Ratchet Madness

Ratchet Madness 2023 Round 1: Fupasloth Region




  1. Mike Fucci vs. 16. Jason Moodley

1.Mike Fucci

  • Pretended to have cancer in order to raise $20K for a fraudulent GoFundMe
  • After getting caught said it was a miscommunication with his doctor despite previously telling extensive details about meetings with team from Dana Farber
  • Never told mistress #1 he was married, convinced her to have his baby, then abandoned her and never paid child support
  • Told mistress #1 he was going to buy her a $1.7 million home belonging to someone else in Lynnfield that wasn’t for sale, bought a bunch of furniture, tried to get her mother to quit job and become their nanny, then broke up with her when she went to the home
  • Denied he was the father until DNA test came through, then told everyone that he was raped
  • Accidentally showed paperwork from AGO during rant about Charlie Baker, showing that he was under investigation for wage theft in prison release program
  • Has worked a grand total of 3 days in the last 20 years before being fired as a chef at Watertown restaurant
  • Claimed to be a celebrity chef worth $27 million, but told judge in RO hearing that he was not a celebrity chef
  • Never paid dozens of employees and berated them for asking to get paid while flaunting cash and going on spending sprees at the casino
  • Admitted that he abused an elderly man by swearing at him after not shoveling sidewalk in front of failing Needham business
  • Raised money for a fake homeless charity for veterans
  • Has several court judgements against him for not fulfilling catering services for clients, including standing people up on their wedding days and screwing over a youth church group
  • Stole from the Jimmy Fund
  • Tried to fight a guy in a parking lot for not showing him enough respect on a Facebook group
  • Wrote cookbook he had for sale which several people paid for and didn’t receive
  • Convinced his wife who is the sole breadwinner to sell her condo and move in with her parents in order to finance his business
  • Tried and failed to get an order on me and have me charged with a crime for knocking on front door of his wife’s parent’s home
  • Exploited death of Red Sox pitcher he didn’t know that well for likes on social media
  • Immediately tried to find new women online after losing in court and was identified on Facebook group used to ID dangerous men


16. Jason Moodley

  • After mother of his child died in a car accident he was the lone parent and had absolutely no idea how to be a father
  • After driver of car in girlfriend’s death was acquitted he caused a scene in the courtroom and attempted to make it all about him, which he does frequently
  • Invited me to hospital for tip about that accident in 2016, then berated me when I wrote about it
  • Screenshots of him using racial slurs in a private conversations were made public, which led to multiple musicians pulling out of pot event he ran and an organized boycott
  • Attempted to justify the racial slurs by telling one artist that he calls everyone racial slurs
  • This year he once again damaged his own brand by making a post calling military veterans “the biggest pussies on the face of the planet”
  • Has two older children with another woman who he does not have custody of
  • Used 6 year old daughter in commercials to promote his pot festival
  • Accused anyone who objected to his behavior of being a pedophile, which eventually led to abuse prevention orders being granted against him in Dudley District Court
  • Violated these orders several times, which led to criminal charges and warrants out for his arrest, and also picked up an OUI
  • Frequently violates court orders by posting on Facebook and believes that by doing so he is fighting for his daughter
  • Posted video having a meltdown while driving, complaining that the state took his daughter away from him and gave her to 2 pedophiles
  • Coached daughter to make false accusations against ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend
  • Had dozens of police calls and 51A reports filed by police after refusing to let his girlfriend break up with him
  • Threatened to kill himself and put hands on his daughter, costing him custody of his daughter
  • Accused mother of deceased ex-girlfriend of giving his daughter beg bud bites, and alleging that she was a drug addict after she got custody
  • Reached out to me asking for my help in “exposing serious government corruption,” by exposing DCF for wrongfully taking his kid and not protecting her, attacked dead girlfriend’s mother, accusing her of being a crackhead and exposing her to people who molested her
  • While on probation for violating restraining order he spiraled out of control on social media, harassed social workers at all hours of the night, and encouraged people to harass the GAL by posting her email address.
  • Said it was “hunting season” for government workers protecting pedophiles and that his story would be covered extensively by media sources, including Turtleboy.
  • Posted the phone numbers for his DCF workers and announced that he was organizing a protest at his next supervised visit with his daughter in early August, and even offered the first 50 people who joined the protest free tickets to his pot festival
  • Impersonated a Shrewsbury Police Officer, pretending to be a made up Lt named Sara Samakus (which is eerily similar to the name of his social worker) while harassing another woman




8. Woonsocket Gestation Jelly Roll vs 9. Councilor Crackzilla

8. Woonsocket Gestation Jelly Roll

  • Allowed abusive boyfriend she had an order on to continue living with her kids
  • Brought her 1 and 2 year old sons with her to party where she and Pubestached boyfriend both got blackout drunk, crashed at an intersection at 2 AM with their kids in the backseat, and now one of them is in critical condition.
  • She’s out on bail after being charged with a felony, and he’s being charged with violation of a restraining order.
  • Before going to jail she posted on her baby daddy’s Facebook page, asking him to take care of her kids, but forgetting that he died in 2021
  • Claimed to be a good mother after being arrested
  • Previously sent images of her children locked in a room so she could get drunk without tending to their needs


9. Councilor Crackzilla

  • Live streamed herself getting close to shooting victim’s corpse near her house before getting called out by family and removing video
  • Makes extremely cringe TikToks with daughter who she uses as a prop for likes
  • Wants to ban asphalt in Boston because it’s racist and leads to black people getting killed
  • Live streamed herself in Dorchester High School bragging about all the ways she used to skip school before barely graduating
  • Made Twitter account private after allegations surfaced that she had been involved in drunk driving incident that was covered up by rogue Boston cop
  • Denied smoking crack despite noticeable change in appearance, erratic behavior, and bags under her eyes in short period of time
  • Refused to comment on allegations, then blamed it on white supremacy
  • Sued Turtleboy for deformation, then hired scumbag attorney previously charged with strangling ex-wife, violating RO, and striking 2 kids



4. Braintree Bratworrst Bronco vs 13. Rochanna Buckley

4. Braintree Bratworrst Bronco

  • Google trophies for assault and battery on a family member, A&B with a dangerous weapon, A&B on a police officer, witness intimidation, and driving with a suspended license
  • Trained all her children to be useless shitbags who refuse to cooperate with police under any circumstances
  • Berated Braintree Police on Christmas Eve after her son was temporarily detained and later charged with stealing ATV’s
  • Live streamed herself yelling “He’s a f***ing pig. I know you like it you f***ing losah! Go f*** yourself, your mom, and every family member you have.”
  • Wrongly attempted to lecture the police about the law while urging her son not to cooperate and be as rude as possible to the cops
  • Told cop, “Trust me Walsh it’s gonna be all over the web. F***ed with the wrong one tonight mother f***er.”
  • Procreated with man previously featured for having sex with woman in car who ended up stabbing a bunch of people who were offended by this in a hotel parking lot
  • Urged co-conspirator kids to tell their parents to file complaints against police
  • “Under the constitution I have every right to sit there and tell you how much of a cock sucker I think you are.”


13. Rochanna Buckley

  • Spends all day on YouTube live streaming with other unemployed losers while pretending to run two businesses that don’t have any customers
  • Cheated on husband in backseat of a car but threatened to take the kids if her husband did not accept this arrangement
  • Teamed up with well known child abuser to conspire to take down Turtleboy in something called “Team Storm”
  • Was so concerned with TB’s private life that she sent a t-shirt to my house with a morbidly obese woman that contained a QR code to a Team Storm video
  • Claims to be working on massive criminal case that will send Turtleboy to jail
  • Wrote one of the funniest “cease and desist” emails of all time, claiming that I am attempting to intimidate her from cooperating in a criminal investigation against me for felony charges



5. Middleboro Mushroom Tip Moses vs 12. Chris Chomo and Millbury Handout Hippo

5. Middleboro Mushroom Tip Moses

  • Posted that her 19 year old daughter died from an overdose on a Facebook group for people looking for drug addicted family members who use fentanyl on Mass Ave
  • Said she needed a ride to the hospital on Cape Cod, but couldn’t afford to pay for one in a ploy to raise money
  • Daughter wasn’t really dead and she just wanted money to get high
  • She had done this before
  • Told people she just wanted to say goodbye to her daughter’s dead body and asked for help getting there
  • Refused offers to have Ubers paid for and only wanted cash
  • Lashed out at people who began asking questions
  • Has 4 charges in the last 2 years for stealing people’s credit cards to get cash from stores so her and “roommates” could smoke crack
  • Stole her coworkers credit card from Dunkin Donuts and withdrawing money from her account
  • Called family friend, pretended that her daughter needed medication, asked for a ride to the pharmacy, got that friend to pay for a meal, and then rewarded her generosity by stealing her credit cards
  • Has violated probation dozens of times with no consequences


12. Chris Chomo and Millbury Handout Hippo

  • Begged for Christmas gifts on Facebook group after kids aged out of Toys for Tots
  • Doesn’t work
  • Claimed her husband couldn’t work because he’s injured but forgot to mention he’s a registered sex offender who was convicted of raping a child with force, and indecent assault and battery on a person 14 or over
  • Decided to start family with sex offender despite previously being charged with sexual assault against an 18 year old, in a case in which he was convicted and sentenced to 2-5 years in jail in 2007
  • Claimed she was looking for seasonal help due to tough times, but has posted dozens of times all year round looking for free shit with sob stories
  • Always uses kids as bait for donos, such as free kayaks and empty beer cans



3. Elf on the Welf vs 14. Granite State Junkie Flunkie

3. Elf on the Welf

  • Midget from Lawrence who was upset because woman sold him her EBT card, said there was money on it, and ended up reporting the card as lost so he was forced to pay for his own blunts and 40’s
  • Complained about being unsatisfied with this illegal transaction in community Facebook group in order to warn other food stamp buyers about her
  • Aspiring rapper who goes by the name “El Chico Dollar”
  • Produced video which was really just a collection of photographs of Elf on the Welf posing as a drug dealing hardo who flashes large amounts of money and guns
  • Sells bootleg jewelry and stolen iPhones on Lawrence yard sale pages in order to pay the rent


14. Granite State Junkie Flunkie

  • Career criminal and former junkie who monetized fentanyl addiction recovery for hundreds of millions of dollars
  • Social media is almost exclusively dedicated to flaunting his wealth while referencing how he used to be a junkie
  • Close friend and employee was caught trafficking fentanyl across state lines, leading to cancellation of meeting with Mike Pence
  • Was awarded more than $3 million in no-bid contracts to house people waiting for treatment or in need of shelters due to close relationship with Governor Sununu
  • Impregnated drug addicted woman from one of his homes
  • Made a fortune off the opiate epidemic, receiving money from healthcare companies and the government (Medicaid) who referred patients to him
  • Sued NPR after accurate, well sourced story in which several female employees and addicts accused him of sexual misconduct
  • Constantly used snapchat to send unsolicited dick pics to women he had power over who were in recovery
  • Attempted to silence victims by threatening to sue NPR before their story came out
  • Told a woman in crisis that that sex was part of the 12 step process
  • Bullied former friends and employees into retracting statements by threatening attorneys on them
  • Likely hired someone to throw a brick through NPR reporter’s windows at parent’s home in Melrose
  • Business associate was arrested shortly after brick incident for badly beating a man who had information in Manchester



6. Fitchburg Fupa Pumpkin Pirate vs 11. Salem Tiktok Taco

6. Fitchburg Fupa Pumpkin Pirate

  • Caught on home video stealing an extremely large pumpkin off of someone’s porch
  • This was just one of several homes she hit up on her quest to acquire all the prized pumpkins in the Burg
  • Turned out to be aspiring plus sized model with fupa laden TikTok channel where she shakes jelly roles in basements and run down Fitchburg sidewalks
  • Pubestached boyfriend claims to be world famous DJ and record producer
  • Makes music that will give you ear cancer
  • After she was identified she immediately returned the pumpkins
  • Made up unbelievable lie that she was delivering groceries to these homes, and the whole thing was a misunderstanding


11. Salem Tiktok Taco

  • Made TikTok video where she threatened a bunch of 13 year olds who she claimed were mean to her son
  • Vowed deformation lawsuits from lawyer uncle
  • Messaged me, claiming not to be ratchet, and urging further deep dive into her background, turned out to be much more ratchet than I thought
  • Has 6 children constantly being bullies and in and out of court
  • Goes off in the tik tok claiming her son is getting harassed and threatened on snapchat to be jumped but that’s exactly what her daughter got arrested for doing when she was 14
  • Conceived 2 children with a Level 3 sex offender, guilty of rape and abuse of a child, and said this was OK because she had done her research and discovered that he was not in fact a child molester
  • Her and sex offender filmed themselves pulling a BB gun on their landlords who lived upstairs after they allegedly didn’t fix something
  • Did nothing to de-escalate the dangerous and volatile situation with her kids in the house as he defended their bedsheet curtain ratchet Alamo she swore like a trucker
  • Their 13 year old son had 59 absences from school, constantly got suspended for bullying other kids and destroying school property, has been arrested multiple times for serious offenses including robbing someone at knifepoint for $3, witnessed her revolving door of boyfriends get into domestic disputes with her, and was constantly neglected despite being at risk
  • Probation department filed a 51A with DCF against both parents. According to the document the family has a “long history with DCF.” Wyatt alleged that Michelle bought her son a BB gun that was used to shoot another child, and the court was concerned about the mental health of their 2 children because they were constantly exposed to “verbal abuse” between their parents
  • Procreated with man named Macho who messaged page to inform us that we “messed with the wrong one.”
  • Posted prank video of 10 year old daughter opening package she thought had headbands but really had a vibrator of Mom
  • Threatened my home in Woburn, which is not a place I’ve ever lived
  • Said it was actually me who is the bad parent because she read some stuff on the Internet about me being “rasist” from other ratchets who lost their kids to DCF
  • Constantly begging on Facebook for other people to pay for her kid’s cheerleading
  • Vowed deformation lawsuits
  • “These little mother f***ers that think they’re gang bangers, and mind you my son got mouth, not denying that. They talking about my son’s gonna die, they gonna kill my son, they gonna jump my son. Do y’all mother f***ers know who his mother is? Just wondering. Because I wish somebody would. Get your kids lady, get your kids.”



7. Auburn Trailer Park Troglodytes vs 10. Timbuk Tittoo and Buffet Burritos

7. Auburn Trailer Park Troglodytes

  • Mother of 4 who lives in a trailer park with 3 remaining kids and her dog Bruno.
  • Arrested alongside transgender son Jacob for spitting on Auburn police officers who turned her trailer into a crime scene when they found Bruno stabbed to death inside
  • Went on on Facebook proclaiming her innocence, accused APD of filing a false report against her, and announced that no one actually killed the dog
  • Had no explanation for why her dog was STABBED IN THE HEAD!
  • Named her 14 year old son Nizaiah, who is clearly a deranged dog killing devil child
  • Later claimed that her therapy dog who saved her life suddenly decided to attack her devil child unprovoked, and thus the devil child had no choice but to kill the dog
  • Has an assortment of Google trophies, including disturbing a school, resisting arrest, and a bunch of small claims and evictions
  • Blamed her 14 year old son in Facebook post for stabbing the dog, claimed that he only did so in self defense, and admitted to purposely misleading the police investigation in order to save her son from being charged with a felony
  • Claimed that the Auburn Police were harassing her since 2012
  • Says she is planning on suing DCF for taking her kids
  • Accused Auburn Public Schools of forcing her children to vote, because she doesn’t believe in voting


10. Timbuk Tittoo and Buffet Burritos

  • Forced children age 8-16 to drive to New York City to panhandle, despite none of them having a license, so that they didn’t have to get jobs
  • After 5 of them were killed in a midnight car accident they immediately made $67K off a GoFundMe that was shared in the media
  • One of the mothers is a face tattooed ratchet who got upset when people were donating to a GoFundMe that she was not able to control the money for
  • Turns out 5 of the 6 kids had the same Dad, but different Moms, and they were all living a polygamous lifestyle and never enrolled any of their kids in school



2. Worcester Non-Custodial Nonprofit Moms vs 15. Nigerian Nugget Nutter

2. Worcester Non-Custodial Nonprofit Moms

  • DCF Moms who claimed to have started a nonprofit called Proactive Families Advocacy, which purports to help crappy mothers who lost their kids to adoption or the foster system.
  • The three women running it all lost their kids at some point to the system, and one woman previously left her 8 year old child home alone until the police found him crying outside
  • Offered really horrible advice and counsel to women who thought they were learning how to get their kids back, but really it was just a way to vent about how corrupt DCF is
  • Immediately blocked Turtleboy when we attempted to ask why their nonprofit wasn’t on the AGO’s website
  • Filed for harassment prevention orders against Turtleboy for writing about their scam
  • After Davids were barely written in English, contained no allegations of harassment, said “defamation and slander” without explanation, and simply stated that they were mad I wrote a story that used their public images
  • After I beat them in court they confronted me outside the courthouse accusing me of federal Internet crimes, wrongly believed they were told by the Judge to sue me for deformation
  • Drug dealing baby daddy repeatedly threatened to come to my house in Holden to hurt me
  • Mocked me for not being able to afford a lawyer despite beating them on my own and coming to court without a lawyer themselves
  • Accused me of being a bad parent despite not seeing their kids in years


15. Nigerian Nugget Nutter

  • Athol pot shop owner who posted insane video outside his shop threatening to kill former employees and their family members
  • Said I’ll put a bounty on you. I’m from the street n***a!! If you EVER f*** with my business, I’M a dog you!! I’m a dog you!! I’m a f*** you!! I will dog you!! BANG, BANG!!! I’m a n****a bro!! “I will kill you!!! I will come from everybody!! Your whole family tree! I will BAM, BAM, BAM!! You f*** with me you f*** with the wrong n***a!
  • Previously arrested for exposing himself in Starbucks, despite being paraded around as a woke civil rights activist and youngest black pot shop owner in the country
  • In October was arrested by Athol Police for failing to show up for a court hearing to review his probation as part of a plea deal for another case he made in October
  • Woman alleged in a viral October LinkedIn post that he sexually harassed and assaulted her following a series of inappropriate texts and phone calls. She urged the CCC to revoke his license but they never did
  • Former employees have accused him of sleeping with staff, locking them in the store against their will under threat of being fired, manipulating security footage, vowing to only hire strippers with big asses, threatening to fight staff, and much more
  • Made an IG post stating that all missing money would be taken out of the paycheck of the General Manager (who claims the threats in the video were directed at him), and warned potential applicants to “think carefully” before applying for the job
  • Said that any employee who made a mistake would “see the other side of me and I promise you will not like it.”
  • Said sexual harassment will only be allowed if its consensual, and he encourages employees to marry each other
  • Likely robbed his own shops in elaborate GoFundMe scam from other store in Oregon
  • Vowed to only hire black people on his executive team, but couldn’t find any black people in Athol




Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries