
Woman Selling $2,100 Worth Of Food Stamps On Facebook Despite Lengthy Criminal Record And History Of Drug Abuse


Some people say that food stamp abuse is a myth. I disagree, and this is Exhibit A:

Her name is Vanessa Noseworthy, she lives in Peabody, and is originally from Gloucester.

She has $2,100 worth of food stamps for sale and doesn’t mind openly violating federal law on Facebook. She does this because she knows there is very little chance that she will have this taxpayer funded entitlement taken from her.

Now, $2,000 might seem like a lot of food stamps to have accrued. However, it’s easy when you don’t eat due to your other habits.

That’s her several months pregnant, while under the influence of heroin on a street corner. It’s not a pretty sight, and it’s actually pretty sad to see. But throwing food stamps at her isn’t going to fix the problem. As you can see, she doesn’t spend that money on food, she just trades it in for more drug money. Essentially the federal government is subsidizing the drug trade in this country due to its lack of oversight.

A couple of her friends voiced concern over what is clearly a misuse of taxpayer dollars.

But Vanessa wasn’t trying to hear any of that. Her explicative laden responses to these, along with NSTB’s colorful analysis, are more appropriately published on the Turtleboy Sports coverage of this story, which can be read here.

It’s unknown if she has custody of her child, but I would hope not considering the fact that her child’s father Jake is in and out of jail more than Rick Grimes on Season 3 of the Walking Dead.

Along with trafficking, Ariana Wendell was also charged with crack cocaine possession with intent to distribute. Shortly after 1:30 p.m., Lynn Police saw a man, later identified as Jake Mastromarino, of Peabody, get into Wendell’s car on Mace Place and then leave shortly after what officers believed was a drug transaction, Lynn Police Lt. Michael Kmiec said.

Jake Mastromarino, 24, of 11 Willowbrae Drive, was arrested on two warrants at McDonald’s Restaurant at 133 Main St. and charged with shoplifting and possession of a Class A drug on Wednesday at 8:40 a.m.

She can hardly keep up.

Vanessa Noseworthy, 21, of 5 Mason St., Gloucester, was arrested and charged with shoplifting.

She seems he when she can. Mostly while driving by the chain gang he’s working on.

Why are people with such long and documented criminal histories, a) allowed to keep custody of their child, and b) trusted with food stamps? They’re in the positions they’re currently in right now because they’re irresponsible and break the law. They cannot be trusted, yet we trust them anyway. Makes sense.


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