Top 50 Most Noteworthy, Effective, And Influential Stories Broken By Turtleboy; #10-1

The critics will say Turtleboy isn’t real news, but the facts show that over the last 8 years we’ve written countless stories that exposed problems in our society that no other media outlet was willing to look into. As a result of our reporting corruption has been exposed, bad people have been fired from positions of power, criminals have gone to jail, future victims have been spared, mainstream media lies and narratives have been debunked, and the world has become a better place. This week we’ll be running down the most noteworthy, effective, and influential stories broken by Turtleboy in our history, starting with #50-41 on Monday, #40-31 on Tuesday, and so forth until we get to our Top 10 on Friday.
10. Getting away with murder – the Emely Nieves story.
A Lowell mother named Emely Nieves had a baby with the abusive son of a well known BLM activist named Tina Degree. Throughout their relationship she documented the abuse on Tik Tok, before dying after a night out with Devante. The ME’s reports said she was killed by blunt force trauma to the head, and according to a Facebook Live by Tina Degree this happened when she fell out of bed after a night of drinking. Degree admitted to not calling 911, and cleaning up the scene of the crime before alerting her sons and spiritual advisor. Text messages showed that Emely lived in fear of Devante and had been trying to get away from him. Tina Degree was arrested twice in a month for beating another one of Devante’s girlfriends with a tire iron, and assaulting a police officer during a BLM protest. The Mayor bailed her out of jail.
Result – Everyone knows Devante Degree killed Emely Nieves now, but the case remains open.
9. The Rachael Rollins crime family.
We first published the story about DA Rachael Rollins getting into a road rage incident on Christmas Eve with a woman named Katie Lawson, in which she threatened to arrest her before illegally putting on her blue lights and going through a red light with her kids in the car. She later threatened to make up a lie about a reporter who showed up at her house in order to have them charged with a crime. When confronted by Turtleboy on the Howie Carr Show she repeatedly lied about the incident and contradicted herself. A deeper dive into her family history showed that 3 of her 4 siblings are convicted criminals, and one of them was released from prison early right after she was elected. Of the 15 crimes she was no longer choosing to prosecute 9 were crimes that her siblings had previously been charged with.
Result – Rollins was nominated for U.S. Attorney by President Biden, but what should’ve been an easy confirmation turned into a months long battle that required Kamala Harris breaking a 50-50 tie in the Senate to confirm her.
8. Monica Cannon-Grant and Violence in Boston INC.
Turtleboy was the first media outlet to publish the tape of Ayanna Pressely and Rachael Rollins campaign worker Monica Cannon-Grant unleashing 30 minutes of racial abuse directed at Pressley’s Republican opponent Rayla Campbell, because Campbell was conservative and married to a white man. We did a deep dive into her fraudulent non-profit Violence in Boston, showed up at the grand opening to protest, got threatened by her thugs, and then went to Boston Police headquarters to hold a demonstration against her racism. Prior to our reporting Monica was presented by the media as a civil rights icon and the de facto leader of BLM Boston. She had been honored by the Celtics, Red, Sox, and Bruins, and wrote op eds in the Boston Globe.
Result – Monica’s reputation was forever damaged, her association with Senatorial candidate Joe Kennedy hurt his campaign, her husband Clark was arrested by the feds for COVID unemployment fraud, and her nonprofit was handed over to other people while under investigation by the AGO.
In 2015 a number of BLM protests that shut down traffic began at a nonprofit called Mosaic Cultural Complex in Worcester. Turtleboy did a deep dive into the nonprofit’s finances and found they weren’t keeping up with required paperwork. We obtained their timesheets for employees and found out they were handing out money to convicted criminals not to work, and they weren’t doing the hypertension treatment listed in their mission statement. CEO Brenda Jenkins’ son Robert Alston was given a no-show job in order to collect taxpayer money to pay off overdue child support, which he never paid. We later published Facebook posts from Alston in which he explained how the nonprofit scammed the taxpayers, leading to an investigation by the AGO.
Result – The AGO determined there was malfeasance by Mosaic, the City Council voted to cut off funding completely, and Mosaic disbanded completely.
In order to pressure the government to extend the eviction moratorium during the summer CNN needed to find a likable person in danger of eviction to spotlight on their “news” network. They chose a Las Vegas card dealer named Dasha Kelly who lost her job due to lockdowns and was in danger of being evicted with her 3 kids. Her sympathy story broadcast by CNN helped her raise $200K via GoFundMe. But the story made no sense since the casinos had been up and running for some time. TB investigated and discovered that Dasha Kelly lived with a man, and the three girls on CNN were not hers. We interviewed the actual mother, who was distraught that her children were being used by CNN to raise money for Kelly. We later showed that Kelly had been evicted from several other places and tried to sue the casinos multiple times.
Result – We hooked the real mother up with attorney Marc Randazza who got them a substantial portion of the GFM money. CNN was eventually forced to take down their story completely.
5. Mikayla Miller.
A 16 year old Hopkinton girl named Mikayla Miller killed herself after a breakup with her girlfriend Kaitlyn Anderson. Monica Cannon-Grant and the girl’s mother began spreading the lie that Miller was lynched by 5 white teens, including Anderson, because they had jumped her earlier in the day. A massive protest was held in Hopkinton, and BLM Attorney Ben Crump became involved in the case. Turtleboy was the only media outlet that actually spoke with Anderson’s mother, who we interviewed on our show. We also published emails that Anderson sent to Miller’s guidance counselor, warning her that Miller was suicidal and abusing drugs, and discovered that Miller was in foster care because her mother was facing charges for abusing her.
Result – The ME’s report confirmed that it was a suicide, which the activists refused to accept. They raised over $60K via GoFundMe, but the truth was revealed and Miller story is now regarded as a hoax.
A Napa, CA mother named Kylie Kirkpatrick made national headlines when her 9 year old son allegedly used the $75 he saved from his allowance to pay off school lunch debt for his hungry classmates. In doing so he was used by people like Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, and Gavin Newsome to campaign for free lunch for all kids, which became legislation in California and Rhode Island. He got free tickets to the Super Bowl, along with potentially millions of dollars worth of other gifts. Parents in Napa had been trying to blow the whistle that the whole thing was a scam but the local newspaper wouldn’t listen to them. They reached out to Turtleboy and we did a deep dive that revealed that the money didn’t come from his allowance, there was no school lunch debt in his school, Kylie had created a fraudulent nonprofit to raise money, she sold donated goods, lied about Ryan’s Dad dying from ALS to get Athletics tickets, had a long criminal history resulting in incarceration for larceny, pretended to be a licensed sign language interpreter, attacked the deaf community, filed dozens of fraudulent lawsuits, harassed and threatened members of the community, and was a drug addict who conceived Ryan in a closet at rehab.
Result – Kylie was charged with 8 felonies as a direct result of our reporting, and Turtleboy has been cited in her court cases several times since then.
3. Ashley Losapio, the Zambrano brothers, and the murder of Ron Tarentino.
Auburn Police Officer Ron Tarentino was killed in 2016 by a career criminal named Jorge Zambrano. We were the first media outlet to publish his name and his girlfriend’s name (car was registered to her) as a manhunt began. We were the first to report that Zambrano was killed during a standoff in Rochdale. We were the first to report that Zambrano had recently been let out of jail by Worcester County DA Joe Early after assaulting a police officer because “jail wasn’t working for him.” We were the first to report that Zambrano’s twin brother Giancarlo was dating Ashley Losapio – a probation department employee and the daughter of a Clinton District Court judge who had previously been reprimanded for giving information on confidential informants to prisoners and gang members.
Result – Turtleboy was cited by the mainstream media for the first time, invited on several Boston talk radio shows, and Losapio was suspended from her job (later promoted).
2. Leigha Genduso.
In January of 2018 we published a blog about Lt. Colonel Dan Risteen’s involvement in the coverup of Lt. Governor Tim Murray’s 2011 crash on I-190. We pointed out that his girlfriend was a state trooper named Leigha Genduso, and that he was her superior. After that several MSP sources reached out to inform us that she received favoritism by getting plate readers and a K9 gig, and we obtained shocking court documents of her 2007 testimony in federal court. Genduso testified against her former boyfriend Sean Bucci in order to avoid mandatory minimum jail time, and admitted to selling large quantities of drugs, laundering (and spending) $350K in drug money, and lying to a grand jury. She was investigated by the state police, but a year later she was hired by them to be a dispatcher. Years later she applied to be a trooper and Risteen used his influence to have them not look into her past.
Result – Risteen resigned in disgrace, and Genduso was immediately put on unpaid leave and sent to a mental hospital before claiming she was going to fight for her job. She resigned in disgrace with a dishonorable discharge for lying on her resume. She was later fired from her job as a bartender in Danvers and can be found today calling people the n word on YouTube. This story led to major reforms in the hiring process at the MSP.
1. Alli Bibaud, Joe Early, and Troopergate.
The daughter of a Dudley District Court Judge was arrested in Holden for crashing her car while under the influence. Troopers found heroin on her and she asked one of them if they knew how many guys she had to blow to acquire the drugs, before offering the trooper a felatio if he let her go. Turtleboy first reported that this information was scrubbed from her arrest report at the request of State Police Colonel Richard McKeon and Major Susan Anderson, after DA Joe Early demanded they do so. Early is friends with Judge Tim Bibaud, the father of Alli Bibaud. When the arresting troopers refused to redact the report they were punished and their superiors redacted it for them. All of our reporting was confirmed after a thorough investigation that went through Early’s text messages and emails.
Result – Colonel McKeon, Lt. Colonel Francis Hughes, and Major Anderson all resigned. The Telegram and Gazette called for Early’s resignation, but he refused and won re-election before being sued by the two troopers he asked to coverup the police report. This story led to major reforms in the transparency of the MSP.
Honorable Mentions:
- Oxford Town Manager Jennifer Callahan doesn’t live in Oxford
- COVID hypcorite teachers
- Tyrannical Vernon Hill Principal Carenza Jackson
- Alleged serial rapist Tony Scavone
- Worcester Firefighters 6k cheater
- Jason Collier
- Ashley St. Angelo
- Ma’Khia Bryant family
- Davis Hill principal pedo
- Failure Swift
- Rian Waters
- Bobbin for Boners
- Tom Mountain
- Tom Morelli
- Ed Hancock
- Maude the Fraud
- Lisa Dyer’s Janice Harvey email