Poor Behavior

Rian Waters Ends Interview After Apparent Unconscious Woman Falls On Him, Claims It Was A Girl Hugging Him, Vows To File Lawsuit And Contact Congressmen If I Write About It


Editor’s Note: We will be analyzing the insanity of what transpired last night on the Live Show tonight at 9 PM. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel. It should also be noted that I contacted East Longmeadow Police after writing this blog, and they told me that someone else had called and sent a car to 199 Allen Street at 6 AM. The dispatcher could not tell me what happened so I filed a request for the police report.

Last night Rian Waters, the transient man who has been suing me over a 2017 blog and attempting to file criminal complaints against me in Federal and Springfield Court for the last 5 years, sat down for an interview last night with a woman who goes by Lauren DeLaguna on YouTube. Rian admitted a lot of interesting things to her:

  • He collects food stamps and hasn’t had a job since he began suing me, which is why he gets his legal fees waived and always wears the same shirt to court
  • He doesn’t have an apartment, but sleeps at the homes of various friends who have spare bedrooms that they let him sleep in for months at a time, and don’t charge him rent for
  • He plans to one day take care of and provide financial support for his now 8 year old special needs daughter who he abandoned and lost custody of as a result of his domestic violence and animal cruelty arrest
  • He has met and spoken with several members of Mexican drug cartels
  • He received assistance from disgraced former Worcester City Councillor and attorney Michael T. Gaffney, who tried and failed to sue me in 2018
  • He said that Gaffney gave him red flags, and “gave me bad legal advice” because his strategies mostly involved filing frivolous motions to drive up the cost of my legal fees (I’ve paid thousands and thousands of dollars already)
  • His lawsuits are a “win win situation” despite losing to me over a dozen times in court
  • He is not deterred by the Supreme Court’s recent denial to hear his case against me
  • The court has committed a grave injustice by allowing me to intimidate his witness Crissy Yakimowsky, even though he has never spoken to her, I never threatened her, and she never said she would be his witness
  • He hasn’t hired an attorney because he “filed an amazing brief,” and when asked if he thought that he was better than the average attorney replied “in some unique areas of law,” and “maybe I know more about appellate practice than your average attorney, your average attorney doesn’t like to deal with appellate courts”
  • He received direct assistance for his lawsuits from a Medfield woman named Shannona Labarre, the estranged daughter and sister of Boston Police Officers who once pretended to be a Turtleboy blogger for several months, spent months running anonymous anti-Turtleboy social media accounts that offered help to Rian and other criminals, and lied about having a dead baby who she had a funeral for so that I would send her flowers

  • He was approached by a notorious deadbeat North Attleborough mother who lost 2 of her children to the state due to years of neglect and abuse, who offered him bad legal advice in his ongoing attempt to file criminal complaints on me that ultimately failed
  • His Mom and Dad are both respectable, successful people, and he only talks to his mother in New York occasionally (but not his Dad at all)
  • If his federal complaint in California fails his next step is to bankrupt Facebook, who he claims is my co-conspirator against him, by contacting all of their advertisers and letting them know that Facebook gives Turtleboy a platform to expose people like him
  • He will stop suing after he files one more federal frivolous lawsuit in California, but that “one way or another you’re going to be taken care of,” which he said will result in “federal agents in California that allowed me to live in a mansion in the mountains in California” who will “take care of your ass, and then when you get brought out to California then you’re gonna be in a prison that is run by AWESOME people.”

The crazy part is that he actually believes everything he says. But it was the way the interview ended around the 2:05:45 mark, when he began to get flustered about questions regarding his arrest for beating up the mother of the daughter he abandoned and killing her dog, that people will remember most about this interview. Watch:

It appears as if Rian has graduated from the Michael Giannetti school of courtship. When that happened live I thought it was a blowup doll he used for sexual gratification that fell on him. But blowup dolls don’t have necks that bend, nor do they come with their eyes closed. Upon further review that appears to be a sleeping, dead, or unconscious adult female. He had no explanation for what we all saw happen live, and simply said “let’s end this,” before cutting transmission.  Here is a clipped version, and in slow motion.

First he sees something falling and looks alarmed.

Then what appears to now be a female human head with its eyes closed flops down on his shoulder, clearly alarming him. His facial reactions convey a look of shock as he realizes this is being recorded live.

He uses his left forearm to violently push her head in the opposite direction as it snaps back, indicating that this is was not a blowup doll.


I’m pretty sure blowup dolls don’t come with white t-shirts and human colored flesh either.

Although this was pretty wild to watch, I’m actually pretty concerned. After the show last night Rian immediately fired off an email to me, claiming that the woman in the video was a child who woke up at midnight, heard Rian upset, and decided to hug him. He then threatened me, saying that “our situation will “escalate” if I make any mention of this, and vowed to file more frivolous cases and send letters to congress.

He says that if she’s harassed he will file another frivolous criminal complaint and include imaginary threats that never happened, as well as contacting “every congressman lobbying to stop judges from protecting pedophiles.”

Except we have no idea who that woman (not girl) was, and wouldn’t harass her even if we did. I’m more concerned for her safety quite frankly.

He left a similar comment on Lauren’s YouTube channel.

“She heard me upset and went to give me a hug. Attacking a kid that was trying to be helpful is evil. You are intentionally harming kids.’

  1. That was not a child.
  2. That person was not awake.
  3. Why would a kid wake up in the middle of the night to hug him?

At first this was wild and even funny, but his obvious lies now leave me concerned for that woman’s safety and well being. Why would he lie about it being a child? Clearly he is panicking because he did not want anyone to see it, and he definitely does not want me to write about it. Quite frankly, given his past history of domestic violence towards women I’m getting strong Dahmer vibes.

Unfortunately we don’t know for sure where Rian is living so I wouldn’t even know what police department to call. His listed address on his legal filings is 199 Allen Street, East Longmeadow, but he claims to just be using someone else’s address to file his lawsuits so I don’t find out where he lives.

Rian Waters is everything that is wrong with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He has no job, mooches off the taxpayers despite being an abled bodied male in his early 30’s, abuses women, kills dogs, intimidates victims of domestic violence from testifying against him, and clogs up the court system with frivolous filings and lawsuits. And he gets away with it because The System allows him to.


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