
Former Professional Hockey Player, Failed Selectman And Local Lunatic Billy Tibbetts Is On The Lam

Following his September 22nd arrest for drug possession and resisting arrest, Billy Tibbetts is now trying to skate his way by the long arm of the law.

This past Sunday, during  the wee hours of the morning in an alley near Centerfolds gentleman’s club in Chinatown, everyone’s favorite lunatic and miscreant Billy Tibbetts was arrested yet again, and that arrest resulted in the best police report I have ever read.




For some reason that can only be explained by the same sort of clown logic that led to Josh Abrams’ bail being reinstated this past Monday, Tibbetts was released Monday morning after posting $1,000 bail and trusted to show up for his Tuesday arraignment in Boston Municipal Court, despite having a lengthy criminal history and just having had plead guilty to harassing Scituate Police Chief Mike Stewart three days prior to his latest arrest. He tried to pull an Epstein in the PD’s lockup, for crying out loud. That is not a guy who is thrilled about the prospect of going back in front of a judge. And wouldn’t you know it…Tuesday’s court date came and went, and….


He didn’t show up. Shocker. Now the Tibbettsnator is on the lam, hiding out from the 5-0.

Bold move, Cotton. I can almost guarantee this will NOT pay off. I have no idea where he plans to hide out. The guy sticks out like a spray-tanned, cracked out sore thumb. Billy, if you’re reading this, just turn yourself in, bud. Do you time, get out, and maybe next time you could start making outrageously libelous videos about me? It would be my honor, truly.

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