West Warwick Mother Is Picking Up Drunk Strangers In Defaced Car So They’ll Listen To Her Rant About Her Son’s 16 Year Old Ex-Girlfriend, Her Mother, And The Police

This is Amanda Sawyer of West Warwick.
She’s been causing quite the stir in Rhode Island this week after a Facebook campaign directed at the West Warwick and State Police. Let’s start from the top.
She’s the mother of 5 kids and a couple pit bulls.
Last week she made a Facebook post about her son Ryan’s breakup with his girlfriend, and inserted herself directly into the drama.
- She brought her son John and his girlfriend to school late without asking the girl’s mother’s permission because she wanted to take them out to breakfast for his birthday.
- This caused conflict with her other son Ryan’s girlfriend Autumn because Ryan paid for their dinners, but John’s girlfriend’s food was paid for by Amanda.
- Amanda started getting “harassing” text messages from an anonymous number, and came to the conclusion without any evidence that it was her son Ryan’s 16 year old girlfriend
- Amanda’s son Ryan was convinced it wasn’t his girlfriend sending the messages, but Amanda talked him into believing it was her based off of a random comment that someone else made on his girlfriend’s Facebook page
- Not satisfied with merely breaking up her son’s relationship with his girlfriend, she then went to the West Warwick Police to get a restraining order against a child, but the only “proof” she had were anonymous text messages that haven’t been posted
- In the meantime she is keeping her teenage son out of school so as to avoid his now ex-girlfriend
- She readily admits that her son Ryan “put his hands on her” (his ex-girlfriend)
- She is blaming this 16 year old girl for threatening to call DCYF in the anonymous text messages (which seems completely justified the more you read this blog)
- Her son now comes home from school crying because girls are bullying him
Later on in comments that she’s copied and pasted dozens of times, Amanda blamed the anonymous and allegedly threatening texts on her son’s ex-girlfriend’s mother, rather than the 16 year old girl, along with several other allegations.
- The WWPD told her no crime was committed but she was free to try to get a restraining order from the courts
- The fee for the RO was $250 but the judge dropped it to $50 once he or she found out that Amanda had to install a home security system due to her irrational fear of a high school girl and her mother
- The girl’s mother who is harassing her also sent harassing messages to herself, which she then used to obtain a fraudulent harassment order against Amanda’s son Ryan (in reality, the woman likely had actual evidence that the messages were from him)
- Amanda is accusing the high school girl of logging into her son’s Facebook account and unblocking both his ex-gf (who has a RO against him) and her mother
- Amanda also alleges that her son’s ex-gf is now using his Facebook account to send herself messages, which would show that he is violating the RO because he’s contacting the girl his mother admitted that he laid hands on
- She claimed she wasn’t allowed to file a report with WWPD about this, which can’t possibly be true, so she went above their head to the governor and State Police, both of who sent her back to West Warwick
- She claims that the WWPD once again wouldn’t take a report (in reality it probably means that they wouldn’t arrest a high school girl who has a RO against her son), and that Captain Bettencourt aggressively bullied her son by reaching for his gun (she’ll be filing a very serious complaint about that)
- In the meantime she’s recklessly keeping her son out of school and contributing to the truancy of a minor based on her irrational delusions
She’s started to post her “evidence” which includes receipts for buying a home security system to protect her from a child who has a RO against her son because he victimized her.
She’s posted emails from the Rhode Island State Police, in which she demanded call logs she made to them, and accused the State Police of covering up for the WWPD.
She became even more enraged after leaving the Statehouse and/or governor’s office, because the WWPD didn’t send a detective to her house in a timely manner.
Yesterday she posted that the log from her visit to the WWPD in May, (which she claims proves they are unprofessional liars) and said she wants the ACLU involved.
Take a look at that call log.
She complained that she was being harassed by a man, the WWPD suggested she block whoever was harassing her, and she refused because she “will miss other stuff he posts about her.” Then while the cops were trying to help her she picked up the phone and started having a conversation with her boyfriend, who is humoring and encouraging her descent into madness.
Then she posted the log from the State Police after she went to them after becoming dissatisfied with the WWPD.
She played the State Police a threatening voicemail, they determined there were no actual threats, she refused to say who the guy leaving the voicemails was, and they once again advised her to block this mystery man, which she refused to do because she wants to see what he’s posting about her.
Five underage human beings call this woman “Mom.”
She’s quite upset that this isn’t going anywhere and she doesn’t want to pay for an attorney, so she’s done the only logical thing a sane person can do in a situation like this.
She wrote her rantings on the back of her car, offered to drive around drunk strangers like a free Uber at closing time, and spammed her personal phone number all over community Facebook groups. She even put Christmas lights on it so you don’t miss her.
She’s literally driving around Cumberland Farms, listening to 94 HJY, and looking for people to pick up so that someone will listen to her.
When she can’t find strangers to pick up she parks in front of the police station.
She let it be known that anyone who has anything negative to say about her will get lectured for an hour and a half about all her “evidence” for her “case” that the cops are ignoring. And she’s not asking for money, but if you’d like chip in for fliers, decorations, fountain drinks, gas, or an attorney (although she’s going to represent herself since she’s a legal expert but will welcome advice from actual lawyers), she’ll gladly accept it.
And yes, she actually made fliers of her Facebook post.
Some might ask, “but…..why?” Simple.
For two reasons mainly:
- It gives her a captive audience that has to listen to her rant
- It’s helped her relationship with her boyfriend
Today she announced that she was heading to the news (whatever that means), and apologized to her children if they had to eat welfare food for a bit if she went to jail. She also thanked her boyfriend Jay Gentile for not trying to stop any of this.
She posted text message conversations with him, in which she told him that she would be sleeping in her car outside the police station, and instead of telling her that this was a horrible idea (since she’s the mother of 5 kids), he decided to encourage her instead.
She says she’s not going to waste money on a lawyer, because a lawyer will likely be coming to her after the compelling case she’s presented has gone public.
Anyone on her friend’s list who actually gives her good advice is immediately rebutted and blocked.
And in the meantime she’ll be sitting outside the police station googling how to pay for a billboard to broadcast her rantings to a wider audience.
Turns out she doesn’t need a lawyer because she’s undefeated in court, but she does need to figure out how to take out a loan so she can purchase a billboard.
People like Nicole Picard are part of the problem. We have a mental health crisis in this country, and because people like Amanda need help from people who aren’t sick. But the healthy people she’s surrounded by choose to feed into her madness because it’s easier than confronting her, and thus people like Amanda never get the help they need.
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Fuck you turtleboy your such a piece of shit. Whoever wrote this just twisted shit around and said things that were not even true. Its funny when she said the lady told them they would have to eat welfare food when all she really said was noodles. Whoever wrote this is obviously better than poor people. Typical of turtleboys garbage they spin out. Turtleboy needs to be shot in the face your all fuckin trash.