
Ratchet Boston City Councilors Nearly Start Riot At Meeting While Defending Accused Rapist Running For DA

Editor’s Note: We discussed this story on the Live Show (1:29:20)

Progressive Boston City Councillor and Suffolk County District Attorney candidate Ricardo Arroyo was accused in the Boston Globe last week of not telling the truth about 2 allegations of sexual assault made against him when he was a teenager. But the only endorsement he lost was Joe Kennedy’s, as Michelle Wu, Elizabeth Warren, Ayanna Pressley, Ed Markey, Kendra Lara, Julia Mejia, Tania Fernandes Anderson, and countless other leftist politicians stood by him. Their continued endorsement of this alleged sexual deviant disgusted one of the victims who reached out to the Boston Globe for a second story that was published yesterday:

“It makes me feel sick, sick to my stomach,” she said in an interview Monday night, shortly after reaching out to the Globe. “I see so many people continuing to endorse him without finding out more. As the potential DA, women are not going to feel safe calling his office. Their cases won’t get heard. … All those people who will be afraid to come forward.”

The woman said she stands by everything she alleged to police about Arroyo in 2005: the coerced sex, the mental manipulation, threats she said he sent her. She said she didn’t pursue the matter with prosecutors years ago because it appeared to her that officials at John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science heard her concerns and immediately took action: She didn’t see Arroyo at school for the rest of the school year.

“It had been traumatic,” she said. “It was easier to finish school and do what I had to do. … I just wanted to finish high school and go to college.”

Police documents obtained by the Globe show that the woman, then 17, told school officials in November 2005 that Arroyo, who she considered a good friend, pressured her into performing oral sex several times in late 2004 and early 2005, while they were juniors in high school. School officials documented the allegations and referred the matter to the Boston Police Department’s Sexual Assault Unit.

The woman said Arroyo was verbally and mentally abusive, and that she was afraid to speak out because she knew he came from a prominent political family. Arroyo’s father, Felix Arroyo, was at the time a Boston city councilor and the former president of the School Committee. She said she provided police with two e-mails that she said were from Arroyo. Neither e-mail, however, has the sender’s name on it. They are both dated Nov. 2, 2005, the day before police filed their first report, which mentions threatening e-mails

“u got it comin BITCH,” reads the subject line of one of the e-mails, which the Globe obtained along with the police reports. The Globe did not previously publish the e-mails themselves because the documents do not list the name of the sender, and the woman had not yet spoken to the Globe and directly shared her belief that Arroyo sent them.

“your a [expletive] undeserving of respect and hopefully you’ll die of your own accord,” one of the e-mails reads. “watch ur back [expletive] and understand ur mine you WILL NOT make it through this school year.”

Arroyo told the Globe he dropped out of school to take care of his mother, who was dealing with health issues. He said he had never been disciplined by the school and did not leave because of the 2005 allegations, which he said he did not even know about until this month. He said he left school in 2007 of his own volition.

Arroyo is listed as a senior in both the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 yearbooks. Records from the Boston Public Schools show that Arroyo didn’t officially drop out until June 30, 2007, more than a year and a half after the 2005 allegation was made. Arroyo later obtained his GED.

On Friday, a fellow city councilor filed a proposed order demanding the city release records related to the investigations, and on Monday, the City Council president stripped Arroyo of his vice presidency and a pair of key chairmanships.

Watching Arroyo deny everything in the week since the story first broke, she said, changed her mind. She said she felt sick and scared — not for herself, but for other victims who would rely on Arroyo to prosecute their abusers if he were elected DA.

“I don’t want him to think I fear him,” she said. “I fear what could happen if he gets into a position of power.”

I don’t want him to think I fear him,” she said. “I fear what could happen if he gets into a position of power.

No decent human being could continue to stand by Ricardo Arroyo after this. This isn’t Christine Blasey-Ford saying she was briefly dry humped 36 years ago at a place she can’t remember. These are threatening emails, police reports, and a witness who wanted to stay hidden but was so offended by the amount of women standing by Arroyo that she went to the Globe to let them know it was true.

This is the spoiled brat son of a well connected Boston politician who got kicked out of his high school because he couldn’t stop threatening and assaulting girls.

He is the brother of a man who was fired by Marty Walsh for sexual harassment. He has gotten away with this behavior his entire life because of who his family is, while simultaneously claiming to be disadvantaged because he comes from a “marginalized” community. Under no circumstances should a man with a GED who sexually assaulted at least one woman be allowed to be District Attorney. If he had any dignity he would not only withdraw from the DA race, but resign as a City Councilor too.

Shortly after the second, and much more damning Globe story, Arroyo lost the support of Wu, Pressley, Warren, and Markey. Wu spent the majority of her unendorsement complaining about how the information got leaked, as if it’s a bad thing that the people became aware that the person she endorsed for DA was an alleged rapist.


Boston’s Hunter Biden isn’t withdrawing, and instead posted on his Twitter account that the woman is lying.

Arroyo was also taken off a sub-committee that draws voting district lines, and was replaced by a councilor who is white. This offended the wokes because obviously then the Democratic white woman would redraw the boundaries of the districts to make sure that no black people ever got elected in Boston. Consequently they were able to look past the whole rape thing and focus on what was important – equity. It’s OK to support rapists, as long as they will push for equity.

Arroyo hasn’t lost the support of all politicians though. City Councilor Kendra Lara, who famously wants to abolish the police and replace cops with ex-cons at traffic details, escorted him into today’s council meeting like a parent dropping their child off at their first day of kindergarten.


She is standing by him, as is fellow Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson, the race baiting “historic first” Muslim councilor who complained that Boston has a white superintendent and married a man while he was behind bars serving a life sentence for murder.


These two brought a mob of ratchets to City Hall today to defend Arroyo in the trashiest way possible.  The prison wife said that “everyone is redeemable,” in reference to her accused rapist friend. Then she said in reference to two white councilors, “don’t come for me, because if you want smoke you’ll get smoke.”

What a badass! She might be a suit in City Hall now, but don’t forget – she’s from the streets! And her Mom was a principal! But she’s married to a convicted murderer now, so don’t come for her!

This is the kind of language you expect from teenagers at a basketball court arguing over who banged whose mom. But it’s not nearly as bad as the next clip:

“What the FUCK do I have to do in this FUCKING council in order to get respect as a black woman?”

Oh, I dunno. Maybe don’t act like common street trash? This is the end result of a society that’s been led to believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion are more important than not electing guttermuppets to office.

Watch the entire unhinged 8 minute rant and listen to how racist and deranged this woman is.

Everything was “my people.” And by that she meant “non-white people.” Those are the only people she represents because she views everything through the lens of race. She doesn’t see the white city councilors as people, she sees them as white, and thus they are evil. It’s not surprising that she’d defend an alleged rapist though, considering she married a man incarcerated for murder and is actively trying to get him freed.

Kendra Lara also victimized herself, claiming that “as a woman of color” (in the first 5 seconds of her speech) she has to show up with security to events in her district (using the Monica Cannon-Grant playbook). She claims that every day she receives an email that refers to her as a “n***er whore,” (might have to do a records request on that) which is the result of Councilor Erin Murphy’s sister being mean to her on Twitter.

Darragh Murphy is just an ordinary constituent with a couple hundred Twitter followers who frequently criticizes Lara for her support of the alleged rapist running for DA. Unlike Lara she has no power, and as a taxpayer she wants to exercise her First Amendment rights by criticizing elected officials. As a result of this public doxxing, and false accusation of incitement to murder by an elected official, Darragh Murphy has deactivated her Twitter account. That elected official also admitted to asking the President of the City Council to pressure another Councilor to silence that Councilor’s sister’s criticism of Kendra Lara. The communists want you silenced, imprisoned, and vaccinated. It’s just that simple.

Lara also said that she is still supporting Arroyo because she’s an “abolitionist,” and doesn’t care about people’s criminal records.

Which makes sense, since she wants to empty the jails and fill them with her political opponents.

The City of Boston is being run by children and ratchets, and they brought a rowdy crowd with them to intimidate their opponents this afternoon. Here’s a video of Arroyo supporters going full Jerry Springer after the meeting.

It got so bad that someone actually yelled “Where’s Marty Walsh?”

Michelle Wu has only been Mayor of Boston for 6 months and people are already begging for Marty Walsh to come back. That’s how ratchet things have become under her watch. This once great city has become a laboratory for equity, and this is the result. It’s never too late to leave Boston. It belongs to the communists now.


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