Eagle Tribune Refuses To Publish Allegations Of Child Sex Abuse Levied Against Luke Noble, Now Using Children For Campaign Post Cards

It’s been more than two months since video emerged of North Andover Board of Selectmen candidate Luke Noble verbally abusing his then three year old daughter and asking his ex-wife (who he later sued for defamation and only dropped the lawsuit if she signed a NDA) how they could produce such a monster.
However, Noble remains in the race despite the publication of the deposition of his daughters’ pediatrician Dr. Robert Orr, who testified that he believed that Noble’s 5 year old daughter’s accusation that Luke sexually abused her by asking her to put his private parts in her mouth were credible.
He remains in the race despite the fact that he was found in contempt of court when he attempted to silence the same doctor and the girl’s therapist by no longer allowing the girls to see them.
Governor Charlie Baker has been too busy destroying the economy and lives of millions of people to rescind his personal endorsement of Noble.
If you drive through North Andover you will see yard signs for Luke Noble everywhere, because the media has refused to write about this story. I’d love to hear from Tom Duggan about this, since North Andover is in the Valley Patriot’s area of coverage. But so far there hasn’t been a peep, which makes me wonder if the same radio silence would exist if Luke Noble were a democrat.
I’d also like to hear from the Eagle Tribune, which is the daily newspaper for that area, so I sent an email to four people who work there on May 3, but have not heard back from any of them:
Karen Andreas – Publisher
Jim Falzone – General Manager
David Joyner – Executive Editor
Tracy Rauh – Managing Editor
The respectfully worded email on May 3 showed the doctor’s deposition, as well as the video of Noble verbally abusing his daughter. They know that the Governor has personally endorsed this man as well. The media has the power to decide what is news, and what can be swept under the rug. And apparently these four are OK with a candidate for office having credible allegations of sexual abuse of a child being made against him by the child herself and a doctor.
Karen Andrea, Jim Falzone, Dave Joyner, and Tracy Rauh are intentionally covering up for Luke Noble at this point. They know it’s newsworthy, but they don’t want to print it. I won’t speculate as to why, but I do know that the Boston Herald was threatened with litigation by Attorney Joe Orlando Jr if they published the video, as was I. Perhaps the Eagle Tribune is too afraid of a lawsuit to cover such important and relevant news, but I’m personally disgusted their inaction. If you feel the same way feel free to contact them:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
To make matters worse Luke Noble is now using his children and step kids in post cards his campaign is sending out.
“Please vote for my Dad.”
This is even worse. He knows that these allegations of abuse against children are out there and his response is to use a child to help him get elected to office. Karen Andreas, Tracy Rauh, David Joyner, and Jim Falzone are all well aware of this and are refusing to use their platform to write about it. Feel free to email them with your respectfully worded concerns.
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