TB Investigates

DCR Press Secretary Took Down Explicit Only Fans Account But Remains Employed, Investigation Shows Governor Baker Has Been Giving Crooked Friends Jobs There Since 2015


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Yesterday we published a blog about Department of Conservation and Recreation Press Secretary Olivia Dorrance after it was discovered that she makes money off of a sexually explicit Only Fans account while getting paid by the taxpayers to work from home. She has taken the Only Fans account down, and as of now is still employed with the DCR, but the images were saved on an IMGUR account (you can still see her OF posts under “archived“).

It’s unclear how Roast Beef Rhonda here got her job at the DCR in 2018, but we do know that she worked for Republican State Senator Richard Ross prior to that, and that Ross was a staunch supporter of Governor Charlie Baker, who oversees the DCR. Upon further investigation it’s clear that that agency is where Baker goes to give his politically connected friends jobs they don’t deserve, because none of them could hack it in the private sector. The DCR has been a constant source of scandal in the Baker administration for the past 5 years, and according to the Governor in 2016 they now has strict hiring practices:

“Everybody who gets hired anywhere in our administration goes through the same process. And through that process, they’re determined if they’re qualified or not,” said Baker.

But Olivia Dorrance is just the latest in a long line of unqualified, politically connected hacks to get dumped off in this government agency that nobody pays attention to or cares about. And because of that they are able to get away with things without people noticing. We made to make a list because there were so many.

1. Matt Sisk

He’s on the Republican State Committee, and was one of 33 members who did not vote to expel Tom Mountain from the RSC, despite the fact that Mountain had been caught posting sexually provocative comments about a 14 year old girl on Facebook. Mountain also had been caught lying to women about being a model talent scout in order to coerce them into orgies in a bizarre catfishing scheme.

In 2016 Sisk was the deputy commissioner of the DCR, and was forced to resign in disgrace after being caught using emergency lights on his state vehicle in order to get through Boston traffic.

Baker added: “No one should be using lights and sirens unless they’ve been trained to use lights and sirens. And frankly no vehicle other than emergency service vehicles, fire vehicles and public safety vehicles, probably ought to have them in the first place.”

Perhaps if Matt Sisk changed his name to Rachael Rollins he could get away with using emergency lights whenever he pleases.


2. Matt Sisk and Leo Roy

Prior to that Sisk and his boss got busted using taxpayer money to throw themselves a party at their friend Ron Kaufman’s house.

Leo Roy, the Department of Conservation and Recreation commissioner and deputy Matthew Sisk were “suspended without pay….[after] using state resources to throw a private party,” the State House News Service reported at the end of August.

The July 3rd private party occurred inside the home of a top Massachusetts Republican Party official, Ron Kaufman. They were suspended without pay between Sept. 2 and Sept. 9.

The news service reported “Roy and Sisk used DCR-rented golf carts driven by DCR employees working at the Esplanade to ferry their guests from the party to the Hatch Shell for the Pops [dress rehearsal] concert.”

The two men had to reimburse the state and were suspended without pay for a week. Sisk was a member of Governor Charlie Baker’s election team. Baker appointed Sisk to the $112,000 a year gig. And, the Governor endorsed Sisk for a seat on the state’s Republican Committee.

Roy retired in 2020 and now collects a fat pension.


3. Michael Crowley

Later in 2016 DCR’s Deputy Fleet Manager Michael Crowley also resigned without explanation.

5 Investigates learned that he is a friend of Matthew Sisk, the DCR deputy commissioner who resigned on Friday after video surfaced of him using his state vehicle with lights and sirens on to move around traffic in Boston.

On Monday, 5 Investigates’ Mike Beaudet asked Gov. Charlie Baker if unqualified people were getting jobs at DCR because of Republican Party connections.

“Everybody who gets hired anywhere in our administration goes through the same process. And through that process, they’re determined if they’re qualified or not,” said Baker.


4. Michael Case

The next DCR scandal was in 2017 and just like the most recent scandal it involved pornography at work.

The Boston Globe reported Michael F. Case, DCR’s western regional director, resigned after DCR Commissioner Leo Roy spoke to him in Pittsfield about the allegations of pornography found on his office computer. Case then submitted his resignation. Case, who was active in Republican Party politics, made $91,000 a year in the job.

Case was also one of the 33 who voted not to remove Tom Mountain from the Republican State Committee.


6. Anthony Virgilio and Karyn Polito

Later in 2017 the idiot son of one of Lt. Governor Karyn Polito’s biggest financial supporters got hired to work at the Energy and Environmental Affairs department, which works closely with the DCR, despite leaving his previous job as a Salem Court Officer after an arrest for OUI and leaving the scene of a crime. The job did not exist prior to 2017 and was created specifically so that her supporter’s adult son could have a good paying job.

The Boston Globe reported on how “the son of a couple who support Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito — a man who left his job as a court officer after an arrest for OUI and leaving the scene of an accident — ended up with a $72,000-a-year job at the office of Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Matthew Beaton, a close Polito ally.”

MassLive asked Polito about the hiring of Anthony Virgilio after the Globe story.

“That is not something that I would get involved with,” Polito said. “Although I’ve met this family a couple of times at campaign events, the hiring process is something that the professionals in our administration get into the details of, to recruit candidates, to vet candidates, to make sure that they have the right qualifications to fit positions. And in this particular instance I have to assume that that is the process that took place for filling this need at EEA.”


7. Christine Cedrone

In 2018 DCR official Christine Cedrone was placed on leave after she was indicted for embezzlement and larceny against an elderly person.

The Patriot Ledger reported that Christine Cedrone was indicted by a Norfolk County grand jury in July 2018. The charges are fiduciary embezzlement and larceny of property worth more than $1,200 from a person over 60 years old. A former Mass. Republican State Committee member, she worked for DCR as community relations manager before getting the assistant director of contracts job. The Globe followed up and reported she was placed on leave from her $70,700-a-year job.


8. Jared Valenzola

In 2019 DCR personnel officer Jared Valenzola, another loyal RINO Baker soldier, resigned after it was discovered that he punished an employee named Cynthina Lewis because her boyfriend J.D. Parker-O’Grady, a Democrat, was running against Baker’s friend for State Senate in Westfield named Don Humason (now the morbidly obese Mayor). He also urged her to end the relationship if she wished to keep her job.

Valanzola’s resignation came after the internal investigation into Cynthia Lewis’s claims of retaliation. A Baker spokeswoman said in a statement, “Based on the totality of the evidence available to investigators, the administration believes Jared Valanzola did attempt to coerce Cynthia Lewis to influence her fiancé not to run for political office.”

The statement continued: “Based on the totality of the evidence available to investigators, the administration believes Jared Valanzola stated to Cynthia Lewis that her employment opportunity within EEA would be adversely affected by her fiancé’s decision to run for political office. Jared Valanzola was found to have misrepresented his role in Cynthia Lewis’ hiring process to investigators and offered accounts of his behavior that were inconsistent with other credible witness statements.Lewis said that a personnel official, Jared Valanzola, suggested she break off her engagement with Parker O’Grady.

Baker admitted that he moved to slowly on that one too.

The allegations first came to Baker and his office in June, and an internal investigation was launched months later, according to the State House News Service. Baker later acknowledged the administration should have moved more quickly on the allegations.

Valenzola landed on his feet and got another government job where he now serves at Plymouth County Commissioner.


9. Michael Valenzola

Shortly before that Jared Valanzola’s relative Michael Valanzola, the chief operating officer for Gov. Charlie Baker’s energy and environmental affairs agency, also resigned after the investigation into Jared Valanzola. Michael Valanzola still serves on the Republican State Committee, which is loyal to Baker, and was one of the 33 who voted not to censure sexual deviant Tom Mountain.

No wonder they hired a press secretary with a spicy Only Fans account. She fit right in.

10. Head of DCR Jim Montgomery abruptly resigned on Friday, November 5, 2021 – three days before our story broke.

The head of the Department of Conservation and Recreation resigned from his post Friday “to pursue new opportunities” and a search is underway for a new commissioner, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs said Thursday afternoon. Jim Montgomery, who led DCR for more than two years, told Secretary Kathleen Theoharides on Friday that he was stepping down effective immediately and she tapped Stephanie Cooper from the Department of Environmental Protection to begin serving as acting commissioner of DCR effective Monday, Nov. 1. Montgomery, who previously served as director of administration and finance at DCR, was named interim commissioner of DCR in September 2019 and dropped the interim tag in February 2020. Before joining DCR in 2016, Montgomery worked as administration and finance director for emergency medical services for the city of Boston and was mayor of Taylorville, Illinois from 1997 to 2005. Cooper returns to DCR after six years at DEP. During her previous stint at the agency that oversees the 450,000-acre state parks system and its pools, beaches and skating rinks, she worked a total of six years as chief of staff and director of operational analysis. Theoharides announced the leadership change in an email to DCR staff on Friday, and her office shared the announcement with the News Service on Thursday. DCR and some of its leaders were at the center of a number of scandals in Gov. Charlie Baker’s first term in office, including one that led to an administration investigation and the termination of the agency’s personnel officer. In another instance, the DCR commissioner and his deputy were suspended after revelations that the two agency heads used state resources to plan and host a private party at a condo owned by the state’s Republican national committeeman. – Colin A. Young/SHNS


Don’t worry though, according to Charlie Parker there’s nothing to see here.

Asked by a reporter whether the Department of Conservation and Recreation is a “dumping ground” for politically connected Republicans, Baker said, “DCR is an organization that has had a couple of unfortunate incidents. I consider DCR to be a terrific organization that does good work.”

I for one am looking forward to Governor Baker being primaried in 2022 by Geoff Diehl. We need to get rid of these people from the party who only seek to enrich themselves at the public trough, and then do the bidding of liberals as soon as they get into office. A week from today I will be conducting a protest at the Walpole Public Library where RINO Shawn Dooley will be speaking to the Republican Town Committee there. Dooley forced them to cancel me as a guest speaker after I was initially invited. I’m also considering a run for State Rep to primary my RINO representative Kim Ferugson, and I would encourage actual conservatives in the rare districts that have a Republican representative to do the same.


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