Law and Order

Worcester Man Tyrell Moore Who Parked In Handicapped Spot, Called Handicapped Woman Racist Was Charged With Statutory Rape Of A Child In 2018


We have identified the man who illegally parked in a Worcester Chipotle handicapped spot, and then called a handicapped woman a racist when she asked him not to park there.

His name is Tyrell Moore, he hails from beautiful, historic Lincoln Village, and the only thing more offensive than his parking habits is the pubestache that used to adorn his face.


The car belongs to his mother, because why would this 30 year old man have his own transportation? I had no idea Saturn was still a thing until I saw this video, but I guess in Lincoln Village anything is possible.

You may recognize Tyrell from the Report Cheating Wife website, where he is described as a “man slut.”

Cheating on your girlfriend is not a sex crime, but aggravated rape of a child is.

The girl was a 13 year old runaway who he knew the age of, and who he got high and drunk first.

The charges were dismissed because the girl wouldn’t cooperate with the ADA.

That’s not good. Almost as if the kind of person who sees nothing wrong with preventing handicapped people from accessing a building also wouldn’t see anything wrong with having sex with a girl who is not of legal age to consent. It’s never a one time thing with these sorts of people. Be a better person Tyrell, and stop blaming your own personal shortcomings on racism. It’s not a good look on you. Almost as bad as that pubestache. Almost.


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