Canton Cover-Up Part 218: Karen Read Defense Asks For All Communications Between Elizabeth Proctor, Michael Proctor, Jennifer McCabe Based Off Information Revealed On Turtleboy

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Karen Read’s defense team filed a motion Thursday to get access to Michael Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, and Jennifer McCabe’s communications, based largely on reporting first seen on Turtleboy Daily News.
This is a big ask, but one that is completely called for in light of information first reported on Turtleboy. On August 25 Michael Morrissey stated during his pre-recorded press release that “Trooper Proctor had no close relationship with any of the parties involved in the investigation, had no conflict, and had no reason to step out of the investigation.”
The defense noted this as well.
They defense entered into evidence 6 pictures that prove otherwise, including 3 of which were first reported on Turtleboy.
1. Picture showing Chris Albert, Olivia McCabe, Courtney Proctor, Karen Proctor, and Colin Albert at a birthday party.
2. Wedding party picture with Michael Proctor and Colin Albert.
3. Picture of Michael Proctor and Colin Albert together at Courtney Proctor’s wedding (first reported on Turtleboy).
4. Michael Proctor sitting at wedding table with Chris Albert, Colin Albert, and Julie Albert (first reported on Turtleboy).
5. Picture of McCabe girls in background picture of Michael Proctor with niece.
6. Karen Proctor calling the Alberts her “second family” (first reported on Turtleboy).
They also could’ve included all of these images from our publication:
But the point is made.
The defense also included Proctor’s report of his interview with the Alberts, which as first reported by Turtleboy contained the phrase, “Following formal introductions,” to deceive the reader into believing that Proctor had never met Chris and Julie Albert before.
My arrest is also now being used as evidence against the Commonwealth, as was first reported in Part 161 of the Canton Coverup series, we caught Jennifer McCabe having a secret meeting at the Proctor household on September 25 after a passerby sent us a picture.
This was a shocking discovery that proved that the DA’s Office and State Police were lying about Proctor’s relationship with the McCabes and Alberts. But rather than discipline Proctor for lying to them, MSP launched an investigation into the whistle blowing journalist who exposed the corruption and charged him with conspiracy to commit witness intimidation. As a result of this award winning journalism Jennifer McCabe had no choice but to admit to Lt. Brian Tully that she was indeed inside the Proctors household, and came up with the excuse of “bonding” to justify her 6 PM social visit.
This proved not only that Morrissey lied on August 25, but that Adam Lally lied at a hearing on October 3, 2022, in which he stated that “these are not people that socialize together, there are not people who know each other, these are not people that Trooper Proctor has been over to their home.” That statement has aged about as well as Jill Daniels’ forehead.
The new motion also brings up the fact that Proctor never documented 5 visits to 34 Fairview Road in which he found more pieces of tail light on each trip, never photographed any of the tail light, and never explained who called him to go over there.
If he found tail light on February 8, why wouldn’t he keep searching? Why would he come back three days later, and then again on February 18? Did he just go over there when he was bored? Or did Brian Albert call him after Albert planted tail light? Access to Proctor’s communications would certainly clear up any allegations of wrongdoing if he is in fact innocent.
From the beginning I have pointed out how it wasn’t so much what Proctor did that was evidence of a cover up, it was what he DIDN’T do. The motion explains how Proctor has intentionally left things out of police reports, and lied in order to avoid implicating his long time friends, the Alberts and McCabes.
For instance, Proctor wrongly wrote in his report that Canton DPW trucks never plowed Fairview Road, and the night John was murdered an outside contractor called By The Yard (owned by a close friends of the Alberts) was tasked with the job but didn’t plow the road. We now know, thanks to Turtleboy’s award winning journalism, that Proctor lied about the Canton DPW not plowing Fairview Road in order to hide Canton DPW plow driver Lucky Loughran from the defense. Loughran has told virtually the same story to four investigators (the FBI, State Police, Private Investigator, and Turtleboy) – he saw no body when he plowed the road at 2:30, he would’ve seen a body if it was there, and he didn’t plow the road at 3:30 because he saw a Ford Edge parked next to where John O’Keefe’s body was discovered by Karen Read 2.5 hours later.
A public record’s request to Bridgewater State revealed that Colin Albert drives a Ford Edge that matches the description.
Proctor became aware of this on August 10 when he interviewed Lucky Loughran. To this day the State Police have not followed up on this CRUCIAL lead. They now have eye witness testimony from a reliable witness who told them that O’Keefe’s body was not on Brian Albert’s lawn at 2:30, which means Karen Read could not have hit him at 12:30, which means the charges should’ve immediately been dropped against her. More shockingly, they have not made ANY attempt to find out who was driving the Ford Edge parked next to where O’Keefe’s body was discovered shortly thereafter.
It’s not just what they did, it’s also what they didn’t do that makes the State Police guilty. They are fully aware that Karen Read did not kill John O’Keefe, and that the person who did was driving a Ford Edge. But instead of tracking down this mysterious cop killer they have used the resources of the state to charge a whistle blowing journalist with 9 felony counts of witness intimidation and conspiracy.
As the defense also pointed out in the motion, Colin Albert was never once mentioned in any police report as being present inside 34 Fairview Road that night. In October of 2022 Michael Proctor suddenly decided to interview Julie Nagel and Sarah Levinson for the first time, despite the fact that they were inside 34 Fairview Road until 1:47 AM, got a ride home from the McCabes, and drove directly by the location where John O’Keefe’s body would have been. Proctor suddenly decided to interview Nagel after 9 months because the defense had pointed out in court days before that not a single person inside the house had seen John O’Keefe’s body. In other words, they needed someone to suggest that they MAY have seen John’s body on the lawn or else there story wasn’t believable.
This is where Julie Nagel did her part. When Proctor interviewed Nagel, which he didn’t record, she told him that she saw a shadowy figure on the lawn. If she had said she’d seen a body it would’ve implicated her for not calling 911. If she didn’t see a body it would’ve helped Karen Read’s defense that John’s body wasn’t there. Saying she saw a shadowy figure was intentionally ambiguous. Sarah Levinson, who was in the same car as Nagel, was also interviewed, but didn’t mention anything about a shadowy figure on the lawn in Proctor’s report that contained 5 misspellings of witnesses’ names.
However, Proctor never included Colin Albert’s name as being present inside the house in Julie Nagel or Sarah Levinson’s interviews. That changed on September 29, 2023, when Proctor was court ordered to hand over his hand written notes to the defense. This time he DID include Colin Albert’s name, which meant that he INTENTIONALLY omitted Colin from his official report in two interviews. Proctor never interviewed Colin at all regarding the night of the murder until August 9, 2023 (the day before he interviewed Lucky Loughran), and all Colin said was that there was never animosity between him and John O’Keefe.
It’s noteworthy that Colin was interviewed weeks earlier by Yuri Bukhenik, but only in regards to how Turtleboy made him sad by leaving a satirical voicemail on July 8 during a Live Show.
A normal, non-corrupt judge would allow the defense’s motion, based on the plethora of undeniable evidence that the lead investigator is close friends with the key witnesses in a murder case. A non-corrupt judge wouldn’t have cancelled an evidentiary hearing the day before it was set to happen, and would’ve dismissed this case a long time ago. But unfortunately the judge in this case is Beverly Cannone, so the chances that she allows this motion are slim to none. Luckily for Karen Read we now know that Auntie Bev isn’t the final authority on anything.

Great article! You really sum up the corruption, which goes deeper than I realized. Great work as usual.
Love this. However, what about conversations/texts and messages from before midnight (Jan 28?) Looks like they’ve asked for Jan 29th on. or am I missing something? Regardless she’s cooked
Thank you for all your investigative work on this and uncovering what may be the biggest corruption case in MA history.
I think tax payers in MA should be made aware of just how much these SHAM cases are costing the tax payers.
They should have a meter just like a taxi so the state knows just how much of our tax dollars they are wasting. Disgusting
Your unlawful arrest is totally gonna come back to haunt them in the end. You will be able to swing that thing around like a weapon.
I snagged that pic!! ( High Fives )
Trooper Proctor —> Reckless endangerment comes to mind.
Consider: A person accused of reckless endangerment: “isn’t required to intend the resulting or potential harm, but must have acted in a way that showed a disregard for the foreseeable consequences of the actions.”
Observation: Though to engage in the coverup he had to intend to harm Karen Read in order to lead the arc of justice away from those who actually engaged in/observed/were at the scene of the murder/death of John O’Keefe
How about obstructing Justice and conspiracy ?
Mass State Police are CORRUPT through and through.
Instance after instance of wildly inappropriate and unlawful behavior by the MSP. It’s business as usual for cops knowingly putting innocent people in prison.
If there were any good cops, they would stop the bad cops but the “good” cops just play along with the dirty cops meaning they’re all dirty. What would you think of doctors or nurses who stood idle while watching other doctors and nurses beat, rape and rob patients? They would all be complicit!
But when it comes to police we’re supposed to accept that the “good” cops don’t step in to stop the crimes of degenerate dirty cops because it’s some kind of complex brotherhood. The entire MSP is complicit. Every cop who is aware of abuse is a co-conspirator if they don’t immediately act to prevent, stop, arrest other cops and report these crimes and abuses by other police.
End qualified immunity, demand accountability from the psychotic bullies with badges. The police aren’t your friends they’re here to hurt you.
I agree 100%! Now don’t get me wrong, I get that they need to work with these men/woman, they don’t want to jeopardize their pension/promotions, etc, etc, BUT if you are a cop, and take part in this “thin blue line” mentality, YOUR NOT A GOOD COP!! Plain and simple, so own it and stop defending your actions with this thin blue line bullshit!! “I’m a good cop………as long as I don’t have to arrest, report, or rat on a fellow cop” doesn’t fly!
Doctors and nurses kill way more people than cops do.
It isn’t even close.
Three thoughts:
1. People with nothing to hide, hide nothing.
2. Propaganda: It isn’t just the lies they engage in, it’s also the truth they actively try to keep from you. So many lies…so much hiding (including Brian Albert holed up inside his home as a gravely injured & dying police officer lay on his front lawn)…so much propaganda…
3. “Oh what a tangled web we weave… When first we practice to deceive.”
Which is why Karen Read needs to turn over her phone records.
Also someone called in a wellness check on me.
The prosecution HAS KARENS PHONE ALREADY. Pay attention.
Are you fucking stupid or something? They’ve had her phone. Maybe if the McAlberts turned their phones over they could stop all this nonsense quickly. But they won’t do that because they’re hiding shit. Jen McCabe is on the toilet shitting all the carrots right now
Regular people who value their privacy hide very boring things all the time. But if they’re accused of something really bad and actually facing charges then yeah they’ll put their cards on the table.
Always thought Higgins would cooperate but now maybe Jen McCabe will cooperate as well. If there is damaging evidence on her phone – which I’m sure there is – she’s crazy if she doesn’t
Accessory after the fact is no joke
Accessory before the fact if indeed John was alive when his body was dragged outside and did nothing. Which by the search “hos long to die in cold?” seems to be the case?
The owner of Matt Kelly’s Pub has a brother who was a high ranking official in the MA State Police and also a Canton resident. I wonder if he has any interaction with Michael Proctor.
Show, don’t tell.
Elizabeth proctor’s communications should be made public so people can know if they need to go after her for defamation damages or not. She’ll be very busy at the license plate factory paying for all that.
As compelling as all this is, I have 0 faith Cannone will allow it.
That’s why there is an appeals process. Injustice in the trial court is not the end of the story.
And even after that, there is still the option of vigilante justice.
Hey Jen, we know you’re reading this……..
TICK TOCK BEEEATCH, your time is coming. Enjoy your freedom now cuz later, you won’t be.
Unless she flips and get immunity – either way her reputation is ruined forever, she will always be known as the lady who left a man dying in the cold instead of saving his life in order to protect her scumbag in-laws
So the lead investigator visited the “murder scene” on multiple occasions and each time, found more evidence.
If we are to believe this, the take away from that is HE KEPT MISSING MULTIPLE PIECES OF RED PLASTIC TAILLIGHT EACH TIME HE WENT.
🙄 👌
If this was a legitimate investigation, one thing I’d like to know is why wasn’t yellow “Crime Scene” tape put up all over the front yard and area of the street where the body was found until ALL the evidence was collected? The lead investigator just “swung by” periodically and happened to “find” more taillight pieces? Who’s to say those pieces weren’t from a 1978 AMC Gremlin? After a snowstorm and thaw I find all kinds of shit on my front lawn that the plows push up the street.
They definitely won’t hold up in court as credible pieces of evidence!! Once the jury hears & see the proof of all this, see ya laterrrrr!!! No wayyyy she’s getting convicted!! Hopefully something comes thru that puts a stop to this farce before it even reaches a trial!!
Norfolk County is the cesspool of Massachusetts. Just a bunch of imbred ignorant sleaze stacks
I would like to see the Defense ask for Proctors last few years of reports if he writes the same thing. “After formal introductions”…. I think that lane needs to expalined and looked into. Also. im still not holding my breath that the feds will even touch this. The deep state covers ther own.
This is why and how vigilante ideology arises
He didn’t write those reports. They are authored by Sgt. Bukkake. I’ve said this time and time again. That’s what they’re going to hang their hats on because he may not have known them but Proctor clearly did.
I completely agree with everything in this article EXCEPT…… keep saying Trooper Proctor wrote in his report “after formal introductions”! That report was written by Trooper Bukhenik, not Proctor!!
If you asked me what I thought of the men and women in law enforcement prior to everything that Turtleboy has uncovered my answer would have been that of probably many men in their 50’s, (I support them), but now I say there needs to be a major overhaul of how police departments operate in this country, and the MSP need to start over, ALL them ranked Sgt. and up need to go, the remaining troopers need to be carefully vetted! The entire organization is a dumpster fire!!
Dumpster fire fueled by all the trash that’s in it.
This is tragic. Law enforcement focused their investigation on framing Ms. Read not investigating Officer O’Keefe’s death. Horrible that he was left to expire so he couldn’t accuse his attacker(s). Seems The Kid has always been protected. Thank you Dr. TurtleBoy for shining the Spotlight on what needs exposure.
This article is great and I’m going to site it when idiots under YouTube videos claim that proctor isn’t corrupt and Karen is clearly guilty, like what evidence are these idiots lookin at? I know it’s likely mcalberts family and friends under fake accounts. But there’s even some court TV videos have some dumb fucks commenting who just blindly believe anything police say without questioning it even when there’s mountains of against stacked against them. When you ask them to explain lucky loughrans statements, the hos long to die in cold google search, the mishandling of evidence, undocumented searches, and documented relationship between proctors McCabes and alberts they never respond.
I’m sure there are people in charge not happy that after all the court room controversy over conflicts of interest.
Liz is still very vocal on social media and meeting with witnesses.
Someone said she was in H.R at her company?
How scary. She has access to employee Personnel files. I wouldn’t want someone so vindictive to have access to my records.
A woman that spent lots of time finding out who people were that said things on social media she did not like. Then called employers to get those people fired.
A line was crossed. People disagree on social media all the time. You don’t call their employer.
For anyone who’s employer was called your attorney should have her employer checked out. If she used a company computer or co issued phone and they did nothing/that company can also be included in a civil suit.
TB gonna get paid yo
I think the CofMA will fight tooth and nail to keep the requested info top secret. I also think the defense will eventually get the information. This entire fiasco has cost Ms. Read so so much. Her career, her savings, her reputation, and even worse-the man she loved and the children she was helping to raise. The Commonwealth will eventually have to pay her back and then some but her personal life will go through so many challenges. We can only hope the Commonwealth powers decide this case needs to leave Norfolk County and needs to be brought to an independent court. A court that has no political power, a court working in the interest of justice, an impartial judiciary. Now I’m not naive, I know it’ll never happen but this has gone beyond “reasonable doubt”. The Commonwealth is wasting so many tax dollars, so many resources, and is so focused on protecting their interests that they now have to continue their nefarious activities to avoid getting caught up in all their own lies. No one will ever stop trying to cage an innocent woman, this case or the next one.
Aside from the residents/visitors being involved in the murder of JO, I’m wondering…..JUST WONDERING…is it possible that Chloe attacked, biting JO, knocking him down, JO hitting his head and suffering a traumatic brain injury then being left out in the cold. Based on what’s been reported by TB (which is the only place I read about this case)I think it did happen inside the house. I think JO was injured and intoxicated but no one inside bothered to make sure he was okay. If originally an accident, no one would be in the current situation if aid was provided and medical help sought.
What a bunch of fucktards….
And Canton elects one of these fucktard deadbeats to the BOS. You couldn’t make this shit up if you tried.
Tully retaliated because you exposed me giving Jen McCabe a cleaveland steamer over a giant picture with your face on it. We were bonding over how much you intimidate me.
I know I’m late to the party but why is the judge being referred to as Auntie Bev in this article?
Because very early in the process, Sean McCabe, brother to one of the McCabes (I forget which one), wrote to TB a threatening message, and insinuated that the entire group had a close/personal relationship with the judge by calling her Auntie Bev.
Would the judge be wavering because she knows now that all of Proctor’s previous investigations will be called into question? Perhaps cases that she was the judge?
Bitch ass Brian Tully is losing his job and pension, and the rest are going to prison. The Proctors are fucking SUCM! And it’s basically all Lizzie’s fault, . Thank her Mike you fucking 🤡 Dumb ass pussy YURI you are fucked as well lying and intimidating people. You’re a chump. How can you call yourself murder police? 🤡🤡. This is getting real good. I hope I see all you maggots working at market basket after you get out of prison.
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