TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 187: State Police Facilitated Witness Intimidation Against Karen Read’s Attorney David Yannetti By Leaking Private Text Messages From Turtleboy’s Phone



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The State Police arrested me on October 11 at 8:35 AM, and had possession of my phones within minutes. By 9 AM I was en route to the Holden State Police barracks for booking, where they made it clear to me that I would not be able to call for a ride or bail without giving them access to my phone, since I didn’t know my parent’s cell phone numbers. I did not want to give them my passcode, but the alternative was spending the night in jail and not being able to alert anyone that I had been arrested. They could have easily driven the phones to the Holden State Police barracks, which was just 10 minutes away. But they chose not to. It was a coercive move that we will be challenging.

But most concerning was that at 10:16 that morning Karen Read’s attorney David Yannetti received a threatening Twitter DM from a woman who acts as the spokesperson for the Alberts and McCabes, telling him to “buckle up buttercup” because she had access to text messages between David and I, which she claimed implicated him in witness harassment.

Notice how she didn’t allege that I had communicated with Attorneys Alan Jackson, Elizabeth Little, or Ian Henchy. I have contacted all four of Karen’s attorneys using email and phone for quotes on stories I was working on. Sometimes they are able to answer my questions, and sometimes they can’t. But the only one I ever communicated with via text message was Yannetti. The others were email or phone calls.

I don’t remember the context of all of my conversations with David because the police stole my phone and won’t allow me to access it. But one thing is clear – the only people who could see my text messages with Yannetti were the Massachusetts State Police investigators with access to my phone. This woman who messaged Yannetti, who was at my arraignment and spoke as a representative of the McAlberts with Gretchen Voss for her story in Boston Magazine, could not have known about the fact that I had texted with David in the past. None of the other attorneys received messages like this. She has harassed and made ominous statements towards Yannetti on Twitter several times before, but never mentioned the existence of text messages until 2 hours after the State Police took my phone. If she had possession of screenshots of our messages (which would be impossible) then she had ample opportunity to show them. Instead she waited until 2 hours after State Police took my phone.

The woman who sent Yannetti the message also happens to be the admin of a private Facebook group called McCabes, Alberts, Proctors, and O’Keefe’s, which Elizabeth Proctor is a member of despite claiming to not know any of these families personally. Elizabeth’s husband Michael is one of the MSP investigators with access to my phone.




The State Police and DA’s Office know that they have no chance of convicting me of anything. They arrested me and raided my home for two main reasons:

  1. To obtain a stay away order, which would make it harder for me to report on widespread corruption in the coverup of John O’Keefe’s murder.
  2. To gain access to my phone, computer, and notes inside my house, in order to find out who I had been communicating with, and what information I had on them.

There is no other way this individual could have known that I had texted with David Yannetti unless the State Police leaked that information. The woman who messaged Yannetti said that our messages had been “making the rounds,” so they’ve shared it with many people. This same woman was at my arraignment, despite being just feet away inside the courtroom from the daughter of a Boston Police Officer who has a restraining order against her. After the arraignment she made statements claiming that she was there to have a meeting with Special Prosecutor Ken Mello, and was not in violation of the order. (although this individual has a long and documented history of lying, so there is no way to verify that)

Sources tell us that another criminal complaint has been issued against her as a result, just days before her trial in Boston.

In summary, the State Police, District Attorney, and Special Prosecutor have aligned themselves with, and are leaking information about the contents of my phone, to a woman who lost two of her children permanently to the state, has a trial this week in Boston for stalking and violating a harassment prevention order, and has a long and documented history of fabricating evidence in an attempt to have me arrested for various crimes I didn’t commit. The State Police have shown that they are abusing the search of my devices and facilitating harassment and intimidation of a witness/lawyer.

I’ll be in court next week at a date and time to be announced.



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  1. Amazing how friends of the prosecution keep tagging into this case in their official capacity as officers of the court to try and carry the ball for a first down. They’re not acting on behalf of the State they’re acting on behalf of their corrupt incompetent friends.

    One after the other officials desperately attempting to give traction to criminal cases against Karen Read or TB. They really have nothing in either case but are trying like hell to manufacture a case.

    This is not justice.

  2. I’m not sure about this, but here it goes. If you asked David any legal questions through texts or emails (not pertaining KR trial). I was wondering if that would be client attorney privilege? An if so an those messages where read an or worst leaked. Technically everyone you have talked to is a witness now, especially if anything is leaked an harrasment has begun on any individual who has given you information.

    1. Yes and no, Attorney-client privilege must meet certain criteria, “ (1) a communication; (2) made between privileged persons; (3) in confidence; (4) for the purpose of seeking, obtaining or providing legal assistance to the client.”

      So if Aiden did communicate with Yannetti seeking legal advice for himself, then yes it’s privileged. If that is leaked then but only the communication seeking legal advice!

      So even if Aiden communicated with Yannetti in order to obtain legal assistance only THAT correspondence is covered under the privilege, not everything that he communicates to the attorney. Technically, if the police found any privileged correspondence while searching under the warrant it cannot be used in court!

      Last thing I wanna point out is Yannetti is a brilliant attorney, I can guarantee he communicated absolutely nothing to Aiden or anyone else that would jeopardize himself or his client Karen Read!! My bet is these idiots at the MSP leaked that Aiden was texting Yannetti, (not uncommon at all for journalists to have working relationships with attorneys and prosecutors) , and KP and the McAlberts are dumb enough to have thought, “gotch ya, you were communicating with Aiden”! All they did in reality is make matters worse on themselves for leaking info!

    1. I think the Canton Crew is more likely to sue Aiden into financial oblivion instead of stringing him up.

      1. Here you go again: you just say things to see your comments in print with absolutely no clue as to how your fantasies could actually work. Typical leftist that just wants to punish the good people that you could never be like.

  3. It makes me so angry every time they call themselves Johns friends. They’re grieving, poor things. Give me a break! They’ve all admitted the either didn’t know John, met him once or his niece was a friend if their kid. Pisses me off to no end!

    1. These are the same low lifes that won’t turn over their phones and are suing not to testify. How can you be an intimidated witness if you are refusing to testify????

  4. I can’t even imagine what it must be like to live in Canton now. And I can’t imagine anyone with a family looking to move there… Absolutely toxic environment.

    As for the Canton crew, these people are desperate. The ones from the house probably feel the walls closing in. Some actually killed John, some were complicit in covering it up and some probably feel pressured to protect them. But the longer it goes on the more likely everyone will face charges.

    For the Karen Read Supporters… We need to keep the faith. Since Aidan’s arrest this case has exploded and in favor of Karen Read. More supporters, more eyes on the case and more eyes on how the police handled it.

    1. “The ones from the house probably feel the walls closing in” They sure don’t act like it. If anything, they act like people who aren’t afraid of being hauled in front of the court on murder charges but who are pissed off at this whole thing. My hunch is that once Aiden is convicted the civil suits are going to be epic.

      1. You dummies always say these things: “Trump will be sent to jail”, “Aidan will be convicted”. But when you’re pressed, you cannot justify, in any way, the actual, specific reasons you say it.

        You people are just whining, little brats with twisted brains that throw tantrums when they don’t get their way.

        1. Dude Trump took over 10 million in bribes from Russia, Ukraine, Romania, China and hired hookers everywhere he went he’s totally going to jail for probably life on gun charges, false documents and not paying taxes for his bribes plus he lost his business license for lying in court on top secrete documents.

  5. You fucking dolt, Krusty was just trolling Yanetti and you’re the one who fell for it.

    Which begs the question: based on your reaction there’s something in those texts to Yanetti that you don’t want revealed. You’re better off telling all now, maybe cutting a deal, or they’re going to throw the book at you…especially when they learn that you’ve been coordinating this with someone else (probably KR via Signal).

    And no, they didn’t arrest you to silence you, or to stop you from learning more about whatever Adderal-fueled conspiracy you and KR/her team have dreamt up. They arrested you for witness intimidation and conspiracy, both of which you’ve managed to nicely document. Think about that: you gave the state all they need to convict you, and you’re probably going to jail for a few years.

    Go to the bathroom, look in the mirror and tell that guy staring back at you that it’s all his fault.

    1. Stick with the masshole report those episodes were entertaining. Seriously there’s room on the internet for Krusty and TB both along with 500 million other content creators. Why you people obsess on each other is strange, birds of a feather?

      1. TB has tried to sever all ties with her many times. She legit won’t go away.
        Once she saw he was looking into the KR case, she of course jumps on the KR is guilty train. Do I actually believe she believes that? Nooooo absolutely not. But she’ll just say whatever goes against what TB says. She’s dyingggg to stay relevant. The McAlberts families are idiots for putting ANY trust in her. It’s all going to explode back in their face at some point. We all know how relationships & friendships end with KP.
        She has an obsession with him, like I’ve never seen. So to insinuate this is some kind of mutual thing of going back & forth. It’s just sooo wrong.

      2. Lmao. Cute??? In what sense?
        It can’t mean physically. That’s just gross.
        Horrible human being.
        It can’t mean personality.
        This is a joke right?

    2. It’s all fun and games until this same power by the government is used against YOU some day. It’s okay to hate on Tb, fine. Plenty of room on the net. But don’t gloat too long.

  6. pretty sure this behavior falls under the intimidation statute.. and incriminating the state police lol i bet we wont see any of the maop crew sporting FREE KP tshirts tho😂🤭

  7. Wtf does “our girl” with a pic of a woman and her child mean?
    How degrading and ignorant.
    Did this really originate from a human resource professional?
    The woman they are targeting did nothing but speak articulately at a select board meeting. Now they have pinned her as “there’s our girl”.
    Who exactly is being intimidated?

  8. She just can’t keep her cunty mouth shut, can she?
    Hopefully no one was offended by my language here.
    And if you are… oh well.
    There is no word in the in English dictionary that describes what a POS she actually is.
    She is legit evil.

    I’m just awaiting the break-up of the McAlberts & KP (aka “Masshole Mafia”) which will absolutely happen at some point.
    It alwaysss does. History tends to repeat itself. I’m sure as this whole thing is playing out, she’s documenting EVERYTHING you say… just know that. That’s just who she is.

    I will NEVER understand them going to a person like her.
    Did they really think she would help them? With what exactly?
    Hopefully the McAlberts open their eyes and see that she does not have the capacity to end friendships or relationships amicably.
    She’s incapable of doing so.
    She is insane in every sense of the word. And simply not a good person.

    We’ve watched what happens to her relationships & friendships time after time after time.
    I honestly thought the McAlberts were at the very least smart enough to keep her as farrr away from her for their own good.
    But I guess they are just the kind of people that have to touch the stove to see if it’s actually hot.

    Just know McAlberts, when she sees no reason to keep you around anymore or something else happens to make her break up with you, she has every conversation you’ve had with her already screenshotted & ready to be used at her disposal.
    That’s how she does things.
    She’s diabolical.
    So when… not if this happens, I hope you all learn to nor touch the stove when others have told you it’s hot & you’re going to get burnt.
    And I’ll get out my popcorn 🍿

    1. There’s some serious projection going on here. You’ve got it ass backwards. Aidan is the one who can’t keep friends and inevitably has a falling out with everyone around him because he can’t stand the idea of people disagreeing with him. He cuts ties and goes nuclear when people are no longer of use to him. KP is friends with all of the people who have been chewed up and spit out by TB. It’s like a support group for those wounded by narcissistic abuse.

    2. No they like her because she’s scum like them and they see her as someone willing to do their dirty work. They don’t care about her like she doesn’t really care for them, it’s a self serving relationship on both ends.

  9. Who here is surprised that the people sick enough to beat a cop half to death then ensure he freezes to death, then attempt a half-assed, ridiculous cover up are the same people to hitch their wagon to this disgusting woman?

  10. What a complete shit show! Obese sloppy wives of lying loser state cops are launching facebook attacks on citizens who speak at a public meetings. The entire case is full of gross sick people, the only things missing are a carnival, bearded lady and wife swapping.

    What if one of these victims of Mizz Proctor has deep pockets and decides to tie her up in expensive litigation for the next 3 years.

    1. I hope that is the case. They have a good case. You cannot try and have someone fired because you didn’t like their opinion on a social media post.
      She took the time (probably while on the clock) to research or have her husband research people to find out where they work and call their employers.
      That is full on harassment, among other things.

  11. McAlbert Klan is pure trash… nothing is beneath them.

    Are they related to that red haired attorney Murdaugh the murderer in South Carolina?

    1. Come on TB, you don’t know 1 f’ing phone number? Your kids didn’t call your wife? Lots of people spend a night in jail.

    2. Agree 100%, should’ve invoked his rights and waited to make his call from jail, he has to know 1 phone number, even if he didn’t his court appointed attorney could’ve helped with getting in touch with a family member! Rookie move, I’m sorry!

  12. The Alberts and McCabes seem like a degenerate group and then they have all these misfits that are hanging around them. Do these people not have any decent friends or what? You have the old man from the meeting that tried to act like a tough guy but failed, the wife of the trooper, the Roberts woman, KP, and some more.

    If any of the Alberts and McCabes get sent to prison these tagalongs are going to be completely lost.

  13. No doubt, the prosecutors and certain police in Massachusetts play dirty. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if they gang-beat Okeefe, killed him by accident, then found a scape-goat. Here’s the thing: Turtle-boy-wonder hasn’t posted evidence on his website, at least not in any clear organized form. I’m looking, and I’m not finding it. All I’m hearing is noise, and he’s a foul-mouthed jerk to boot. So is he doing more good or more harm for Karen Reed? You tell me.

    1. He helps the Read case by bringing awareness. So they beat him too hard and he was too f’d up so they dragged him out the bulkhead, lost his shoe (for a while), and let him die in the cold. There is no case against Read and there will be no case on anyone in the house unless someone flips or they can prove O’Keefe went inside. They probably hoped for more snow so they could pin it on a plow accident with Lucky.

      1. I mean I see what you’re saying, but until TB wrote about this I believed what the media reported, that Read accidentally hit him and he died. None of the other crazy unexplained shit was ever reported! Just from what’s been reported I have enough reasonable doubt in my mind. Unless Aiden was physically there and saw what happened, or a person there that witnessed his death spoke to Aiden on the record he can’t show proof, nobody can! Literally the defense nor the prosecution can show PROOF how O’Keefe ended up where he did and died! The State has told the media what they “think” happened, Aiden and the defense have said what they “think”happened!

        If proof is what you’re after, I’m sorry but you’re shit out of luck, unless someone confesses! Even if someone came forward and said “I saw Read hit him, or I saw him get beat up, etc, etc, that’s still not proof, hell I could say you did it, doesn’t prove a thing! This case in all likelihood is going to boil down to reasonable doubt, and right now there is plenty of reasonable doubt to acquit Read. I strongly believe that’s why they are after Aiden, prior to his reporting of this case it seemed reasonable that Read did it, after his reporting it’s reasonable she didn’t. What I also find funny is the DA says that cases are tried in Courts, not the media or court of public opinion, yet they always, always tell the media the aspects of the case as they pertain to the prosecution, but when the defense does it, they want gag orders and go after journalists!

  14. What part of the Constitution specifically gives cope LEGAL access to one’s phone by using that phone to make a call that is a right held in our Constitution?
    To demand access to ALL info on that phone seems like blackmailing you to “allow” you access to the right.

      1. I was thinking the same thing, “ Massachusetts law (M.G.L. c. 276, Section 33A) states that every person arrested in Massachusetts has the right to make phone calls from the police station or jail”

        Problem is police are allowed to lie, how it was worded is very important! Did the MSP tell Aiden he would not be allowed to make ANY phone calls period, unless he gave them access to his phone, OR did Aiden ask to use his phone to make a call prior to being transported to MSP barracks and was told he couldn’t make a call with his phone unless they unlocked it?

        Not saying Aiden isn’t smart, but the police in general are allowed to lie to, and manipulate individuals to get what they want legally! It all falls under the right to remain silent, every person has the right to remain silent, Aiden should have absolutely invoked his rights after being mirandized! He should have said nothing, made his call from the MSP barracks or jail, let his court appointed attorney enter his plea, and waited to speak with the attorney he ultimately hired!

        Before everyone beats me up, I get it, it’s not always that easy, and I’m 100% on Aiden’s side.

  15. A former Philadelphia police officer Patrick Heron was sentenced to 15 to 40 years in state prison after he pleaded guilty Friday to sexually assaulting vulnerable women and girls Patrick Heron, 54, of Northeast Philadelphia pleaded guilty on more than 200 counts that included child sex assault, child pornography, kidnapping, and related offenses.

    Heron, who retired from the force in 2019, was initially arrested last year and accused of posing as an active officer to lure girls, including some of his daughter’s friends. Before forcing one girl to perform sex acts on him, Heron told her that “It would help you in court to have a police officer on your side,”.

    Investigators later uncovered dozens of photos and videos from his phone showing that Heron’s predatory behavior spanned years and included dozens of young women and girls.

    At a hearing last month, prosecutors shared a video that they said showed Heron encouraging a young woman to use heroin in the back of his cruiser. He then videotaped himself assaulting her while she lay unconscious in the back of his car.

  16. Betcha anything Chris Albert knows the cheapest Asian massage parlor to get straightened out at although that wouldn’t help him with soft egg noodle and popcorn shrimp.

  17. I’ll never understand why these people thought turning to her was a good idea.
    It’s like hiring the person who told Dukakis he looked really good riding in that tank. WHY did you bring that guy on to do your PR?

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