
Weymouth Superintendent Bans Booster Club From Selling “White Out” Shirts For Sporting Events Because It’s Racist And Offensive To Her


Weymouth High School parents began raising money this year for their kid’s sports teams by selling “white out” shirts that kids can wear to athletic events to encourage school unity.

Anyone remotely familiar with sportball understands what a “white out” is.

It’s not just white either, they do it for lots of colors.

Usually it’s the school colors, although Weymouth’s colors of maroon and gold could be offensive to Elizabeth Warren. More often than not it’s just black or white because it’s a color that stands out.

That’s when this woman stepped in.

This is Weymouth Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Curtis-Whipple. As you can see she has a hyphenated last name and insists on being addressed as “doctor,” so she’s here to make sure that no one has any fun at all during the school year. She evidently became aware of the “white out” shirts, determined that it was racist, and immediately put a stop to it by sending out this email to parents.

Let’s break down the letter to go over the many ways in which this woman is awful.

We learned today a private booster group supporting women’s soccer is selling insensitive apparel. The Weymouth Public Schools did approve the sale of white “Weymouth Wildcat” t-shirts; at no time did Weymouth Public Schools approve the insensitive text or the social media posts associated with these shirts. Neither do we support this effort, nor will we allow the sale of these shirts on school property.

Insensitive to who? Some virtue signaling individual with too much time on their hands who took offense on behalf of black people who aren’t offended to begin with? If it was a blue out would it be offensive? Of course not. Because only the color white is offensive in 2019.

The Weymouth Public Schools is a diverse and tolerant community that welcomes, encourages and educates all students, regardless of their race, color, national origin, religious creed or religion, handicap, age, sex, gender identity or sexual orientation. We do not discriminate, nor tolerate an atmosphere hostile to anyone.

Who said Weymouth wasn’t tolerant you miserable thief of joy? They’re literally selling a shirt so that everyone wears the same color at football games. You’d let them sell any color except for white, which is the very definition of discrimination.

While we are not suggesting this booster group had any malicious intent—make no mistake, words matter. Seemingly innocent words may mistakenly cause someone else harm, even though unintended. The innocence, or ignorance, of the speaker does not take away from the reader or listener their hurt or pain.

Oh God, we’re doing this again? “Words matter.” No, they don’t. It’s a shirt. Not a single person who “hurt” or in “pain” as a result of seeing it. If they were, then that’s their problem. The world doesn’t have to cater to some people’s ridiculous, meaningless feelings. You’re also calling the people who made them “ignorant,” when in fact you’re the walking poster child for ignorance.

We have worked in the past with this booster group and support their efforts to bring much needed revenue for these young women engaged in high school sports. They have done great work in the past, even though they made a mistake here. We look forward to continuing to work together with them to support female athletes in a way that embraces everyone.

No, you made a mistake Dr. Becky. These shirts already “embrace everyone.” That’s the whole point. Everyone wears the same shirt to the game so they look like a united fan base that embraces everyone regardless of skin color, sexual orientation, etc.

As an educational institution, we will work to use this error in judgment as a lesson. We will continue to promote a greater understanding of others, how what may be an innocent action to one may cause hurt in others, and create more tolerance of others different from ourselves. Our job is to educate and eliminate ignorance. We taught before, are teaching today, and will continue to teach tomorrow.

Your job is to shut your yapper and make sure the budget is in order. Your job is to make the right call on snow days. Your job is to make sure the principals are doing their job. Your job isn’t to act as the feelings police for an issue that no one complained about in the first place.

Please know that all students will continue to be accountable for adhering to all handbook requirements.  As noted in our Student Handbooks, Weymouth Public Schools will not tolerate images or languages that creates a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class. 


Dr. Jennifer Curtis-Whipple

Superintendent Weymouth Public Schools

Translation – if your kid wears this shirt to school they’re getting suspended. Ya know, because shirts that show school spirit are “intimidating to a protected class.” And that protected class are perpetually offended social justice warriors.

The crazy part about PC madness like this is that pretty much everyone is against it. If you were to put it to a vote in Weymouth about whether or not these shirts are offensive, the people would overwhelmingly say no. Yet society must cater to the most miserable people we have to offer, who make up such a small fraction of the population, instead of telling them that they’re entitled to be offended and moving on with life.

And can we please stop with this?

These two women both stated in previous comments that they see nothing wrong with the shirt, and I understand that they meant well by what they said here. But the fact that they felt the need to throw in “in today’s atmosphere,” in order to try to rationalize this madness is why the outrage patrol does what it does in the first place – they know people will cave. Just because we live in a climate where people choose to be offended by everything doesn’t mean we have to change the way we operate in order to avoid offending them. Because no matter what you do, they’re going to be upset about something. It’s the only thing they know how to do.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. Holy Fuck! I sure hope there’s no need for such racist talk when winter comes! Why are they only talking about supporting the female athletes?

  2. I agree, if nobody was bothered by the shirts why in God’s name does this lady who is so full of herself needs to be addressed as Doctor. Your not a Doctor. You may have doctorate in literature or something useless like that. That’s just my opinion. Your a fool lady, why don’t you spend your time making sure the kids at the highschool aren’t vaping in every bathroom, because that along with the unmistakable smell if marijuana lingers in every bathroom. Take that one on and actually earn whatever over paid paycheck you receive from the good people of Weymouth. You know the ones that didn’t have a problem with the word WHITE.

  3. Please tell me this is a joke! This woman cannot possibly be this ignorant and clueless with respect to a sports fan tradition that has NOTHING to do with either race or ethnicity. I cannot believe she immediately flew off the handle and had a preachy, uppity meltdown over a common, harmless fundraiser! This joke and nightmare of a woman is the one that tried to interject race into something that was not racial. SHE is the only ‘racist’ in the picture here.

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