Investigating Kylie Kirkpatrick Part 6: Threatening Parents, Harassing Critics At Work, Frivolous Lawsuits, Eviction

Fraudulent Sign Language Interpreting, Ripping Off And Suing The Deaf Community
and part 5
Kylie Kirkpatrick has painted a picture of herself on social media as a resilient single mother raising a child hero, who is leading a nationwide campaign to end school lunch shaming. She claims that she’s finishing up law school and is working on the “legislative process.”
She also presents herself as a generous, kind-hearted mother, who perseveres despite criticism from the “haters.” She’s claimed to donate to teacher’s fundraisers, raise puppies for non-profits, support wildlife, host immigrants, promote “positive change legislation, and crowd source for friends.
But it’s all an act. She does indeed host student athletes, but that’s because Napa Christian Academy (where her son attends school now after she received a stay away order from West Park Elementary) is an expensive school that recruits basketball players from around the world, and taking in student athletes likely gets her free tuition and/or a stipend.
It’s certainly not out of the goodness of her heart.
She also mentions “teacher fundraisers” in that post. Except multiple sources have reported to us that Kylie bid $550 for ballet tickets at a West Park Elementary silent auction raising money for the school, but never paid the bill. She has an interest because has her son Ryan do ballet.
She mentions “crowd sourcing for friends,” which is interesting because she started a GoFundMe in August for a “friend” who had breast cancer and wanted 3-D nipple tattoos. that weren’t covered by insurance.
Except no one has any idea who this friend is, and she has never named them. Kylie constantly virtue signals on social media, so it’s unlikely she wouldn’t post about the friend she was allegedly helping. I reached out to her for clarification but did not hear back.
She likely started this GoFundMe for her son’s deadbeat father, who she alone claims died from ALS, a lie she has monetized many times in the last six months.
She’s been successful at portraying herself to the media as an undeserved target of criticism and skepticism, but she’s most effective when she baselessly claims that people are attacking her son.
No one has ever made fun of Ryan’s deceased father, who he never met, and whose death she exploited for monetary gain (as seen in part 5). Ryan was never targeted because of his ethnic background by anyone, nor was there peer violence against him (as we will see, the opposite is actually true). These are just tactics that Kylie uses when people question her story based on their own legitimate concerns.
Kylie is the exact opposite of the person she presents herself as though. She runs a fake Facebook account called Bater Masters .
I attempted to friend request this account and was instantly blocked, or else she took it down. Probably because Kylie doesn’t want to be associated with messages like this.
In 2017 Kylie finally moved out of her mother’s house for the first time since she was released from jail. We spoke with her roommate who painted a very different picture of Kylie than the version the mainstream media has.
I lived with her for one year, we were evicted, and she took that woman (the landlord) to court. It was terrible. She lied about everything. Everyone told me to stay away from her that she was toxic and she would ruin my life and she tried. I had to go through fair housing because she was harassing me after I moved out. She was trying to extort money for me as soon as she tried that I left that night. She was trying to get $11,000 from me saying she needed to pay bills.
Kylie makes fake profiles so she can harass people. She is always online looking for ways to get over on people. She lies to her employers about how long she works. She is a fraud.
Ryan has never done a chore in his life and she has very rarely cooked a meal for him. The entire year I was there I always cooked she always brought pizza home for him to eat that’s all she ever did. He has been raised by the Boys & Girls Club of Napa. She does nothing but con and Bully people her entire life when we were in Girl Scouts together she put garbage in a black girls sleeping bag because she didnt like her skin. She has always been mean!
She was always selling Ryan’s things. Very sad. Ryan didn’t even know what a dad was until I lived with her and my son was going to visit his dad. Ryan asked what is a dad?
Kylie told me she is self-taught ASL and she took some classes however she is now managed to get herself into a master’s program by falsifying information. The ASL community knows of this and does not agree with her teaching or signing at all. Kylie has been using her ASL to gain access to concerts, games, and whatever free things she can get to take her son to. If she can’t take them she sells them on Facebook. She is a con-artist in the truest form I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m actually amazed!
Kylie was evicted from that house for not paying the rent 4 months at a time and the house was disgusting. She let the dogs pee and poop everywhere, she destroyed the house and tried to blame a break in on someone else who kicked in the door when in reality it was her son. Her son is a monster he is so mean manipulative and straight crazy. I had to keep him away from my son. It was the worst year of my life. Don’t let Ryan’s face fool you – he is the most horrible child I’ve ever come in contact with. I’ve never felt more scared to protect my own child. When I was living there she created a monster that has no feeling. He is a sociopath in my opinion. My own son said he did not want to be left alone with him.
Ryan Kyote is just a child, but he is being molded into a young adult by his mother. And many parents who have reached out to us will not allow their children around Ryan because of his behavior. Here’s what one of his former football teammate’s parents had to say.
Ryan was kicked off the football team for calling a coach the N word! That’s just one of a handful of times where Ryan has used that word as a slur. He also told my friend’s children to suck his d*** when they were in kindergarten and when the parents met with Kylie she told them to “get over it” Kylie reported the coach to the NAACP for racism against Ryan. He’s been kicked out of a few schools for his behavior. When I have met him he was a whiney and spoiled little brat.
Others have concurred.
Ryan shouldn’t be completely faulted for his behavior, since it’s largely his mother’s doing and he is in serious need of psychological help if and when she is arrested. However, he is spoiled rotten by his mother, is being taught that lying is a morally acceptable thing to do if there is financial reward for it, and everything he does is someone else’s fault. When parents voice legitimate concerns about his behavior, or her use of him for profit, she frames it as an “attack” on Ryan, and often baselessly accuses people of racism and other things they’ve never done.
She has blamed concerned parents who are worried for their children’s safety around her son for being jealous of Ryan because his team scored more goals.
“I am involved in non-profits.”
No she’s not. She just collects money without accounting for it.
“I know a lot of people.”
When the Napa Valley Register wrote about her last week there wasn’t a single person who came to her defense, while thousands told their horror stories.
She coaches Ryan’s basketball team, and often complains about other “trashy” Napa parents allegedly coaching their kids to taunt him.
He’s always the victim.
She has urged other parents to like her son’s posts on Facebook, and then blocked them for voicing concern about her parenting.
She has targeted several members of the community who have been brave enough to speak out against her. One of them is Melanie Troup, the parent who benched her son for calling the football coach racial slurs. Melanie and others were active in attempting to show the world the real side of Kylie Kirkpatrick that the media wasn’t showing. A Facebook post she made in October that has been shared hundreds of times, has thousands of comments, and acted as a sort of group therapy session for hundreds of people who have been wronged by Kylie, was a major catalyst for this blog series.
When Kylie sees posts like this she immediately attempts to threaten or intimidate the poster into taking it down, but Melanie has refused to. Kylie claimed that this post would inspire violence against Ryan, and lead to legal consequences for Melanie.
In order to get people to give into her demands she often invokes the trope that kids commit suicide over bullying, like she did with Melanie, who she portrayed as evil and threatened to filed a police report over.
She then sued Melanie in civil court for harassment.
This is all free for Kylie since she represents herself pro se, something this author knows is sadly too common. Melanie retained counsel from a lawyer named Jason.
After this ridiculous lawsuit was dismissed Kylie turned around and filed a small claims lawsuit against Melanie’s attorney, who had also publicly spoken out about her deplorable behavior.
This was also dismissed, but Kylie’s thirst for revenge led to her to post a fraudulent review on his law firm’s Facebook page, accusing him of being a “professional predator,” whose wife gives him confidential information on children from minority groups that he targets for abuse for his own personal gain.
All of this is made up.
If you look Kylie’s name up on the California judicial portal you will see that she is the definition of a vexatious litigant. She abuses the courts and uses them to target and harass law abiding citizens who speak out against her.
She’s been hauled into court as a defendant, like that time she was sued by a bail bonds company.
And a credit card company.
But more often than not she is the plaintiff, and has sued people for a variety of reasons, despite almost always having her cases dismissed.
The case against Gina Bortolussi in 2015 was particularly vile. Gina and Kylie knew each other since they were kids, and after Gina held a newborn baby belonging to one of Kylie’s other “enemies,” Kylie reacted by smearing her on Kylie’s fan Facebook group (“Kylie’s Love Blog KLB”). She showed up at Gina’s work with phony cease and desist letters, and when Gina was nearly killed by a drunk driver in 2015 Kylie sued her for harassment. She sent Gina this email while Gina was in the hospital, relearning how to walk, telling her that her horrific ordeal was “100 mph of karma.”
The lawsuit was dismissed after Kylie never served it to Gina.
Kylie has also sued her own mother several times. Keep in mind, when Kylie had her first child in the 1990’s she abandoned her and her mother raised her. When Ryan was born in 2009 he was taken by the state since he was born addicted to opiates, and handed over to her sister. When Kylie got out of jail she lived with her mother rent free for seven years. She sued her in 1999 over her daughter.
And again in 2007 after her mother kicked her out of the house due to her drug abuse.
After Ryan’s “father” died in May, Kylie sued her mother once again for the small amount of child support Ralph paid her while Kylie was incarcerated. In reality it was just a couple hundred dollars, but Kylie sued for $5K-10K.
Her filing fee, as always, was waived by the court.
On Christmas Kylie took to Twitter to badmouth the woman who raised her daughter and gave her and her son free room and board into her 40’s.
Kylie voluntarily dropped the lawsuit against her mother this week.
Melanie’s post about Kylie gained a lot of traction and was shared in a Solona County Facebook group.
This is a group that doesn’t censor much, and since it pertained to a public figure pushing legislation at the state level it led to a lot of commentary. Kylie didn’t like this and sent the group admin a threatening message on Facebook. When the admin wouldn’t remove it she asked him for his address and phone number so she could report him to the police, and claimed that he was perpetuating violence against her son.
Since she couldn’t get the admin to censor people from criticizing her, she contacted the person who posted Melanie’s post directly and left her a voicemail, alleged that her shared post had inspired death threats to a 10 year old, called the other admin an a***hole, told the woman that she should take it down since she was a Christian, invoked the “10 year old killed herself this weekend” trope, and said she would keep calling her back until it was taken down.
Another woman Kylie has been terrorizing is an ASL teacher who she has been harassing for months. In October Kylie emailed administration at her school with completely fabricated allegations that the teacher was targeting her 10 year old son on social media from work. As always, she invoked the unsubstantiated story of a 10 year old who committed suicide over bullying in order to get them to take action.
On December 18 she contacted the school again, alleging that her target was not qualified for her position (she’s been teaching ASL for 28 years), and had been fired from previous jobs for calling a student the n word on video (another baseless lie that Kylie uses to smear anyone who criticizes her).
Last week the woman she’s victimizing had a court hearing to attempt to get a restraining order against Kylie, but was unsuccessful since Kylie was contacting the woman’s school but not her directly.
Kylie took this as a victory and a green light to harass the superintendent of the school district. This time she once again lied that the woman was attacking Ryan, and bragged about all the accomplishment Ryan had achieved as a result of her made up story that he used his allowance to pay off his classmates’ school lunch debt. She also said that the woman was not qualified “like myself” (Kylie was not certified until 2018 despite pretending to be), and added her preferred pronouns at the end of her email.
I would urge the school to take out a harassment order against her, which the judge seems inclined to grant. She won’t stop unless they do.
Ironic that Kylie would accuse all of these other people of being bad mothers, since she abandoned her daughter, lost her opiate addicted baby son to the state, refers to herself as a “party mom,” and took her 9 year old son to see Cardi B.
We’ll wrap up this series with part 7 next week.
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That cunt can fit the Sistine Chapel art on her arm ow my eye!
Can you believe Carrie Hodousek of San Francisco KCBS radio ran a spot today on how wonderful this kid is and interviewing Kylie, using the term “hero?” Seems they at KCBS are ignorant too.
She looks like a truck driver in drag! 🤮
She looks like a truck driver in drag!
The fake news spreads some more today…
The Napa Christian Academy brings these “kids” in from Africa who just so happen to sign with D1 schools and she is a handler home for them to crash at? How did they even get in business with her to do that and how are they finding these players? That seems like another issue to look at. Is this a smuggling situation?