TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 319: State Police Detectives Yuri Bukhenik And John Fanning Drove To Cape Cod To Intimidate A Woman’s Family Who Sent A Text Message To Colin Albert In July 


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On Tuesday a woman in Bristol County reported to Turtleboy Daily News that her ex-boyfriend was visited at her former residence by MSP Detectives Yuri Bukhenik and Brian Tully, inquiring about her whereabouts. They apparently want to ask her some questions about this text message she sent Colin Albert in July:

The State Police seem to be under the belief that it is illegal to believe that John O’Keefe was murdered inside 34 Fairview Road, even though that’s what the evidence clearly indicates happened. And they REALLY don’t like when people urge them to tell the truth. They call that “witness intimidation” in Norfolk County now. They apparently prefer it when witnesses lie so that innocent women go to prison for murdering cops.

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Newsflash – you’re allowed to text message people and say “do the right thing and tell the truth” in a free country. But when they hear the words “tell the truth” they assume that you’re trying to get these “witnesses” to change their testimony because they know that the “witnesses” aren’t currently telling the truth.

The woman was understandably upset and scared about the visit. Like most people on our side, she has no criminal record and is a law abiding citizen. These are the kind of people these men with guns are intimidating.

But they didn’t want her, they wanted Turtleboy. They were going to do the same thing they did with Katie Smith last month – get her to say that Turtleboy coerced her into sending the text so that they could add to the existing charges against me.

I advised this woman of her rights, and that she should NEVER talk to these cops without a lawyer. Film all of your encounters with them. If they don’t have a warrant tell them to get off your property immediately. They assume that you will be scared of them because they come with guns and have the power of the state behind them. They think you’re uneducated about your rights and that they’ll be able to intimidate you into giving up those rights in order to “help” them.

Three days later (Thursday) Bukhenik and Detective Lt. John Fanning (the lead investigator who covered up the murder of Sandra Birchmore) drove deep into Cape Cod to the town of Chatham to harass another family member about her whereabouts.

She sent me video of the encounter, in which Bukhenik and Fanning ignore a “no trespassing” sign at the beginning of the driveway and knock on the door. A person opens the door, Fanning and Bukhenik introduce themselves, and the homeowner immediately points to their car and says “get out.”

They have not given me permission to share the video because they don’t want the attention and in my opinion are intimidated by State Police. However, here’s some still shots of them right before they were evicted.

Get out!

This is what your tax dollars are paying for. These LOSERS drove well over an hour to harass some woman’s family, hoping they’d give up her location, so they could find, stalk, and harass her over a text message she sent to some thug life shithead last July. They don’t protect and serve us, they protect and serve the McAlberts, who are treated like royalty by police and the DA’s Office. They’ve done nothing to find the driver of the Ford Edge parked next to John O’Keefe’s dead body at 3:30 AM, but they have plenty of time to harass and intimidate the people who pay their salaries.

It’s sad that we live in a state where law abiding citizens must live in constant fear of the police. This isn’t a free country as long as these thugs with guns are allowed to run wild like this. It’s fascism, and the fact that their superiors aren’t putting a stop to this is evidence that it’s not just a few rogue cops that are the problem – it’s the entire institution of the Massachusetts State Police.


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  1. Fanning.. So he is one of them that tried to pass off Sandra Birchmore’s death as a suicide?

    And Yuri… Why isn’t he being investigated by Internal Affairs with the State Police? He seems to have had a long established relationship with the Albert clan too. Sounds like he never should have been involved with investigating the murder of John O’Keefe.

    Oh but I do hope that the FEDS wrap up their investigation very soon. I can’t wait for the day when we see all these corrupt individuals hauled out of their homes in handcuffs.

    Proctor, Yuri, Tully and Fanning… The MA State Police have a lot of explaining to do about the corruption among their agency.

    The good news is that the honest officers at the MA State Police are also anxiously waiting for these troopers to get indicted for their corrupt behavior. The sooner it happens the the sooner the agency can speak up and speak out against them.

    1. I sincerely hope that what you say is true about their fellow MSP officers BUT what the hell is wrong with the MSP chain of command??? They don’t police their own they wait for a FED investigation…thereby leaving lots of corrupt activity to fester???

      1. I think their hands are tied now and they are just waiting on the FEDS. The FEDS are the ones that did all the investigating and have all the proof.

        Same goes for the Boston Police. What is very telling is that none of them show up to any hearings to support the prosecutor. They know it’s a sham case and they will not be in the courtroom for it. Although if charges get brought against any of the Alberts, McCabes and the rest in the house that night that could bring out the officers in support of the charges against them.

        1. God, I pray you are right. Karen Readband Aidan getting railroaded. Sandra Birchmore and Officer John O’Keefe lost their lives senselessly. How can the leaders of the MSP live with themselves.

    2. There are NO honorable officers in the MSP. Not 1 of them have the balls to speak up and do the right thing. They all back their brother in blue no matter what.

  2. The Massachusetts State Police are comparable to back woods Arkansas town police in 1962. Searching for anyone and everyone who dared speak to a black man. The depth of corruption is f’n brutal.

    1. It’s so fng messed up. This needs to end.
      Don’t they realize how bad their reputation is already?
      Why make it worse? It’s honestly making people so disgusted they can’t even look at Msp with any respect. Stop bring down the ones that take their job seriously you hacks.

      1. Are you serious right now Natalie? You hypocrite. Selling out your friends for immunity against a crime you didn’t commit. Fuck off you 2face bootlicking bitch

    2. Another two douchenozzles doing the Commonwealth’s important investigative work in a murder investigation.
      Oh wait, no, just more time and expense wasting behavior by MSP in this corruption cover-up and attempted citizen intimidation You guys get lobster rolls?
      I am outraged. I really hope Auntie Bev gets perp walked with all the rest.

  3. This is why I think the internal investigation of Proctor is BS. The MSP have known about JO and KR read case coverup since moment one. They are ALL filthy corrupt animals…as evidenced by these goons showing up at her ex-boyfriend’s house and family’s house over a text. Love his response. Don’t they have real crimes to work on? I guess not because they wasted 3 hours driving to and from the cape to have a door slammed in their corrupt faces. I’m sure they had lunch too so at least 4 hours wasted.

    1. Trust has most surely been broken…the foxes are being allowed to police the hen house…that won’t ever flush out the rot and corruption.

    2. Well………..taking into account the ass play at the Rt 3 rest area they most likely submitted overtime slips!

      So let’s break this down;

      Gas – $60
      Lunch – $45
      Regular pay – $39 per hour X 8hrs (x 2) = $624
      Overtime pay – $58.50 per hour X 1.5 hrs (x 2) = $175.50

      Total = $904.50

      MA taxpayers paid these two $904.50 to be told to fuck off!! 👏👏👏

  4. “it’s the entire institution of the Massachusetts State Police” very well said, love the homeowner for calling them what they are.

  5. …He opens the door, they introduce themselves, and he immediately points to their car and says “get out,”..

    Wow, how times have changed. Years ago the general public put those in law enforcement on a pedestal. They were respected and trusted. Not anymore and this sham case against Karen Read will only make it worse. That’s the new reality for anyone in police work and when they wonder how it happened they just need to look at this case and the amount of corruption involved.

    1. Love that he did that! Anyone else should do the exact same thing. They are reaching hard, for absolutely nothing! Screw them and their scare tactics.

    1. It’s Canton that will soon have more houses on the market. 2 already moved.
      How many more?
      It’s going to be hard to get it all in order.
      Especially when on the hunt for employment.

    2. Nobody makes 50 Pizza’s with out either knowing them or taking a credit card number or at the very least a cell phone number

  6. Funny how they are also only harassing women! I was all over piece of shit Proctors front lawn at the rolling rally. But yet I get no love from Yuri

  7. Yuri looks like he packed on a few pounds. Perhaps drinking more to cope with barstool taking a steamer on his face. This is my first time hearing about this fanning cop and I’ve been following this shitshow from the start.

  8. That man is a bad ass! “Get out your corrupt pieces of shit”.
    The best thing to say to those pieces of scum. Also good “I don’t talk to people who are under federal investigation.”

    1. lol the best would have been to state, I have been advised by the FBI to not speak with /to anyone from cpd, mSp as they are under federal investigation at this time…. They have reached out to many regarding this sham, please leave…

  9. Sad. I just finished reading an article about local schools laying staff off. Here we have the norfork da and state police spending well over 100,000 and countless hours of court and msp manhours trying to silence a journalist that’s calling there BS out.

    1. It is disgusting that our children gave to suffer because no one will speak up to this corruption. the healey regime justifies the cuts, she needs the money to house and support the illegal aliens she invited in…after all they will be the new voters for the demorats.

      1. I know so many liberals who are voting republican this time. Hopefully liberals in MA vote differently too. Your state’s survival depends on it. Do you want Boston to be another Baltimore?

        1. the skank healey is giving all the illegal aliens free state issued ID’s….they will be voting. She needs to go now ..

    2. lol schools are not great either… better off homeschooling imho. the world is so upside down… save the children..

  10. They are nothing more than thugs!!

    The Federal Investigation is still ongoing and they are running around town intimidating people over words??

    It appears the word ‘TRUTH’ is triggering for them!!

    I’m sure that Dad will have zero hesitation in giving testimony when it comes to the FEDERAL Grand Jury for these two limp dicks!!

    Clearly Bukkaki still thinks he’s in Ukraine where you can just lie about who the bad guys are …..then expect the rest of the world to pay to help beat them up!!

    Bukaki I’m pretty sure your country needs you, its clear that the West is far too civilised for your liking. Here we have laws to stop thugs like you from running amok.

    If you don’t like the FREE SPEECH laws to protect citizens from tyranny then I suggest you use those tax dollars that are paying your overtime and get the next plane home!!

    Go and try and match your wits with real men who currently protecting your own corrupt country and see how long you last there!!

    Then again that’s probably why you’re in the US in the first place eh!!

  11. Dumber than Roscoe P Coltraine and Enos. Two corrupt morons thinking they can intimidate people. Must have been a helluva ride back to Podunk County. Hopefully they had a couple of pints at the Squire and not make the trip a complete waste of the taxpayers’ dime. Corrupt cockheads

  12. Fanning? The one who helped cover up Sandra Birchmore?
    Just hearing the name made me nauseous.
    Are you jokers going to go to thousands of peoples homes that have an opinion?
    The general opinion/fact is that you are shady, corrupt, and without conscience.
    There will be people all over the world applauding when you are all, at the least no longer considered police officers. You have tainted the msp beyond comprehension.
    Is it field trip day because Tully got the free CA trip. Keep spending our tax$ scumbags.

  13. Fanning covered up Sandra Birchmore, what a Pussy piece of shit. Canton PD- Lank did not believe she committed suicide, but Fanning didn’t want to deal with the shit Stoughton Cops that groomed her. I hope Fanning eats his service weapon just like Proctor eventually will.

    1. She’s a disgusting pig that probably struggles to attract a stiff real penis. Also, Yuri is Russian for corrupt piece of shit government official.

        1. It wasn’t an attack on SB- read carefully. It was an affirmation of the mental condition of the sex toy of the heifer and a compliment to the commenter all in one.

  14. Dear US Attorney Levy, please don’t Passover any of these disgraces to the badge.

    What they are doing is beyond disgusting not only from a law and order standpoint, but also from a financial perspective. Add Fanning to the list for his clear coverup of the Sandra Birchmore murder. These crooked cops need to be behind bars.

    Crooked cops are the worst kind of criminals.

  15. “Hello there! I recently noticed that you’ve taken the time to visit my website, and I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for your interest. Your support means a lot to me. In return, I would like to extend my support by visiting your website as well.

  16. After Auntie Bev’s last filing decision say DA Michael M was out of line with his Main Stream Media Speech. And the thousands of documents the FEDS have on ALL of these players involved.
    I ask myself and wonder if the FEDS are watching & waiting to see the rulings on motions from the defense. Are they giving Auntie Bev more rope to hang herself with involvement.? Are the FEDS watching & listening to see what the DA Michael M office is still doing.? Are the FEDS watching & listening to see what the MSP is still doing.? The FEDS have already released documents that Officer John O’Keefe was not hit by a car.!! And ATTY LEVY office has said in GOOD CONSCIOUS CAN NOT LET THIS KR CASE GO TO TRIAL.!!

    1. The Feds know he was in the house!! And that’s why he was subpoenaed to the Grand Jury!!

      Proctor may not have got the Geodata ….but the Feds sure as hell did!!

      They even have the phones that Higgins and Brian Albert were told to destroy by Morrissey …..that’s how we know about that 02:22am butt dialing between them …..and Kevin Alberts text messages to Higgins!!

      All this time we were told that there were 11 people in that house …..yet the Feds know there were 13.

      We recently found out that Nicole and Brian Albert lied about what time Caitlin left ….they claimed 00:15am …..yet her own statement taken AFTER the Federal Grand Jury and 18 months later says she left at 01:45am!!

      If she was included in the original 11 people then the other 2 missing names could quite possibly be Colin and Chris Albert ….now why would Colin need a ride home ….if his daddy was in the house with him??

  17. They know nothing will happen to them…nothing at all. They will be prompted get pay raises and retire with a 200k tax free pension for the rest of their lives when they choose to. They are protected and they know it.

  18. At least they know when they do this, they know they will be exposed by Turtleboy daily news.

  19. My looney mother pretends to advocate for women. I support rapists:
    What can I say? We have some fd up family genetics.

  20. Imagine if they worked this hard trying to find out who owned the ford edge parked in front of 34 Fairview at 3:00 am

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  22. I recently noticed that you’ve taken the time to visit my website, and I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for your interest. Your support means a lot to me, and I’m truly grateful for your visit.

  23. Sending that text message was probably not the dumbest thing that person did in July. It is NOT incumbent on you people to get these people to “tell the truth” stop involving yourself in matters that are out of your hands.

  24. I want to believe that the police, especially the state police are here to protect the public. This is really showing how corrupt the government is in some areas of the country. This goes beyond just the local and state police.
    You don’t see Mayors, Governors, senators, congressmen or even selectman in the counties doing ANYTHING to shed light into this corruption. Where is Elizabeth Warren? Oh wait she is too busy trying to figure out her next lie to get more money.
    All that will happen is a few police will be fired (not arrested) and other cops that are corrupt will learn what not to do in the future. The politicians that are both involved and who have done NOTHING will get re-elected and the corruption will continue.
    Until the small person who votes actually pays attention to what is going on throughout the terms of these people and not just the 2 months prior to voting we might get new politicians in the seats that are over used by liars and scum of the earth!

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