Ratchet Madness

Ratchet Madness 2023 Sweet 16: Fupasloth Region


It’s time to start narrowing the Ratchet Madness Sweet 16 down to the Elite 8, starting in the Fupasloth region. You have 24 hours to vote on who our first 2 ratchets will be. Cast your vote below!


1. Mike Fucci vs. 5. Middleboro Mushroom Tip Moses

1. Mike Fucci

  • Pretended to have cancer in order to raise $20K for a fraudulent GoFundMe
  • After getting caught said it was a miscommunication with his doctor despite previously telling extensive details about meetings with team from Dana Farber
  • Never told mistress #1 he was married, convinced her to have his baby, then abandoned her and never paid child support
  • Told mistress #1 he was going to buy her a $1.7 million home belonging to someone else in Lynnfield that wasn’t for sale, bought a bunch of furniture, tried to get her mother to quit job and become their nanny, then broke up with her when she went to the home
  • Denied he was the father until DNA test came through, then told everyone that he was raped
  • Accidentally showed paperwork from AGO during rant about Charlie Baker, showing that he was under investigation for wage theft in prison release program
  • Has worked a grand total of 3 days in the last 20 years before being fired as a chef at Watertown restaurant
  • Claimed to be a celebrity chef worth $27 million, but told judge in RO hearing that he was not a celebrity chef
  • Never paid dozens of employees and berated them for asking to get paid while flaunting cash and going on spending sprees at the casino
  • Admitted that he abused an elderly man by swearing at him after not shoveling sidewalk in front of failing Needham business
  • Raised money for a fake homeless charity for veterans
  • Has several court judgements against him for not fulfilling catering services for clients, including standing people up on their wedding days and screwing over a youth church group
  • Stole from the Jimmy Fund
  • Tried to fight a guy in a parking lot for not showing him enough respect on a Facebook group
  • Wrote cookbook he had for sale which several people paid for and didn’t receive
  • Convinced his wife who is the sole breadwinner to sell her condo and move in with her parents in order to finance his business
  • Tried and failed to get an order on me and have me charged with a crime for knocking on front door of his wife’s parent’s home
  • Exploited death of Red Sox pitcher he didn’t know that well for likes on social media
  • Immediately tried to find new women online after losing in court and was identified on Facebook group used to ID dangerous men



5. Middleboro Mushroom Tip Moses

  • Posted that her 19 year old daughter died from an overdose on a Facebook group for people looking for drug addicted family members who use fentanyl on Mass Ave
  • Said she needed a ride to the hospital on Cape Cod, but couldn’t afford to pay for one in a ploy to raise money
  • Daughter wasn’t really dead and she just wanted money to get high
  • She had done this before
  • Told people she just wanted to say goodbye to her daughter’s dead body and asked for help getting there
  • Refused offers to have Ubers paid for and only wanted cash
  • Lashed out at people who began asking questions
  • Has 4 charges in the last 2 years for stealing people’s credit cards to get cash from stores so her and “roommates” could smoke crack
  • Stole her coworkers credit card from Dunkin Donuts and withdrawing money from her account
  • Called family friend, pretended that her daughter needed medication, asked for a ride to the pharmacy, got that friend to pay for a meal, and then rewarded her generosity by stealing her credit cards
  • Has violated probation dozens of times with no consequences




11. Salem Tiktok Taco vs. 10. Timbuk Tittoo and Buffet Burritos

11. Salem Tiktok Taco

  • Made TikTok video where she threatened a bunch of 13 year olds who she claimed were mean to her son
  • Vowed deformation lawsuits from lawyer uncle
  • Messaged me, claiming not to be ratchet, and urging further deep dive into her background, turned out to be much more ratchet than I thought
  • Has 6 children constantly being bullies and in and out of court
  • Goes off in the tik tok claiming her son is getting harassed and threatened on snapchat to be jumped but that’s exactly what her daughter got arrested for doing when she was 14
  • Conceived 2 children with a Level 3 sex offender, guilty of rape and abuse of a child, and said this was OK because she had done her research and discovered that he was not in fact a child molester
  • Her and sex offender filmed themselves pulling a BB gun on their landlords who lived upstairs after they allegedly didn’t fix something
  • Did nothing to de-escalate the dangerous and volatile situation with her kids in the house as he defended their bedsheet curtain ratchet Alamo she swore like a trucker
  • Their 13 year old son had 59 absences from school, constantly got suspended for bullying other kids and destroying school property, has been arrested multiple times for serious offenses including robbing someone at knifepoint for $3, witnessed her revolving door of boyfriends get into domestic disputes with her, and was constantly neglected despite being at risk
  • Probation department filed a 51A with DCF against both parents. According to the document the family has a “long history with DCF.” Wyatt alleged that Michelle bought her son a BB gun that was used to shoot another child, and the court was concerned about the mental health of their 2 children because they were constantly exposed to “verbal abuse” between their parents
  • Procreated with man named Macho who messaged page to inform us that we “messed with the wrong one.”
  • Posted prank video of 10 year old daughter opening package she thought had headbands but really had a vibrator of Mom
  • Threatened my home in Woburn, which is not a place I’ve ever lived
  • Said it was actually me who is the bad parent because she read some stuff on the Internet about me being “rasist” from other ratchets who lost their kids to DCF
  • Constantly begging on Facebook for other people to pay for her kid’s cheerleading
  • Vowed deformation lawsuits
  • “These little mother f***ers that think they’re gang bangers, and mind you my son got mouth, not denying that. They talking about my son’s gonna die, they gonna kill my son, they gonna jump my son. Do y’all mother f***ers know who his mother is? Just wondering. Because I wish somebody would. Get your kids lady, get your kids.”


10. Timbuk Tittoo and Buffet Burritos

  • Forced children age 8-16 to drive to New York City to panhandle, despite none of them having a license, so that they didn’t have to get jobs
  • After 5 of them were killed in a midnight car accident they immediately made $67K off a GoFundMe that was shared in the media
  • One of the mothers is a face tattooed ratchet who got upset when people were donating to a GoFundMe that she was not able to control the money for
  • Turns out 5 of the 6 kids had the same Dad, but different Moms, and they were all living a polygamous lifestyle and never enrolled any of their kids in school




Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries

One Comment

  1. Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.

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