station by intentionally misrepresenting the things discussed on the show. His goal was to get Gerry Callahan fired, since he’s the more conservative and outspoken of the two. Instead WEEI took advantage of Kirk’s mental health issues and used his “temporary” leave as a window to get rid of him permanently. This appeased Shirley Leung and Murchison who stopped their harassment campaign after they got their scalp.

There are a lot of losers here – fans, sales staff at WEEI, and Minihane are the most obvious. The winners are the Globe and Bob Murchison. But by far the biggest losers here are the remaining WEEI advertisers. The goal of advertising is to be seen by the most amount of people for the least amount of money. The more people who hear your product the more conversions you get to sales. If WEEI is losing half of its audience because of this business decision then their advertisers lose half of the business they could normally expect to gain by placing an ad on WEEI.

Here’s my question – did the sales staff at WEEI give their advertisers a 50% discount? I’m gonna guess no on that one. Chances are they agree to a flat fee ahead of time that is not based on the amount of listeners. They sell the existing audience, which six months ago was the biggest in Boston. So if that’s the case then they completely screwed over the companies who stuck with them through the harassment in order to appease a professional agitator from Sherborn and a hack “journalist” from the Globe. Wicked smart.

It’s too bad because Callahan is still great in the morning, but Mut is just kind of there, and the producer (Chris Curtis) is the second most interesting person on the show, and he’s really NOT supposed to be part of the show. No one wants to listen to Alex Reimer or the rest of the hacks they drag out in the morning. The mid-day show is a runaway late term abortion, that has no shot of ever competing against Zo and Beetle. Whey they continue to drag out Ned Flanders year after year and expect it to work is beyond me. Dale Arnold’s voice gives me AIDS, and their refusal to talk about anything but sports makes them pointless to listen to.

I’m honestly surprised to see OMF getting murdered by Felger and Mazz, because their show is so much better. But to me that’s just the band going down with the ship. They lose through association. People are done with WEEI, and they brought this completely on themselves.

Here’s my question – when do they get down on their knees and beg Minihane to come back? Imagine they announced tomorrow that he was starting on Monday? That would be the highest rated show of all time, and I’d be convinced the whole thing was done by design. At this point they have no choice. Hell, I could bring in higher ratings and Dale and Keefe on my YouTube show, but they’d never, ever put me on the air, even though I exposed and humiliated the bully who was taking their lunch money.

Let this be a lesson – don’t mix business and feelings. Your feelings don’t matter. Ratings matter.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. Minihane gone was the best move. I totally agree with you on Reimer and the rest of the “casting couch”. Useless, three or more is too much, except the Gerry, Mut and Curtis did work for me since they didn’t step all over each other. And although you say that Dennis and Callahan lost to Toucher & Rich, I’m not sure how given T&R are not that good. Too much “NOT” sports junk. Although it is better than #NeverReimer.

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