Kendra Lara Refuses To Answer Questions About Car Crash, Sex Tape With Child, And Lies About Racial Threats From Award Winning Journalist


Today I traveled to West Roxbury District Court for a two for one court day, as I observed a hearing for Boston City Councilor Kendra Lara, who is being charged with 5 crimes after crashing into a driving 53 mph in a 25, without a license, and with her unrestrained 6 year old on board. I was also there as the victim in an assault and batter on the steps of that same courthouse in January, and my assailant had a pre-trial court date as well. Councilor Lara has refused calls to resign her position as a Boston City Councilor, and has never been questioned by the media about her blatant lie (disproven by a Turtleboy public records request) that she received daily emails calling her racial slurs in an attempt to censor the sister of City Councilor Erin Murphy. Her attorney filed a motion to dismiss the charges, which will almost definitely be denied.

After a brief hearing today I attempted to ask her about these things on the way out, but she refused to comment as she hid behind her soy-fed bodyguards.


As I attempted to ask Ms. Lara legitimate questions that are a matter of public concern, the mask mafia jumped in and tried to prevent me from doing so.

They tried to stop me from walking out the door by by putting hands on me, which I don’t allow, and we all ended up getting stuck in the doorway like a progressive orgy.

The mainstream media couldn’t be bothered to ask her any actual questions that matter so I had to hiajck the press conference, which Kendra clearly wasn’t happy about.

I escorted her to her car, asked her several questions about her refusal to give up government subsidized housing that she made too much money to live in, her rumored status as a Somerville resident, the sex tape she made with her child in the video, the fact that she’s been driving for the last 10 years without a license, and her provable lie about receiving daily emails with racial slurs. Instead of answering any of my questions she hid behind her goons.

At one point the bigger fella in the MC Hammer pants intentionally bumped his shoulder into me in an attempt to knock me into a bush (4:55).

Unfortunately for him I grew up watching Curtis Martin, so it was no problem finding a whole to get around a 280 pound ogre.

Award winning journalism sometimes requires elusiveness.

I’m used to people who think they can put hands on me in order to prevent me from doing my job. I was also there for a hearing involving Andrew Johnson, AKA crackhead Andrew Luck, who assaulted me on those same courthouse stairs in January as I attempted to ask questions to a criminal defendant (who is now the official spokesperson for the Albert and McCabe families) on her way out of a hearing for stalking and violating a harassment prevention order. Mr. Johnson attempted to throw me down a flight of stairs and intimidate me in an attempt to stop me from asking the criminal defendant questions, but he was unsuccessful.

His court appointed attorney lied and told Judge Coffey that I was harassing a 14 year old child outside of court that day, and that it was actually Andrew Johnson who was the victim. The tape shows otherwise. The defense attorney asked the judge to bar me from following Mr. Johnson out of court and asking him questions, but Judge Coffey, in her infinite wisdom, denied the request on First Amendment grounds. Mr. Johnson asked for protection as he walked to his car, but I informed Judge Coffey that I had no interest in speaking with him and left before he woke up from whatever drugs he was on today.

Just another day in the life of an award winning journalist.


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