
Billy Tibbetts Arrested By Boston PD For Refusing To Give Them His Crack Pipe, Running Away And Resisting After Leaving Strip Club Days After Getting Out Of Jail


Former NHL player, convicted rapist, and failed candidate for the Scituate Board of Selectmen, William “Billy” Tibbetts, was released from jail last week after 60 days for harassing and threatening both the Chief of Police of Scituate and his sister. It took him less than 48 hours to get sent back.

A former NHL player and Scituate Selectman candidate was arrested on drug charges early Sunday morning in Boston. William Tibbetts, 44, of Scituate was arrested in the Chinatown section of the city, according to Officer Kim Tavares, a spokeswoman for the Boston Police Department. Tibbetts was charged with possession with intent distribute a class B drug, and resisting arrest.

Around 1:15 a.m. officers approached Tibbetts near La Grange and Tamworth Streets for suspicious behavior. Tibbetts was arrested soon after, and was found to be in possession of a white substance. He is set to be arraigned on Monday at Boston Municipal Court. On Thursday, Tibbetts pleaded guilty in Hingham District Court to charges that he harassed the Scituate Police Chief and his sister. He pleaded guilty to two counts of criminal harassment, one count of witness intimidation, and one count for violation of a criminal harassment order. He also pleaded guilty to a separate case for operating a motor vehicle with a revoked license. He was sentenced to two years probation for the harassment case, and received a one-year jail sentence with the balance suspended for a year.

You’d think that someone with a one year suspended sentence on two years of probation would stay out of trouble, especially since Josh Abrams will be incarcerated in the jail he’s going to for the next 70 days. After all, it was just last week that Billy beat up Mr. Abrams in jail, after no doubt reaching his breaking point due to hearing Josh’s voice every day 24/7. The fear of being around Josh Abrams in an enclosed environment that you cannot leave should be enough motivation to keep a career criminal like Billy Tibbetts clean.

But alas the arrest report shows that Billy had no intention whatsoever of abiding by the terms of his probation (sorry it’s blurry and small but it was the best version we got sent to us).

If you can’t read that, here’s a recap of how it went down:

  • Billy went to Centerfolds and then stopped by this alley behind Boylston Street, known for drug activity, because that’s the last place the cops would look for drug use.

  • Billy refused to give his name to the police and was so brazen that he had his crack pipe in his mouth.
  • Billy asked to be let go but refused to tell them his name or hand over the crack pipe.
  • Billy told the cops he couldn’t get arrested, asked to be summonsed, ran from them, got tackled, screamed “I’m not resisting” while actively resisting, and finally told the cops that he wasn’t selling all the crack cocaine on him because he was “just going to get real f***ed up tonight.”
  • During the booking process they found more crack cocaine on him.
  • Billy attempted to kill himself in his cell by tearing his shirt apart and trying to make a noose out of it before having his suicide attempt interrupted by guards who were monitoring him on CCTV.

It is truly remarkable that Billy Tibbetts was more closely watched for suicide than Jeffrey Epstein.

Despite a judge warning him to stop posting on social media Billy also has been actively updating his lone Instagram post, and told his followers that he messed up badly and is likely going back to jail again. (you have to click on the profile picture on his page to see the updated video).

I know this might be unpopular to say, since Billy Tibbetts is a psychotic criminal who’s been convicted of statutory rape before. But I find him amusing and I think it was wrong to send him to jail in July. Granted, he slandered the police chief:

“He repeatedly refers to the chief as the devil,” Plymouth Assistant District Attorney David Cutshall told a judge last month. “The defendant fabricated stories about the chief on a daily basis.”

But isn’t that a civil matter and not a criminal one? We’re sending to people to jail for spreading lies about public servants on social media? How is Chris Cuomo a free man? No one who watched Billy’s bizarre videos actually believed that the police chief was guilty of any of the baseless things Billy accused him of being. Billy was here for our amusement, and we were laughing at him, not with him. People should not be prosecuted for saying and posting crazy things on the Internet, so long as they don’t actually threaten to commit a crime.


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  1. This guy would have been a degenerate if he never played high level hockey but I can’t help but suspect a lot of the crazy shit, like thinking cops would only summons you for crack possession and leave you alone, can be attributed to CTE. I sincerely hope the BU brain team gets first dibs on this guy come his untimely demise. He could be the smoking gun that the NHL hope never comes out.

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