Law and Order

Millville Police Chief Forced To Resign As A Result Of Turtleboy Exposing Him For Nearly Running Over Woonsocket Cop’s Foot And Abusing His Authority 


Last month we published a blog about Millville Police Chief Ron Landry after he was pulled over in Woonsocket for driving 60 mph in a 25 mph zone, refused to roll his tinted windows down once pulled over, lectured the cop about how long he had worked for the city, and angrily took his license back from the officer before nearly running over the officer’s foot and turning left on a red light. We had previously published a story about him in January of 2020 after he hit the hand of an Uxbridge Police Officer, had to be detained, and was threatened with a taser. He also attempted to use his position as the Chief of Police in the neighboring town to obtain favor, and demeaned and criticized the officer who was very patient with him. His behavior got so bad that police were called in from Millville and neighboring North Smithfield, RI.

After the incident last year the Board of Selectmen decided not to do anything about it, as he is also the Cheif of the Fire Department in town, and they were clearly afraid of crossing him at a meeting where this incident was discussed. However, after being exposed a second time abusing his position as a police chief, we are happy to report that this tyrant has been added to the Turtleboy graveyard:

Ronald Landry, the former chief of the Millville Police Department as well as its Fire Department and Emergency Management Agency, has officially retired amid an investigation into his behavior during a traffic stop in Woonsocket last month. The Millville Board of Selectmen announced the retirement following a closed meeting with Landry and his attorney last Wednesday, Oct. 6. Board Chairwoman Jennifer Gill said Landry retired all three posts as of last Friday, Oct. 8. Landry, a former Woonsocket officer who has served as Millville police chief since 2007, had been placed on administrative leave amid an inquiry into a traffic stop that took place in Woonsocket on Sept. 11.

Though Landry’s attorney, Ernest Horn, disputes this version of events, the incident led to an inquiry by the Board of Selectmen. The board held three closed-door meetings before announcing the result last week. Horn told The Breeze on Friday that Landry has had a “distinguished career with the town” and he is grateful for his relationship with the board over the years. While the terms of his contract officially consider the early retirement a resignation, Horn said the move was voluntary.

“I think that the board and him had worked together amicably to resolve whatever issues there might be. There’s no issues between the parties,” he said. “This was a voluntarily retirement, and he appreciates the support he’s had of the board over the years.”

Oh yea, I’m sure he “voluntarily” gave up this position. Lots of people do that. Unfortunately no one knows what they discussed because it happened behind closed doors, despite this announcement from the former Chief that he wanted it to be out in the open.

Turtleboy will always support the institution of law enforcement, but we won’t support those who abuse the badge, especially when they use their power to attack other police officers in towns they don’t work in.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries