Law and Order

Police Raid Monica Cannon-Grant’s House For Unemployment Fraud Involving Fraudulent Nonprofit, Live Stream Interrupted When Police Confiscate Phone As Part Of Warrant


We will be talking about this on the Live Show tonight at 9 PM, broadcasting from the Clarence Woods Emerson Facebook page. Click here to follow Clarence on Facebook.

Breaking News – Boston activist Monica Cannon-Grant’s new home in Taunton (correction from earlier report that said Easton), which she paid for by scamming donors with her fraudulent non-profit Violence in Boston, was raided by the Postal Police this morning. It was being streamed on video by her daughter until the police confiscated the phone itself as part of their warrant.

That look of bewilderment on her face is so satisfying. Good thing Monica used her baby as a shield against the police as she strolled through the house in her plus sized muumuu.

I was OK with never seeing what Monica sleeps in, but now unfortunately we are all a party to it.

She might’ve gotten out the hood, but she’s still rocking the Roxbury mattress on the floor.

According to Live Boston the police were there on a warrant to arrest her husband Clark Grant for wire fraud and false statements on a loan or credit.

The 15 page criminal complaint outlines his scheme:



Basically he did the following:

  • Pretended to be receiving no income in order to qualify for COVID unemployment relief while being paid by an unnamed company (probably Violence In Boston INC), and receiving raises from this company while working full time throughout the pandemic
  • Falsely claimed to be an independent contractor who lost business as a result of the pandemic, stealing $67,950 from the taxpayers while collecting his full salary from the “company”
  • In order to prove to the government that he was a self-employed independent contractor Clark Grant made up a name and an address of an entity he was supposed to be doing business with for “facilities management”
  • The name he listed turned out not to be a real person, and the address of the entity in Dorchester was not a real address
  • Clark made nearly $70K a year working for the “company,” which is more than likely Violence in Boston INC, and received $5K and $7K annual raises
  • In May of 2021 Clark Grant attempted to buy a house (believed to be in Easton) for $410,000, and attempted to get a mortgage loan, but his personal bank account that the “company” and unemployment were depositing funds into had less than $1,000
  • In order to qualify for a loan Clark Grant used the Violence in Boston INC bank account as a personal asset, which had $451,548.73 in it. Grant is listed as a Director for VIB
  • The mortgage company questioned why he was receiving unemployment benefits if he was employed, Clark Grant sent them two false statements about cleaning companies cancelling their contracts with him due to the pandemic.

All I have to say about this is, it’s about time. We’ve been exposing Monica Cannon-Grant’s fraud for over a year now and no other media outlet seemed to think this was newsworthy. The fact that almost half a million dollars is in the non-profit’s bank account while Monica cries broke is further vindication that our reporting was accurate. We showed millions of dollars in donated money coming in, including $54,000 in COVID grant money from the City of Boston that she used to purchase firearms. She continued to get money from corporations and was treated as a legitimate member of society by politicians who sought her endorsement, including Joe Kennedy, Ayanna Pressley, Elizabeth Warren, Marty Walsh, and Andrea Campbell. Monica Cannon-Grant should also be in jail right now, because there is no way she didn’t know this was going on. Winchester School Committee member Zeina Merchant should likewise be in handcuffs since she is the Treasurer for Violence in Boston, and in theory all of the money goes through her. Likely she is just a front to establish more legitimacy for the organization, but she signed up to be associated with people like this and now must pay the consequences.

Monica was praised by the Boston Globe, and recently received praise from Patriots safety Devon McCourty for her work at VIB. She’s won awards and been honored by the media, Celtics, Bruins, and Red Sox. She raised $60,000 to have an independent autopsy conducted on Mikayla Miller’s body after lying about the teenager being lynched by 5 white kids in Hopkinton, then lied several times and claimed that the autopsy took place but that she could not reveal the results. Every single person who legitimized her is complicit, starting with the Boston Globe who had the ability to expose this all and chose not to.





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