
Woman Tries To Profit Off Of Jennifer Dulos Murder By Using 7 Year Old Son To Set Up GoFundMe To Find Her Killer 


Jennifer Dulos, a wealthy mother of 5 from New Canaan, CT, has not been seen since May 24. Her estranged husband Fotis Dulos and his girlfriend Michelle Traconis have since been arrested.

Fotis owns a home building company, and lives in a mansion with Traconis in Farmington.

Jennifer also lived in a huge house that her parents paid for in New Canaan.

She had an active restraining order out against him and they were in the middle of an ugly custody dispute. Read all about it here.

Jennifer’s blood was found in the garage, and Fotis was seen on surveillance video dropping off 30 trash bags in various dumpsters throughout the Hartford area. In those bags were items that had Jennifer’s blood on them. Yet, this is not enough to arrest him for murder, and he and Traconis were charged on May 29 with tampering with or fabricating physical evidence and hindering prosecution. Both have since posted the $500,000 bond, and Fotis is jogging around his neighborhood with an ankle bracelet on.

Based on their divorce documents it’s pretty clear this guy has anger issues, and definitely looks like he killed her. Again, you can read them all here

In addition to that Fotis also had financial trouble, as his mother in law is suing him because she fronted him the money for his home building company, and hasn’t been paid back.

I’m not here to solve this murder though, because I’m assuming he’ll be charged with the crime any day now. I’m here to talk about what appears to be an opportunistic GoFundMe scam out of Wethersfield:

Riley Daigle, a 7-year-old from Wethersfield, had an unexpected reaction to the missing mother and one day came up with an idea. “Then he said somebody must know something. Maybe we could take the savings — my savings account and take all the money out of my savings account and give it to somebody for information,” added Daigle.

Riley wants to hand out $500 to anyone who comes forward with any piece of information. His plans were to originally use the money for his August birthday trip to Disney, but he decided to give that up. Instead, he is saving the money to help police find Jennifer Dulos. Riley said he empathizes with Jennifer’s five children who have been without their mom for nearly three weeks now. He said he could never live without his mom. With dreams to become a police officer when he grows up, he is extending his help with the investigators’ search efforts. If down the road, Jennifer Dulos is still not found, Riley said he wants the money to be donated to Jennifer’s five children.

The Dulos family is beyond wealthy. Jennifer’s deceased father was a wealthy investor who left behind millions of dollars, and they’ve since been helping out Jennifer’s family a lot. The children are currently living with their grandmother in her NYC apartment, and do not need $500, because that amount of money means nothing to them. These kids will never need. These kids will never need money, they just want their mom, and she’s not coming home because their dad probably killed her.

This is Danielle Daigle, the woman who started the GoFundMe in her son’s name.

She claims that he voluntarily cancelled a Disney trip so that he could raise more money to help solve this case. It’s cute if your kid offers to do that, but an adult should tell their 7 year old child that he can keep the money because the police will find the killer. The family of Jennifer Dulos is already on record saying they will not accept the money and have urged people not to donate.

I highly doubt there was ever any Disney trip.

Danielle Daigle claims that she will be reaching out to the family’s attorney to give them the money, which I’m sure they don’t want to deal with right now because they have their hands full trying to solve a murder mystery while going through a contentious custody battle with the guy who probably killed Jennifer.

Nevertheless the GoFundMe had the desired effect.

Because using children plays on people’s heart strings. Danielle knows that.

Here’s what Daigle said to a person who had criticized the GoFundMe publicly on Facebook.

“Thank you for trying to kill a child’s dream of helping someone.”

Again, hiding behind the children because it’s easier than addressing the obvious scam that’s going on here.

A cursory look of her Facebook page shows that she seems to sell designer purses for a living.

Lots of honest people sell $200 wallets for $10. Who doesn’t buy Michael Kors items only to sell them at a huge loss online? Sounds legit.

This doesn’t smell right, and the GoFundMe needs to be reported and come down. Feel free to do so, because it’s so wrong to profit off of this tragedy.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. Wow you people are pathetic. Some people care about others in this world. Not everyone is out for free money grabs. Why would you shit on this kids project. The child will probably be ruined by this. You totally missed the mark on this one TBS. very disappointed. This is why I’ve lost my faith in you. You completely misrepresented what the go fund me was even for. It was not for the children it’s A REWARD FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO THE MOTHER. How much can you twist shit up??? You guys are obviously hurting on page views and $$ if you’re digging this low. And all you can dig up on the mother is her selling used shit on Facebook??? FUCKING WOW. Time to look for a new job. Seen you guys do this way too much.

    1. TBs Mom,

      While I agree that “not everyone in out for free money grab” the evidence strongly suggests that this little boys mom was attempting to profit from this tragedy. And probably did to the tune of $1K. If the family thought a reward would be helpful, they could easily fund one well in excess of $5,0000. Easily. And they politely said No Thank You and yet, $$$ were still being collected.

      Facts are stubborn things.


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