TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 154: State Police Criminalist Who Said Hair On Karen Read’s Car Was Human Failed Her Proficiency Exam And Was Restricted From DNA Testing, Commonwealth Wants New Testing After Hair Determined Not To Be Human


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Two weeks ago we learned that the “human hair” found on Karen Read’s Lexus’ passenger side quarter panel, which the Commonwealth claims was forensically tested by MSP criminalist Maureen Hartnett, was determined not to be human hair at all. Yet for the last year they have repeatedly stated as a fact that the hair was forensically tested to be human hair, and used this as evidence to argue for higher bail and charge Karen Read with murder.

We now know that the Commonwealth knew by August 25 that the testing they conducted proved it wasn’t human hair. Yet in their September 1, 2023 filing, the Commonwealth once again stated that the hair was confirmed to be human, despite knowing for a full week that it wasn’t human hair.

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This was a huge stain on the Commonwealth’s case and proved that they were despicable liars. In order to provide cover for themselves they filed a motion on September 14, asking to test the hair again, because they didn’t like the findings that their own testing revealed. This time they asked for “exhaustive mitochondrial testing,” which would destroy the hair sample.

Let’s be clear – they would not ask for more testing if the first test came back as human hair. They’re expert shopping at this point, hoping to find someone moronic enough to believe that singular strand of something, which came from Karen Read’s snow brush, once belonged to a human being.

But this begs the question – if the Commonwealth didn’t think the appropriate testing was being conducted, then why did they order this inappropriate manner of testing in the first place? Clearly that thought it was sufficient, or else they wouldn’t have conducted the testing with Karen Read’s expert present. They just didn’t like the results because it proved they had been lying in court filings for the last year.

This move by the Commonwealth was both predictable and telling, because it once again showed that they are directly working with disgraced FBI agent Jennifer Coffindaffer. We previously showed that this woman was in direct communication with Chris Albert, and was using her Twitter account with 70K followers to spread propaganda on behalf of the Alberts and McCabes.

She routinely gets ratioed and humiliates herself on Twitter like the washed up boomer that she is, so it wasn’t surprising to see that on September 8 she tweeted that the DNA testing that the Commonwealth itself conducted wasn’t sufficient. In that tweet she specifically said that the hair should undergo mitochondrial testing.

Then 6 days later the Commonwealth filed a motion asking for that exact same thing. Almost as if they’re using this bootleg Real Housewives of Jacksonville reject to be their mouthpiece because they’re losing in the court of public opinion so badly.

Coffindaffer isn’t just an expert on mitochondrial DNA testing either. She was a guest on Court TV last week and offered her expertise on Google searches as well. If you want a good laugh as you listen to this menopausal monstrosity attempt to explain how she concluded that Jennifer McCabe didn’t Google “hos long to die in cold” at 2:27 AM, then start watching at the 23:15 mark.

[video_lightbox_youtube video_id=”kI_tUidjIDc&t=1388s” width=”560″ height=”315″ auto_thumb=”1″]

I like Vinnie Politan, but calling this woman an “expert on cell phone searches” is the biggest lie ever told on television.

However, what Coffindaffer and the Commonwealth failed to point out was that Maureen Hartnett, the State Police criminalist who initially tested the hair and wrongly determined that it was human hair, failed her proficiency exam and was not allowed to conduct any sort of testing at all. Last October Hartnett’s boss Michelle Lavasseur informed Hartnett that she was restricted from performing any sort of trace identifications involving hair roots. Hartnett ignored this direct order from her boss and told Adam Lally what he wanted to hear – that the hair was human.

We did not learn this information until it was made public in court on Friday. That alone should get this case tossed out. But it won’t, because facts, evidence, and truth doesn’t matter when the Judge is Beverly Cannone.


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  1. That is SCREENSHOT of Colin, the date doesn’t mean shit, why did you scratch Colin’s brother’s face out? Maybe because he wasn’t home on leave on 02/09, dumb bitch!

  2. Karen and John have a serious argument which culminates into them saying they never want to see each other again. Then John leaves and is immediately attacked/kidnapped/killed by the bad guys. Karen doesn’t know it happened, so she just assumes he’s disappeared because he’s avoiding her after the argument. This means John’s in even bigger trouble now, because he can’t even expect Karen to go looking for him.

    Alternatively, John manages to call Karen somehow, and she, still furious, doesn’t answer.

  3. In life, you just never know when or where you might come across a person or animal that is dead, or appears to be dead. People might react to such a discovery in all kinds of ways… but some individuals, in particular, cannot help but be a little curious. Is something (someone) truly dead? Are they just sleeping? Do they need help? There is often no way to be positively sure with just a simple observation, but, worse yet, the discoverer is often likely to be (1) woefully unprepared to handle the situation and (2) too timid to risk touching an unmoving body with their bare hands and fingers. So what does that person do? They grab the nearest tree branch or stick and give their specimen a few good jabs. Who knows? Maybe the subject will somehow react to it.

    In fiction, this is something that’s commonly Played for Laughs. Even if characters try to rationalize why they would think poking a lifeless body from a distance would be in some way helpful or useful, it almost always is an act of Comedic Sociopathy that shows a complete lack of respect for the person or thing they are prodding, especially if they know for sure that their subject is truly deceased. While it may not necessarily be an indicator of bad attitude, it will indicate a general lack of helpful knowledge for the situation.

    In the event that this activity results in a subversion where someone or something being poked and prodded turns out to not be dead after all, expect everyone involved in the situation to be startlingly surprised.

    If a character happens to be poking around an unresponsive person that they know, that person may be the Butt-Monkey or The Friend Nobody Likes.

    This may overlap with Please Wake Up when characters are unable to realize or accept that someone or something is dead.

    If a child or juvenile engages in this sort of activity, it may be a subtle indication of Troubling Unchildlike Behavior.

    If poking something turns out to have been a rather unwise decision that puts characters in danger, see Curiosity Killed the Cast.

    See Also: Desecrating the Dead, when further violation of a corpse occurs; Stop Poking Me!, a rather meta video game trope where NPCs become annoyed when a player interacts with them too often (by clicking on them repeatedly with their mouse)

    1. Are you okay? Find something better to do with the time it took for you to write that complete and utter nonsense.

    2. Just by the comment you made it sounds like you never seen or found a loved one unexpectedly dead and until you do then don’t assume you know how people react.
      You sound like a total asshole.

  4. after watching Yellow Cottage Tales last broadcast, it appears Karen might be guilty after all…. Sorry….

    1. The only reason anyone even knows about or has heard of yellow cottage tales is because Kevin piggybacked and posted onto Aidan’s Facebook account the livestream of one of the court hearings. Kevin actually looks like Brian Albert. He is so jealous of the good doctor and it shows with his nonsensical theories and re-enactments that look like a 6th grader put together. Don’t even bother anymore with that fool. He’s now on par w Coffindaffer and plastic Wendy.

  5. To say that a google search keeps the same time stamp of whatever was previously searched if it is in the same window is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Do these people think the average Americans are a bunch of idiots and will believe that? Technology is way more advanced than that, sorry you corrupt clowns. Let’s not forget, I believe Jen McCabe searched “hos long to die in cold” a total of 3-4 times, because she had realized she f’d up by doing so, so she searched again around 6am to make it seem like Karen had asked her to. And these people the Commonwealth has testing their “evidence”… says alot. Cannot say I’m surprised, just keeps getting better!!!!

    1. Can’t this entire google search be recreated to test the prosecution’s theory that the 2:27am search never happened? Just have someone keep an old Safari tab open, then google something a few hours later. Pay to have it sent off to a forensic expert and see what happens. Also, if the Ford Edge seen by Lucky was driven by Chris or Colin Albert, would it show up on the Canton Public Library footage pulled from that night (not sure the timeframes that police pulled the tape for?) Google Maps shows that the quickest route from Colin Albert’s house to 34 Fairview would pass the library.

  6. After that last court hearing and listening to how condescending the dishonorable Beverly Cannone and inept lying useless Adam Lally is, it blows my mind at just how many hoops yannetti and Jackson have to go through for even the littlest thing. Lally lies to the court 4 times at least and probably much more than that yet she doesn’t say peep to him about any of this. Holding evidence for well over a year, I mean this is so ridiculous. How can the state attorney general or governer or anyone with checks and balances not step in here. I thought after the spotlight and Heat was turned up a little bit on Cannone and her supposed non relationship with Cumberland farms hero Mccabe that she would act like she is supposed to be – FAIR. This is so ridiculous- Aidan, you need to legit have a rally outside her house and everywhere she goes. This is unacceptable

  7. Norfolk DA (Morrissey) just got assigned case of dolphins fan killing Patriots fan. Another high profile case for Proctor, Lally, and Morrissey. Grab your popcorn folks.

  8. I lied so many times on the stand it just became silly. Thankfully, the Department put GPS on the cruiser so I couldnt leave early anymore and I lost 25 pounds.

  9. Yellow cottage tail and turtle boy only have to speculate on this case because the police didn’t search the Albert house. Next time they should investigate the whole crime scene and we won’t have to rely on internet sleuths.

    1. That was done on purpose. They should make everyone involved take a polygraph even though it will not hold up in court but it will show the world that they killed John O’keefe

  10. I would like to apologize to the citizens of Norfolk County for the mishandling of not 1, but 2 police murders. I/we blew the first case with Sgt. Michael Chesna and an elderly woman being killed in broad daylight with conclusive evidence and witnesses. This murder is uncontested. I can only offer that Auntie Bev blew it. In the John O’Keefe murder, I told Auntie Bev and Lunchbox to dispose of this case quickly. Apparently something was lost in translation there. Perhaps I should have been more clear and direct. They have assured me that this mess isn’t due to their incompetence and that the lies & deception just haven’t worked as planned. They said to just blame it on the State and Canton police, so we’re going with that.

  11. I believe they know they will not convict Karen Read. They contaminated the clothing the hair the canine DNA on purpose. This is all for show because they don’t want any evidence to prove he was killed in the house. We know Karen did not hit John. We know there was NO body on the front lawn at 2:30 AM from the only eyewitness Lucky who is telling the truth. We know if he was hit by Karen and then hit his head on the the snow/ground it would be saturated with Johns blood not 6 drops. The fact that they will not explain why the canton police did not go into the house of a Boston Police officer with another Boston Police office with no coat and 1 shoe on his front lawn dying, the fact that BA ripped up his floor, killed his dog, and sold his house and will not turn over his phone should be enough and not mention “Hos long to die in the cold”

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